deletedMar 12
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Where did I praise Trump? I reread what I wrote; nope, not once. I did praise the Supreme Court for having basic reading skills, and for interpreting the Constitution correctly, IMO.

Trump is clearly the beneficiary, but the Democrats should have never tried to prosecute their way to victory.

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Mar 12Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Another excellent wrap up. I hope this pace isn't too hard for you, I could handle these bi-weekly if you wanna slow down a little hehe.

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I just kind of start from where I left off, and when I am around the email limit I just post it. I figure more people will read a short post than a long one.

I originally planned on doing one or two Reflections posts a week, but sometimes there's just so MUCH happening within a couple of days, I can't help myself.

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Mar 12Liked by Ohio Barbarian

That's great news, I'm glad you're not pushing yourself, but rather letting it happen organically. I'm glad you're comfy. Carry on.

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Mar 12Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I suspect, based on the swelling of events surrounding us, this will fill your mind and flow to ye fingers fer a long, long run..... Arrrr!!!

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Not quite. I will still avoid the internet entirely some days just to stay sane.

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A few 'thinking out loud' comments....The first thought that came to me when I read your comment about the 'minor isolated fire on the HMS Queen Elizabeth' - was it an accident? I will leave to you OB - though an old salt, I had no sea duty(ies)....Just sayin'. And yet one more. It seems to me that the application of 'cult' doesn't just apply to Democrats anymore....Have you ever talked to anti-Zionist RFK supporters? Had lunch with one yesterday and related Max Blumenthal's observation that RFK, jr's run will hurt Trump more than Biden - wondering about astro-turfing...But back to the hero worshiping...Blumenthal identifies some of the logic-defying reasons/ contortions that RFK supporters undergo - JFK was anti-Zionist (Ted Kennedy was not); his anti-vacine challenges, the likelihood that he's being black-mailed but will change once elected....When I pointed out how many politicians (exhibit A Obama) went back on promises once elected, the friend pointed out how Obama was CIA all along....etc., etc.

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Mar 12Liked by Ohio Barbarian

As I understand it, Nutjobyahoo is prime minister, and Hertzog is president, my friend.

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You're right. Thanks. I'll fix that.

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OB, I wish that I shared your opinion that Israeli leadership is being short-sighted, implying that Israel will be punished in some manner or fashion the foreknowledge of which would change its present policy in Gaza and the West Bank, which is genocide. Unless the world outside of the U.S. Blobpire actually acts against Israel in ways that at least mimic what the Houthis are doing, this genocide will be largely successful. The U.S. will continue to “stand with Israel.” This means that the UN and ICJ will continue to have no effect whatsoever on Israel. Hamas will survive amidst the rubble in Gaza, but so what? Israel SUPPORTED Hamas for many years before Oct. 7, 2023. Why not after the genocide of non-Hamas Palestinians is as complete as it will get? Which is the REAL point of all of this, and which a massive majority of Israeli Jews and their U.S. ‘supporters’ know damned well is the point of all of this.

I would love to be wrong, even if the long-term negative consequences for the Israeli state won’t bring back any of the dead, or what will be the fatally wounded Palestinian nation, such as it existed prior to Oct. 7, much less prior to 1948. What do you believe the long-term negative consequences will be for Israel post-genocide?

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I think Israel will be no more and that there will be a majority rule state there within 20 years. Boycott, Divest and Sanction will come to America. Once it catches on, and it will, Israel is doomed.

It will fall quicker than apartheid South Africa did. As for the Israelis themselves, many will ironically emigrate to the US, most will stay and accept the new situation, and probably start making a ton of money in short order.

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Love the library that accepts cat photos for library fines. Too bad the Toledo-Lucas County Library System no longer charges us any fines whatsoever. We can check out things literally forever! My cat is gorgeous and his photos are worth a bundle, IMO. Wonder if Krogers would accept them as payment for food? Hmm...

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You have Kroger? We have Giant Eagle, same thing. And the Cleveland area libraries quit charging fines during the pandemic and never resumed them.

Cute cat pix for food? Who knows? Empires can collapse in some very funky ways. Just ask the Brits.

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Mar 13Liked by Ohio Barbarian

“What an android-looking MFer he is.” This shit killed me 😂😂😂

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Mar 14Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Thankfully OB ended with a cute cat photo, the most effective antidote to the sight of Zuckerberg.☺️

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Thank you for noticing! Every time I see Zuckerberg, I think of what a perfectly good Borg drone he would make.

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