Video: Democults Embrace Cheney & Empire, and a Lesson on Aristotle
Featuring Due Dissidence
Both Keaton Weiss and Russ Dobular make some great observations during this feature of Chris Matthews gushing over the heroism of Liz Cheney for giving up power in the House to stand with $kamala.
As Russ said, Liz Cheney was born a rich bitch and will die a rich bitch, so there is absolutely no heroism involved. I picked this video because Russ went on the same journey I did, from believing people like Chris Matthews and Morning Joe to absolutely despising everything they represent, and he mentions it.
I think it’s worth watching all the way through just because of their comments, and the best observation comes from Russell Dobular at the end, where he trots out Aristotle’s thoughts on the usual fate of oligarchies, which impresses the hell out of me.
He’s read Aristotle’s The Politics? Impressive. BTW, that’s a good read. Aristotle talks about all the models of governance known to the ancient Greeks and what’s screwed up about each of them, and his critiques are as valid today as they were 2500 years ago.
I hope you enjoy the video, and have a great Saturday. My wife and I are taking a mini-road trip to the east to take in the turning leaves of autumn, so I’ll be out of pocket till later. There’s no point in living in this part of the country if one doesn’t take the time to appreciate autumn.
Enjoy your autumn trees of colours trip.
And it is OK to hug a few trees as well.
I heartily sympathize with those whose views must be revised from time to time, and treasure them as well. If my views were a pair of jeans, they'd be more patches than pants.
I hope to sneak off for a fall siesta from the madhouse next week. In the meantime, I am reading something every American who cherishes the label should read.