9 hrs agoLiked by Ohio Barbarian

Obvious to anyone who looks at this blood drenched swamp we call our Government nearly A YEAR NOW🤯.Spot on as usual thank you. Its why imho its so important to get 3rd party In the game 100%. We are blessed w/ the actual choice of Jill Stein & Butch Ware. Im still convinced ( more now) they will F w/ the election worse than in 2016.🙏I think Greens have a real shot we all need to see about local 3 rd party & independents to stop this worsening duopoly chokehold

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8 hrs agoLiked by Ohio Barbarian

Good call, and I agree with the assessment that a move to call Israel to heel would certainly win the election for whichever faction the elites want next.

Can you imagine the kompromat that keeps treason the only option?

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In the words of the immortal Han Solo, I can IMAGINE quite a lot.

Not that I need to in this case. There's this story about a fellow named Epstein with strong ties to Israel who had this island... I'm sure you are familiar with it.

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8 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs agoLiked by Ohio Barbarian

As a Wisconsin voter and one-time co-chair of my county Democratic Party, I am not voting for Kamuddle or to re-elect Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), whose largest donor is the Zionist lobby K-Street. My vote will go to Jill Stein. Screw the Democrats. We have just one corporate party -- the uniparty known as the Republocrats.

And then there is this brutal reality ... excellent, concise 31-minute video on the control of the government -- not our government -- by the CIA. These young filmmakers did an excellent job. Catch the opening quote: 'The “Deep State” Explained' .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWxh2oS7Ays

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6 hrs agoLiked by Ohio Barbarian

my vote will also go Stein.They tell you to vote your values well I’m doing it.I am anti war and anticorporate so I damn

well won’t be doing the Camel Walk.

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Midwest and my home state of Michigan standing strong against genocide, can I get a witness?

Populist prairie radicalism is real. The populist rebellion of the 1890s that united urban left worker radicals, with more socially conservative rural agrarians through things like the Grange movement spooked the establishment to the core, and is likely why the establishment went all in on WWI. And the establishment is all in on war again, but the people whether urban and left leaning or rural and populist right don't want it. How can the people be heard to change the policy? Is yet another protest going to accomplish anything?

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Protest by boycott is the best tool we have right now. Just today, when my wife noticed some ice cold Starbucks coffee drink I really like in a store, I declined for the sake of BDS. It's not much, but multiply that non-purchase by a hundred million or so and Starbuck's feels it. Eventually, they will divest from Israel, as will McDonald's and most of the rest.

Boycott, never give up, and never shut up.

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Yeah getting Israel's lobbying groups like AIPAC that buy our politicians money out of our politics by getting them to register under FARA would help as well. That's what the act was intended for, not how it is sadly being used against a black socialist group who accepted some tiny donation from Russia.

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Good points as usual. Will be linking today as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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