This, ladies and gentleman and others, is the Democrat Cult. Russell Dobular of Substack and Rumble’s
just walked up to people who had paid $100 a ticket to see Pod Save America live and asked them some basic questions.It’s great. This is what these people actually sound like and how they think. This is how cultists act. Note where they all get their news—The New York Times, The Economist, NPR, and oh yes, BBC. Liberals think they’re so sophisticated because they watch the BBC.
One guy even said his favorite journalist was Jake Tapper. That’s how far gone these people are.
Some pause, as if trying to remember what their high priests told them to think about on the subject. Others had canned responses that anyone who pays any attention to the propaganda they consume sees coming three miles away.
I think how they respond is consistent, predictable, and revealing.
Russ could have cut them to pieces. He’s a sharp guy from New York City, a former producer of live plays, a former Bernie supporter and one of the seeming minority of Americans in social media who really would know if a Commie bit him on the ass.
So here’s the video, and if you have the time to watch it this 4th of July weekend I’d love to see what you think of it.
And now, an announcement for my little site. I will endeavor to post one video I that I think is worthy of comment or discussion once a week. I’ll comment on some, like I did on this one; others won’t need much comment at all.
I hope you all will enjoy this.
If you appreciate my work, please consider a monthly description or a one-time donation by buying me a beer to help me keep doing this.
Good luck with the new effort, I'm sure it will work out. You've reached critical mass, now it's just about growth.
Talking zombies the cult Demolishocrats be. The walking dead. The echo chamber of mindless babble they all be. Not an original thought in their zombie brains. I could go on.
Jill Stein is my candidate of choice.
Genocide senile Joe gots to go. Fascist Trump probably our next idiot Prez sitting on his throne in self adulation with his merry man of proud boys keeping us revolutionaries in check with their AR15s. Vote for Jill.....please.