Jul 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Good luck with the new effort, I'm sure it will work out. You've reached critical mass, now it's just about growth.

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Jul 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

These people! 🤢🤢

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Jul 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

It’s amazing how people can create rationalizations like that, and actually believe them.

When they don’t regurgitate MSNBC lines, like the guy saying why he thinks Americans don’t think the economy is good, you can see just how stupid they are

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And they think they are smarter, more intelligent, and FAR better informed. Part of the cult is to believe only approved information sources.

I used to be one of them, 16 years ago. Obama bamboozled me good in 2008, and he couldn't have done that if I hadn't been religiously following specific news sources and deliberately ignoring or refusing to believe others.

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Jul 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I lost faith in the Democrats after the Clinton years. I was at kids birthday party. The parents were all sitting around trying to force conversation. This was in 2007 and in liberal part of the country. The TV was on and Obama was being interviewed. The parents were just falling all over themselves in ecstasy. I said “one day that man is going to sell this country the biggest line of bullshit ever”. If looks could kill, I would have been long dead

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I first left the Dems in 1993 because of NAFTA. Stayed out till difficult times made me an easy mark for Obama, but once he compared billionaires to baseball players in 2009 I was done.

I backed Bernie in 2016 and 2020 because I really didn't know WTF else to do, but that experience taught me that whatever it is, it will not be found in the Democratic Party.

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Jul 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I left in 1994. I became an independent. I supported Bernie and even donated money to him. I feel like a fool now for trusting the democrats again

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Better to feel like a fool than to keep being a fool.

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Jul 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Talking zombies the cult Demolishocrats be. The walking dead. The echo chamber of mindless babble they all be. Not an original thought in their zombie brains. I could go on.

Jill Stein is my candidate of choice.

Genocide senile Joe gots to go. Fascist Trump probably our next idiot Prez sitting on his throne in self adulation with his merry man of proud boys keeping us revolutionaries in check with their AR15s. Vote for Jill.....please.

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I don't think too highly of the Greens, either, but I'm not going to criticize anyone who votes for Jill Stein this year, just like I won't damn anyone who votes Libertarian, or for RFK II, or even for Trump. We can't EVER just vote our way out of this late Empire mess we find ourselves living in.

IF I vote, I'll write in Cthulhu. No wimpy lesser evils for me!

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Jul 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I don't think highly of voting for mythical beings. But you be you...Cthulhu


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Jul 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I saw part of this when DD originally aired it. I had to hit mute part of the way through.

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Yah, it's like an audio DU.

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Jul 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

These ghouls are scary to say the least. What deluded shallow self caring people they are. How on earth they still justify this demented genocidal maniac is beyond sickening!!!! Instead to send him to hell and vote 3rd party for Jill stein they feel almost proud to support this criminal of war!! You should’ve asked them right away what do they think on the current genocide Biden is funding, proudly supporting and bowing to IsraHell giving it all the USA money. The Dem and Reps are absolutely the same, 2 corrupted thuggish parties owned by AIPAC 🤢🤮🤮🤮

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Jul 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Ps. And don’t even get me started when that woman dared to apostrophe Assange as a traitor!!!!!! For exposing all the bloody crimes the USA military do, simply repellent.

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All true. One weird thing to me is how some of them sound exactly like the Reaganites in the 1980s--if you're not doing well it's because you aren't working hard enough.

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Like high school, they have to be the cool kids in their circle (or cult) it seems.

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That woman could not really say what Biden has done for Americans. Because he has not done anything for Americans.

That cult sure is clueless.

I find it hard to believe that two people had $60,000 EACH in student debt cancelled. Heh, at DU, a couple of people bragged about cancelled student debt before it even happened. All bullshittery.

There was virtually no blowback or consequences on what Assange revealed about American war crimes. I do believe that his biggest sin, to Democrats, was publishing Hillary's emails. All the Dems I knew were ,and likely still are, incensed at how Assange did not work to get Hillary elected. That will never be forgiven. IMO.

Again, totally and frighteningly blandly clueless. And considering Colbert as news? WTF.

Haha, at first I heard "Jon Lovitz", not "Jon Lovett". I thought hey, this might be entertaining to watch. But nope.

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The war crimes dead air stunned me. We've gotten worse or as Alan Watts has stated (IgNORant) since Mei Lai in Vietnam.

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I watched this with a combination of horror and disgust. These people were massively indifferent to genocide, war, crime, bribery, incest, i.e., Joe Biden.

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Wow! I have been watching so much independent media and 'socializing' through the web with so many like-minded folks like readership here, who are apparently in the minority, I didn't realize how out-of-touch Amerikkka was......I do admit having friends of this ilk - I just avoid any discussion of politics....But this video - I don't know if this is a bigger indictment of middle Amerikkka, the political elites, or the US (mis)education/propaganda instituion - At the end of the day, I would say all of the above+ are guilty.

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I am so shocked by people insisting Assange is a “traitor.” He isn’t an American, so how exactly can he be a traitor?

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Eh. I'm no lover of Democrats, as you well know; but these "man-in-street" set-piece interviews are nearly always cherry-picked for the dumbest worst examples, if not outright fixed with accomplices. Anyone who gives an answer "too good" for the interviewers' motives winds up on the "cutting room floor".

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But look around, say the shit that needs said in your crowd be it work, bar room, or wherever. You will be mostly ostracized from my experience. The best propaganda machine in history

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

They were only "cherry picked" in the sense that they were all in line for a Pod Save America podcast live show. Never listened to it, but apparently it attracts main stream Dem party supporters.

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Do you have access to their unedited footage?

Do you know how many people they even talked to?

If you don't, your excuse falls flat.

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I was just pointing out that he wasn't really roaming around on the street doing interviews. He specifically targeted people at this event.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

The first couple were normie shitlibs, but oh god, the redditor at 7:45.

Edit: 😂 the poor fucking purse carrier at 15:45 😂 oh man, why even cling to life dude

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Oh, this is going to be good after I get done working on my broke dick 23 year old vehicle I have cut out for this moment of my well deserved weekend break!

Russ is all that, been watching him on Jimmy Dore and have subscribed to their newest efforts.


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I think I used to BE those people. Holy shit. What has happened?

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A digital friend wrote this yesterday. They weren't speaking about Dob's horrifying video, but...I think it applies, not just these people in line, but to us.

“Almost anyone can be turned into a Brownshirt, as decades of history and social science research have demonstrated.

I suspect the phenomenon has a lot to do with propaganda--and ostensible democracies need more of that than dictatorships, and not the other way around, and for obvious reasons: People in "free" societies need to be coerced rather than commanded. Most Americans watch an ungodly amount of OpEd media--and it's all OpEd, from FOX to NPR to Jimmy Dore to the NYT--that tells them what to believe, what to fear, what to pay attention to, what to consume, etc.

And despite our pretentious compulsion to call all this OpEd watching, "research," almost no one actual does any of that. How many people do you know ever read the federal budget, for example, or reports from the Government Accounting Office, or actual academic research from universities? Nobody does that, even though it would take no more time than watching a ballgame to do so. Why? Because it is hard and no one is entertaining you or massaging your ego by telling you that you are right while feeding you your daily dose of fear (of The Two Minutes Hate) that we've all become addicted to.

When one is being exposed to such a high degree of bias-confirming, fear-mongering, siloed messaging, one can't help but come to unquestioningly believe what it tells them. How else does one get otherwise decent, thoughtful people to become so scared and concomitantly go in for such abject, obvious bullshit as if it were Gospel Truth? To be an American is to willingly have your screen tell you what to believe and do. And when that messaging becomes so complete, unchallenged, and ubiquitous, it becomes unshakable faith and ideological identity that can't be dislodged by any data, argument, question, thought, or challenge to the point that it makes us intolerant and we can only take the position that one is "either with us or against us," as George W. and Jesus insist. 🙂 So disagreement must equal banishment, dismissal, eradication of "the other." We proudly call this Democracy.”

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Both sides think they are right. Both sides are misinformed by corporate media and succumb to daily propaganda in their individual algorithms. I believe we are a nation of narcissists. And I wouldn’t believe in anything if it wasn’t for my lucky astrology mood watch. Back to listening to birds on my porch here in East Bumfuck Egypt. Don’t believe everything you think.

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