Mar 20·edited Mar 20Liked by Ohio Barbarian

WRT to the first entry, that may have been for the best. If Trump is controlled opposition the plan may have been to spark a larger conflict between the police and the protestors. Cops certainly suck at de-escalation. I think we're better off with the mostly harmless tour we got than something like an American tiananmen square.

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Mar 20Liked by Ohio Barbarian

As for wpath see also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nulK60b1lnA

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Yah, there's a bunch coming out now. It's over for the T-fad.

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Mar 20Liked by Ohio Barbarian

At least the parrot story wasn't depressing. Thanks. 🦜

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Good job. Lots of info there, eh? The top one gets noticed first, of course. This Trump info was "new" to me. You say: Look not at Drumpf but rather should thou look at "...those who wanted to expand the unaccountable Capitol Police nationwide, and to fool voters into thinking that a snake-oil salesman named Donald is the Fascist threat instead of Liz, daughter of Dick, and the Democratic Party itself." I buy the general thrust of this, although it is not all that clear (Capitol police?). But the new info for me is that Trump, according to this, was not planning a coup. I think a coup would have been stupid. So this gives one a slightly different perspective. My current idea about him is that Trump is a person of not such big brains. Since he be no genius, and he knew this, he made a conscious decision, based on the tabloid coverage in the seventies, to just be a big fu*king phony. In the book "The Truth about Trump" for example this is period was discussed. He loved the tabloid coverage of his "affair." He loved the attention. But, seriously. Planning to do WHAT on Jan 06????!

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Good questions. The Capitol Police were expanded nationwide in reaction to 1/6, or rather I think 1/6 was planned as a pretext. They are completely unaccountable to anyone, and can go after anyone who is perceived to be a threat to a congresscritter.

I think Trump just wanted one last big Hurrah because he loves attention and people telling him he's wonderful. Just keep in mind that from July 2020 on, the media was saying that Trump would not allow the peaceful transfer of power, and yet only a normal crew of Capitol Police were deployed on 1/6.

Why is that? Why did the Congressional leadership refuse to take precautions?

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Mar 23Liked by Ohio Barbarian

The Dem Party gained from the attack not unlike Israel gained from the 10/7 attack.

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I like the story about the 'Romulan eyebrows'......Hochul must be striking for Pelosi....

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She's sure striking for Big Tough Protective Boss Woman for the State of New York.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I bet Toledo is the second most polluted city in Ohio next to Columbus. My lungs and asthma symptoms give evidence of this!

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Very interesting points on Trump and January 6th. Isn't it amazing how such facts are kept buried for over three years.

As to the trans issue... I was a psychotherapist for over twenty years in several hospital systems in two states, working inpatient, outpatient and residential care and for most of that time working almost exclusively with adolescent clients of all economic backgrounds. In all those years and thousands of patients I had exactly two -- TWO -- identify as transgender and both of them had serious psychiatric issues.

What is happening with teens -- and younger -- and girls in particular, is a disgrace. We are seeing social contagion, not revelation of some natural transgender emergence.

The standard in my former profession is now "affirmative care" for trans clients, which, mandates a therapist to -- essentially -- affirm, endorse and encourage a client to embrace their thoughts of being the other gender.

That would like a drug addict saying to a therapist, "I am a drug addict and I completely accept I am a drug addict and I'm going to be the best damn drug addict I can be" and expecting the therapist to affirm, "Okay, it's great you can embrace your addiction, now let's see if there are some new substances you should consider using to improve and embrace and expand your brave addictive identity"

Under current circumstances, counseling and medical professionals cannot be expected to do their job. As we are seeing transgender clinics getting shut down for dangerous and unethical practices in Europe, I hope the fever will break here in the US.

Now, are there transgender people? Absolutely, and they deserve respect. But it is an adult decision. It used to be before any medical treatment, clients would have to engage in 2-3 years of intensive psychotherapy to make sure there weren't other issues and for the client to carefully and thoroughly explore and understand all the ramifications of gender change. Now, in many transgender clinics there is a mandate for two to three therapy SESSIONS before administration of hormones or even surgery.

If anyone is dealing with this issue in their family, I recommend the book "Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters" by Abagail Shrier. It is an EXCELLENT resource.

Just came across this Breaking Points segment: "MEDICAL MALPRACTICE On KIDS?! WPATH Files EXPOSE ALL: Michael Shellenberger"


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Mar 21Liked by Ohio Barbarian

For some reason my comment got cut off:

explore and understand all the ramifications of gender change. Now, in many transgender clinics there is a mandate for two to three therapy SESSIONS before administration of hormones or even surgery.

If anyone is dealing with this issue in their family, I recommend the book "Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters" by Abagail Shrier. It is an EXCELLENT resource.

Just came across this Breaking Points segment: "MEDICAL MALPRACTICE On KIDS?! WPATH Files EXPOSE ALL: Michael Shellenberger"


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Mar 21Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Im a psychotherapist in private practice. I broadly agree with what you have stated here. I would just add this: the client I have seen who identify as trans all (a small sample of less than 10 in 11 years of practice, but, yes, all) have a significant trauma history. There is also a correlation with autistic traits. My hypothesis is that we are looking at a form of dissociation influenced and exacerbated by a combination of disintegrating social structures, attachment and physical trauma histories, and tech use.

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Agreed. Good points. Social media can also play a role in this increasingly fragmented, isolated society.

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Thanks. I was tempted to add that LGB's and adult T's have nothing to worry about because nobody really cares anymore, but if you're a child identifying as a cat and insisting on a litterbox in the classroom, well, playtime is over.

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Very good read and observations. Linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Mar 21Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Good article! Thank you for sharing. I feel that the powers at play wanted January 6 to “happen “ and that’s why Pelosi, McConnell and others refuse the offer by Trump to call in the national guard for that day. So much has not been made clear about that day, still. I do know this, the only person actually killed that day was a veteran who served her country, Ashli Babbet and she was killed by a cop. So sad.😞😢

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We saw it live. After the BLM riots, it was nothing. We saw what the crowd did as soon as the DC cops started showing up in force in riot gear. The crowd just...moseyed off.

It was the politest bunch of "rioters" I ever did see, and my great-grandfathers who fought in the Civil War have something to say about what an insurrection is.

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Mar 21Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Ohio has always been a leader in pollution. Remember when we had the inflammable river and the dead lake. But where does the air pollution come from in Columbus? Never any factories in Columbus besides Timken, which closed. Must be FETID air from OSU, Battelle, and the State House.

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People eat fish from the Cuyahoga River and Lake Erie now; that's how much it's been cleaned up. Columbus is the largest city in the state, Franklin County is #1 in population, and lots and lots of cars and trucks on lots and lots of freeways.

It must mix with all that fetid hot air rising from the city center and form a kind of toxic haze.

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Mar 21Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Not gonna lie.

I think the Irish care more about the thousands of immigrants being brought in and destroying their heritage rather than a war thousands of miles away.

Whether you think that’s right or wrong is up to you.

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If I was an Irishman, I imagine I'd be more concerned about what was going on in my own country. It's not hard for me to imagine. I have cousins in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, right along the Mexican border.

I do find it interesting that the future former Taoiseach compared the famine in Gaza to the Irish Potato Famine right to Joe Biden's face just a few days earlier. I'm sure the Empire is not amused with him.

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Mar 22Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Well it doesn’t help the ex Irish prime minister that he tried to lawfully change the definitions of family and women and the Irish people voted and basically told him to do one lol.

Don’t get me wrong, they will be thinking about the death and destruction.

But they had too much time under British rule to allow the government/ world government to allow what they see as foreign invaders into their country and change things again.

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Thank you. I don't know very much about that particular bit of top-down social engineering in Ireland. I would hope the Irish would resist this type of foreign domination.

I mean, this trans movement didn't exactly start in the hills of County Cork, now did it? And it certainly wasn't an Irish idea to destroy first Libya, then Iraq, then Syria, and then to wonder why all these refugees keep coming.

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You prodded my curiosity, and I saw Russell Brand's video on the referenda. Jayzus. What an outrageous piece of social engineering the Irish political class tried to impose!

Well, good for the Irish. As George W. Bush said of his party's defeat once upon a time in an antiwar vote for the other prowar party, "That was a whoopin'."

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Mar 23Liked by Ohio Barbarian

"President Trump authorized up to 10,000 National Guard troops to be present in Washington on 1/6/2021, but the Mayor of DC [a Democrat] refused to request them." Two things: Why would a Republican suppress this data unless they were looking for favors from the Dem Party?

Secondly: I felt all along that the Democrats did too little to protect the WH. The why seems obvious. No surprise that the NYT missed this story.

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