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Sep 1, 2023
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I empathize. West calls himself a "revolutionary Christian," and leading with love and compassion is a good voter outreach strategy. Insults, whether intended or not, aren't.

I've long respected Dr. West, and think he is a man of integrity. But to succeed in politics, one must also be capable of a Machiavellian ruthlessness, and he seems to lack that. If he stays true to his principle that he is "just a moment in a movement," he can be a positive and galvanizing political force.

If he thinks his integrity is better served by supporting a Democratic candidate, ANY Democratic candidate now IMHO, he will be unable to accomplish that. He's already shown he can learn as he goes, so all I can say is that we shall see.

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Sep 1, 2023
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Yes, indeed. That story, and the parable concerning rich men, camels, and needles, are my favorites from the New Testament.

Though the coming back with a sword bit is pretty cool, too.

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I love it! This is valuable information painting a picture we should all be studying carefully!

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Well, so much for my trip. Seems my friend had some sort of health emergency. So I'm out of a night's hotel charge. Downright sucks all round, it does.

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My hope is your friend will recover soon, and you can visit him then. It is always interesting to talk with people who have first-hand knowledge of a place, person, or event.

As far as Cornel West goes, there is no way he is going to be elected. The business community will not stand for it. His cover are his religious beliefs, meaning he is being directed by a higher being. That is how George W. Bush attained national recognition. Even Donald Trump attempted the same by just holding up a bible. West, with his religion in hand, will not sway the Evangelical Christianity for many reasons. Mainly having to do with economic class and top down power. West purpose is to be a (wishful) voice.

Others running for the Presidential Office seems to be in lock-step with corporate power or some other drawback. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is one of those in the “Other” category. His outlook on the Middle East is missing points to the extent of being convoluted. As for the Republicans, they want to all go into Mexico with a contingent of the Marines to take over the government and all mineral rights under the guise of, “The War on Drugs!” One is just sad, the other is sadly laughable.

As Donald Trump goes, is showing the clown he is by making a stupid face while getting a mugshot and putting it on a tee-shirt. It is true that Trump is being lawfare six ways to Sunday. One article and/or investigation of the corrupted Joe Biden, another trail date for Donald Trump. It is my hope the prediction by Tucker Carlson of Trump being assassinated does not come true. Upon an event of that nature, the U.S.A. and many other parts of the world will become ungovernable.

Speaking of assassinations, the Biden Administration blocking RFK from Secret Service protection while campaigning is truly chickensh*t. This shows exactly what kind person Biden really is.

Now speaking of Biden, he is doing his best to burn the world down to the ground, both locally and abroad. At the same time, while paying up to many (toxic) industries, Biden is pissing off a lot of people. The idea of Kamala Harris doing heavy lifting and the road trip of a campaign effort is a strategy of failure. Harris is the last person the U.S. Public want to hear from. My feeling is Biden's own legal problems and an inability to campaign will bring an end to his lifelong public service. But, Democrat's will not stop there, they have too much invested in the global dominance initiative under a complex bullsh*t narrative. If the narrative collapses, so does the power play. There maybe a last substitution of Biden for Gavin Newsom (or someone like him) in the works.

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I don't think that Biden is in any legal danger, because the Congress suffers from TDS. So

no impeachment inquiry. If they succeed in convicting Trump, we have lost most of the

Constitutional rights. In that I agree with Turley.

In the end it makes no difference for whom people vote. We are controlled by corporations

and Wall Street. The WEF is openly admitting it, while the Bilderberg Society hides in

secrecy with the same aims. Perhaps our bankruptcy due to BRICS+ may get our people

to revolt, but that seems years away. It would need the upper middle class to fall into

abject poverty to get them out of their comfort zone.

I just heard that the people in Maui say that 2000 children are "missing" as well as ~900

others, but there was enough money to build a fence and surround the town with a large

amount of police.(Vanguard?)

The water in Flint is still not drinkable and the rivers in Palestine, Ohio, are still toxic.

Nothing to see here, just move on. Ukraine needs the $25 billion to keep suiciding.

I am told to forget my gas heater and oven, because they could harm my health. To

turn to electricity means higher bills; but that's okay ,because the electricity is probably

produced by Wyomings coal. That's really green.

However, let's no complain. After all who wants to live in a sane world?!

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Not me. I'm shocked whenever sanity does crop up. Like today.

In Texas, it became state law that no local government, school district, business, ANYBODY, could mandate Covid restrictions on anyone.

First time my home state's done something so...wonderfully Texan in so long I'm in a state of shock. I might have to get a Lone Star flag now, just for that.

Not to mention to tell DeWine that that's a really good idea which would be VERY popular in Ohio.

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First, about Maui: People in power (government and corporate) need to be held responsible for others under their rule being burned to death. Whether accidental or purposeful, it is beyond all logic the failure after failure of sequential events could occur. To compound matters, there were emergency manuals written for such events which were ignored. Something is very wrong without going deep into the matter.

About the 2,000 children missing, not presumed dead by officials. They were sent home by school officials without notifying their parents first. I do not know policies in Hawaii, here in California, before sending a child home from school in California, a parent must be contacted first. Another added to the list of ignoring the emergency manual.

Getting back to President Joe "I never burned anyone" Biden: When the judge threw out Hunter Biden's plea deal, the entire case was laid open for review. The plea deal also covered Hunter Biden's also covered pending charges of 'Not Registering as a Foreign Agent' and 'Racketeering (Shake Down Money).' What was revealed in Hunter Biden's Laptop, Hunter in an e-mail to his sister complained half of his money in his business affairs went to the family. That means anybody who received money from Hunter Biden also needs to be charged with 'Not Registering as a Foreign Agent' and 'Racketeering.' Also, the IRS may want to further into the money trial. This plea deal was not just about Hunter Biden, it is also about Joe Biden.

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It never occurred to me that Cornel West might actually win the election. That's not the point. The point is to create a political alternative for the working class, or at least to jumpstart the process. It may or may not be the Green Party in the long run.

What it CANNOT be is the Democratic Party.

Yeah, it's possible the DNC will go with somebody like Newsom. I'd love it if they tried. The Governor of California. That'll work well. Trump's lines write themselves.

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I doubt if they shoot Trump.They don’t have to.His various trials and prosecutions may accomplish the same end and be so much less messy.

Marianne is the candidate I would back in a primary,because she is backing the Bernie economic agenda.The name of the person advocating for a return to the New Deal is not important.The agenda is.

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