Jul 24·edited Jul 24Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Wonderfully said.Nutty’sspeech isn’t really important either,he is just thanking Congress for his handouts. As for the Camel,it remains horrifying to see Democrats credit her with saving the party and possibly placing stars in the sky. As Hillary is just an intelligent Sarah Palin,so the Camel is a pretty version of Hillary.

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Jul 24Liked by Ohio Barbarian

That whale was saying "get off my lawn"! 🐳

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Jul 24Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Fantastic, as usual! Thanks!

I think it is so funny that BLM said hey, Kamala is no African American! Her mother is from India, her father is Jamaica, looks like her grandfather or whoever was a slave owner from England. BLM wants an actual delegate vote. Maybe Obama and Hillary still have some tricks up their sleeves, albeit for different purposes.

Patrick Lawrence has an excellent recounting of the damage Biden has done and would be continued by Harris.


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If being African-American means that you are descended from an African who was enslaved in the United States, then I am more African-American than Kamala(an Indian name) is because I am descended from one of those people.

It was about 350 years ago, and there's only the one African ancestor, so I'm a whopping 1% probably Angolan, but I'm still more Black American than Harris is.

I do, however, have one thing in common with her! Both Kamala and I are directly descended from slaveowners. But she's got me beat. She's descended from one of the largest slaveowners in Jamaica. The most my family ever had was one guy with 40 in 1860 Alabama, so she's from bigger money than I in that category as well all the others.

Plus, her English ancestor's plantation never got burned down by both slaves and poor local white people during a civil war. She's not Black American, and never even claimed she was before she decided to run for President.

In fact, she publicly deprecated Jamaica a few times, to such an extent that either her father or his family denounced her for it. I'll have to dig that one up some time. Kamala doesn't even think of herself as African-American, because she's not.

It's just a bad act.

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Patrick Lawrence - one great analyst/writer. Can never read enough of his work.

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These Jews will be the one to convert to Christ, Catholic faith.

The bad ones , Catholic monarch

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KILLARY! What's the body count?

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Oh no there's a big black car in front of my house and some guys getting out

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Jul 24Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Rose McGowan, to Hillary Clinton - “Hillary Clinton, you are a shadow leader in service of evil. You are the enemy of what is good, right, and moral. You represent no flag, no country, no soul. You eat hope. You twist minds”.

Nailed it.

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Jul 25Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Did she actually get to say that to Hillary? BRAVO!

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Simply marvelous coverage of the Netanyahu event in DC....It seems that late breaking news is happening faster than it can be recorded.......fun to watch. And thanks for the heartwarming news about the whale in my former state of NH...A few things that I'm noting on the positive side - although their impact will take a long time to unfold, they are signs that while things in the US are declining, things in the row are getting better for the resistance and multi-lateralism. Among the things noted this week, besides the impact of the ICJ ruling, China hosted 14 Palestinian factions (+observers) in Beijing and got them to agree to unite in a single front with goals being those as expressed through recent ICJ ruling and UN resolutions - the meeting in China was a follow-on to that initiated weeks earlier by Russia but less formalized in writing. But the fact that Russia/China are on board, BRICS + won't be far behind....Egypt/Algeria are mentioned as participants in these goals...Wish I could be more specific but paraphrasing is the best I can do....As I've seen/read excellent discussion of the ongoing development in the Palestine side of international law, it has been said that the law theories are one thing, but Israel/US would never comply unless forced....Well China/Russia kind of backing I think in the long run indicates their patience is not infinite.

On $kamala.....I had this insight and a referral to pass on....Apparently in 2020, Caleb Maupin wrote a scathing review of her and why we should all be afraid....Well, not surprisingly Amazon, et. al. took down references to same while keeping up all the Russiagate disinformation such as that produced by Luke Harding....Maupin's book is nowhere to be found, but I did find an interview on the same subject which Maupin supplied on youtube in 2020....explains a lot about Kamala and why we should be afraid as well as others such as the Democratic Party's DEI /war criminal Samantha Power, among others. https://youtu.be/wTElOcUJ5Z0

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I knew I forgot something, and it was the Palestinian meeting in China. What's kinda weird is that Israel has made the two-state solution impossible, which means the final solution(pun intended) isn't massacre but a secular, majority-rule Palestinian state with a large Jewish minority.

You caught the theme of my post--what's coming undone is the US Empire itself, and the illusions which it has projected for so long and have less and less in common with material reality, so that more and more people around the world and at home are seeing through them.

You're right--this process is being accelerated by technology that our oligarchy is simply unable to control.

As for $kamala, you had me at Samantha Power. That Certified Vampire of the Empire has a long, bloody track record that no mere werewolf could ever hope to match.

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On the point you made about the empire's 'coming undone'....this thought just occurred to me as I listened to the UN Secretary General rebut some of Israel's claims about minimizing civilian deaths....yada, yada, yada....It seems to me that since February 2022 the beginning of the SMO, the very nature of Russia's SMO, was leading the rest of the world in saying to the US/Israel, 'enough is enough' of this might makes right rules based order....Other statements have followed, from the trickle with things like South Africa going to the UN and the ICJ to the Houthis, to Venezuela and on and on...Russia is standing up to the West and NATO, the Houthis, Hezbollah.....They are showing that the US/NATO were only capable of militarily challenging weaker countries of the global south, that Israel was only capable of bullying women and children but not Hamas/Hezbollah. I do hope-believe that with all of these actions that the trickle will become an avalanche....the ICJ, the UNGA, and on and on.....

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The breakdown of the American hegemonic order cannot be stopped, any more than the collapse of the Soviet Union or the British Empire could be stopped.

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It seems like only yesterday, the only war criminals that the UN went after were the Africans or the Slavs...To be calling out Israel/the US takes real balls. I've been observing statements (as I heavily paraphrase) from Russian diplomats that the UN judicial bodies were the only 'international law' authorities and they/China and many non-aligned countries joining them (i.e. loosely formed coalition 'Friends of the UN') have never wanted to throw the baby out with the bathwater. But having said that observing the UN's history, Security Council, etc. its authority has long been abused as a tool for US hegemony. It looks like this is one more tea-leave sign that this is changing.

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Jul 25Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I just saw that Assad is in Moscow. And something that said China is quitting the World Bank.

Also last week Zelensky cut off Russian oil to Slovakia and Hungary, and they are threatening retaliation. Zelensky is getting more reckless and thus more dangerous, IMO.

The existing info about Kamala is horrendous. I wonder if the DNC did not bother to vet her, or if they are so sure they have the election locked in, whether by electronic means or empowering millions of non-citizens to vote, or by getting rid of Trump, that they just do not care. Looks like she has started the blatant lying part of a Dem campaign.

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Yes, all of the above....things are happening so quickly, it's hard to catch up...Good thing I'm getting my relocation to the DC area over (both pluses and minuses - er is it a good thing)....But to me the latest revelation of the corruption is that the criminal deep state guru Christopher Wray yesterday had the audacious nerve to claim that Russian hacking was ongoing and threatening our so-called 'democracy'....The Russophobia / TDS is all the corrupt Dems have.

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Don't be so sure they care about winning. It is entirely possible they only care about keeping the grift flowing for a very lucrative election season. All those ads for and contributions from Blue MAGA! The billionaire oligarchs wouldn't tolerate Biden because he was an impossible sell, and that's the ONLY reason they pulled him.

And/or they think that maybe $kamala can keep it close enough to rig. I really don't think she can. I think her high water mark is right now.

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Jul 25Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I can see that. And I remember the contract the DNC required candidates to sign - TYT had/has a PDF of it somewhere - wherein a HUGE percentage of campaign funds were earmarked to DNC-chosen media buyers and consultants. Not saying the RNC is any different, but the DNC is basically a huge pig trough.

Van Jones just said that he was on a call with 20,000 black men and the phrase 'protect the sister" came up a thousand times. One, Kamala is not actually black, as BLM says, two - that's just five percent, I think, and three - Jimmy Dore would like to know which phone plan enables a 20,000 person conference call. The circled wagons are full of hysteria, it seems to me. I wonder if there is a way for Obama to get his pick, Mark Kelly, into play.

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The Holy O likes Kelly, huh? Well, he IS a “moderate.” The old school smart pick is Shapiro of Pennsylvania, simply because $kamala cannot win without Pennsylvania, and she’s from California, so the governor of PA is the more geographically diverse choice.

Or maybe they figure more grift will flow if they go with Kelly because he was an astronaut or something. It’s not like they give a shit what their voters think, anyway.

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Thank you! How telling that the visit had to be conducted in secrecy. Wise move. the Middle East gets scarier and scarier. And, IMO, the US did it.

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Jul 25Liked by Ohio Barbarian

What was not to like about this missive of yours, OB? I learned that inDEED, what Biden had to say tonight was like an elephant giving birth to a mouse, only with a slur... I also want one of those "war criminal" signs to be plastered down every step of the hallway that Netanyahu has to take to get to his cock-roach infested room. (I hope every one of them takes a shit under his room door).

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"Elephant giving birth to a mouse, only with a slur." LOL. Well, at least $kamala doesn't slur, but she DOES squeak!

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Jul 25Liked by Ohio Barbarian

She should have been called Thunder/lightning Mace.

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