I heartily sympathize with those whose views must be revised from time to time, and treasure them as well. If my views were a pair of jeans, they'd be more patches than pants.
I hope to sneak off for a fall siesta from the madhouse next week. In the meantime, I am reading something every American who cherishes the label should read.
Well, I skimmed it and mainly focused on the conclusions, but there's nothing in it not already known or at least suspected. Yes, they lied to us about Covid. I knew that as soon as they said there was no natural immunity to it, and especially after Bernie Sanders told his voters to stay home in March 2020 while Biden exhorted his to vote even if it killed them.
Plus there was Dr. Robert Malone and many other medical professionals who were persecuted for talking about basic immunology.
Still, it's nice to see things like this coming out. In this day and age, the truth is going to come out SOMEWHERE. It's simply too difficult to be repressed for long with today's information technology.
Yes, it was June of 2020 when facebook jailed me for the first time. I copy-pasted a graphic from the CDC site showing ILI-net bumping up for the usual round of mid-spring coronavirus infections, followed by a drop to near-zero below baseline symptomatic viral infections of any kind in June. Until then I had mistaken the pandemic response for the usual clueless agency panic.
I had high hopes for this report, and read it through, but it is mostly lip-syncing the lite version on a What Went Wrong response. Fauci and Birx didn’t do this by mistake, they were groomed for their roles and no doubt richly rewarded. We don’t a need a See, We Were Right report, we need prosecutable evidence.
Enjoy your autumn trees of colours trip.
And it is OK to hug a few trees as well.
I heartily sympathize with those whose views must be revised from time to time, and treasure them as well. If my views were a pair of jeans, they'd be more patches than pants.
I hope to sneak off for a fall siesta from the madhouse next week. In the meantime, I am reading something every American who cherishes the label should read.
I would really like to hear your views on this report, OB.
Well, I skimmed it and mainly focused on the conclusions, but there's nothing in it not already known or at least suspected. Yes, they lied to us about Covid. I knew that as soon as they said there was no natural immunity to it, and especially after Bernie Sanders told his voters to stay home in March 2020 while Biden exhorted his to vote even if it killed them.
Plus there was Dr. Robert Malone and many other medical professionals who were persecuted for talking about basic immunology.
Still, it's nice to see things like this coming out. In this day and age, the truth is going to come out SOMEWHERE. It's simply too difficult to be repressed for long with today's information technology.
Yes, it was June of 2020 when facebook jailed me for the first time. I copy-pasted a graphic from the CDC site showing ILI-net bumping up for the usual round of mid-spring coronavirus infections, followed by a drop to near-zero below baseline symptomatic viral infections of any kind in June. Until then I had mistaken the pandemic response for the usual clueless agency panic.
I had high hopes for this report, and read it through, but it is mostly lip-syncing the lite version on a What Went Wrong response. Fauci and Birx didn’t do this by mistake, they were groomed for their roles and no doubt richly rewarded. We don’t a need a See, We Were Right report, we need prosecutable evidence.
Fauci should be rotting in prison as far as I’m concerned.