Jul 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I used to subscribe to Caitlin J’s Substack but I found it to be mostly handwringing (good quality, but handwringing nonetheless). How many ways can you call attention to obvious horror? Shall we all watch continuously in morbid fascination? Yes, witnessing is important. Yes, calling attention to the atrocities is important. However, writing about it constantly from every minute angle does fuck all to stop the violence. I’m a psychotherapist by trade, so I swim in trauma most days. There’s a reason folks are attracted to it. Better to work it out another way than submersion.

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continuois commentary of the horrors must stay front and center till the horror stops. thank you Caitlin.

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Well, you might want to get busy if that’s your take. The horrors are and have been continuous. I like to call it “civilization”.

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The thing about the word, "civilization" is that at its' primary core is the word, "civil" and there is NOTHING civil about going about our lives every day as we are lied to by our own government(s) about what we can and can't have whilst taking our money to fund genocide and ensure they have nationalized health care.

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And that does what good exactly, other than paralyze people with depression after seeing the 1000th photo of a baby with their head blown off by the monsters?

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I'm a psychotherapist as well, you might be interested in my comment below.

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Not really, but thank you.

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Self importance

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"US is a bipartisan mockery of democracy"

Right on Mark. Add me to your column.


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I read Johnstone frequently but not every post. As you say its entire content is handwringing. At the end of the day, I can only regularly subscribe to and fund a limited number of authors/journalists.....While Johnstone is worth reading, it lacks political analysis and prescriptions.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

And she is VERY intolerant of allies on the right like myself. We need a 1930s Spain popular front style alliance against all forms of tyranny whether it's Zionism, global bankster hucksters, corporatism, etc, etc. She blocked me for wrong thought, this is not how you build a movement. Do you think Joe Hill gave striking miners a 30 questions survey on their views of every social issue of the day? Hell no, he met people where they were and organized them to face down the Pinketons and other goons. What happened to that left? That left is one I supported and I miss it terribly.

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She's smart enough to know there's no other play. We're all basically just crying in the evolutionary sense. Trying to signal our nonexistent tribe to react to the collective threat. Every noise uttered and every word spoken boils down to such obsolete function calls. She's learning about reality but being paid to do it slowly.

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Paid? By whom? Her subscribers? That's her only income source I know of. I know nothing of what her husband or family does.

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Yeah, her subscribers. I don't mean to imply any other source of pay. She's not sufficiently useful to any specific group of them for that. The only outsiders that would pay her at this point would be the IDF to switch sides, but I'm confident she'd tell them to implant their proposed fee intestinally X)

Just to be clear, what I mean is it's hard to admit you need to switch gears when the gear you're using is profitable.

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Jul 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Caitlin Johnstone is always a good read. As is reading your take of things. Telling it like it is from the heart does sound self rightious but that's ok from me if it rings true and sincere.

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I have no doubts as to Johnstone's sincerity and commitment. In fact, I admire her. I've even stolen from her. The format for my Reflections series, for example.

I've done the same thing she has in the past, and have learned from experience that in times like these it doesn't do anyone any good.

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Voices like hers are rare enough amid the MSM propaganda, that I am thankful for her steady stream of reminders that so many people still half in denial need to hear

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Jul 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I can’t understand how those I started following since Covid & are definitely not conservative can mock what happened because the victims were white & American.

I lost ALL respect for those writers ..

I’m shocked at their blatant racist comments & that they have no shame in expressing them and feel they are justified… murder is murder & dead is dead…

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Yes, as if the life of the retired Pennsylvania fire chief is any less valuable than that of a Palestinian child. Have you noticed that people like Johnstone never mention him, just like the Democrats never mention him?

Of course you have, and it sticks in your craw, as it should.

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Yes it does.

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Totally applaud your analysis, especially the points about JD Vance being the running mate. Silly me, I'm taking liberties with your list of positive trends derived therefrom and making up my own 'pie-in-the-sky' wish list. Things like, in your point about the US chaos enabling row to active more independently, perhaps West Asia will step up to the plate and exert stronger pressure against the Zionist state...like those already observed by the Arab League, member states at the UN, and BRICS, to name just a few.....And while we're out/up in the sky, would it be too much to hope for a thorough cleansing of the FBI....beside the point you made about Ukraine, Vance has the youth and military experience that would contribute to same....Again, silly me......

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Cleansing? You're so nice. I'd abolish the MFers.

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I'm sure the ghouls in Tel Aviv , the White House, Congress, State and War departments would all agree Caitlin Johnstone writes way, way, way too much about our ongoing slaughter in Gaza.: "OMG, do we really have to read about that again?"

Sorry, I just don't get the criticism of a writer who courageously continues to write eloquently, powerfully and persistently about a never-ending human rights atrocity funded by our tax dollars the corporate media enables. Having had a small taste of the nasty ZioNazi bile I'm sure she gets truckloads of every day, Caitlin has been courageous in her relentless coverage and commentary of OUR war crimes and OUR national depravity.

On the left there is a habit of forming circular firing squads; turning on one another, when the grind of fighting against injustice gets hard. Caitlin is a hero and a standard of resilience to match, not criticize.

From the safe comfort of here in Wisconsin or Ohio or wherever one might live, receiving a steady flow of commentary and reminders of what WE are doing in and to Gaza can be a drag. But I don't know, when WE, through 'our' government are responsible for such violence do we have a moral right to grumble of being reminded daily of what WE are directly responsible for?

Do I read Caitlin every day?

I'm ashamed to say, no, I don't.

There are days I'm too tired.

Or too cowardly to open the link.

But that is not her fault.

It is mine that on that morning I want to sidestep the truth of who WE are.

God, if I had the power to, I'd have the bodies of these precious Gaza children showing up on our doorsteps every morning. Whatever bummer experience it might be seeing Caitlin's daily reminders of OUR actions in Gaza -- and the West Bank -- it is nothing compared to what the families of these children are living with daily.

Can anyone look at the following and really say too much can be said? No, if anything, we are too silent, especially as the real killing is about to get underway now and media platforms like Meta are ramping up the censorship of who WE really are.


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Jul 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

In this case the circular firing squad only happensd when Caitlin rather crassly opened fire on some of her own supporters. (Nobody who doesn't support her is even listening to her). And she more than flirted with hypocrisy by indulging in the kind of mindless anti-Ameranism that goes unremarked in her part of the world. She really should have just taken the week off, to rest and regroup.

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"mindless anti-Americanism"?

Otherwise known as acute observation of reality. Just look to Gaza, West Bank or Ukraine for recent examples.

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She is observing reality in relation to Gaza while engaging in mindless anti-Americanism in relation to the assassination attempt.

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I don't read her, but I am not shocked in the least. 99% of the left is REALLY out of touch, our favorite Midwest barbarian with a material class analysis excepted.

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It's possible to oppose the corrupt 1% elite without pissing on ordinary people who may not share all your leftist talking points. Not trying to connect with ordinary Americans is a huge mistake by the woke modern left. A supposed left of gentrified urban enclaves who demands conformist right think is worse than useless, probably a psy-op even.

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So much this, and it includes anyone who even wants a discussion of general elite Jewish power in banks, the media, academia, and AIPAC. She blathers on and on and on, organizing no practical actions and pissing on allies, she blocked me, but TBH I was done with her anyway.

And no, not a Nazi, though sometimes I get angry, but I do watch Glenn Greenwald every day, who is a gay Jew, would I do that if I were a "Nazi?"

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Greenwald is one of the best journalists IN THE WORLD as far as I'm concerned.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Same, I literally never miss a show.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Him and Matt Taibbi who is sadly the only paid subscription here I can afford, are two of the few journos at this point I will drop everything to see what they are saying. I actually see both of them more as philosophers and social theorists than just journos.

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I subscribe to no more than half a dozen myself, and it is likely I might have to cancel some next year. Difficult to see is the future, though.

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lol. He’s my favorite.. along with Max & Aaron on the GrayZone.

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Yes. 💯 felt attacked by her personally… which is not way to win allies

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It is not so much what is being said, but when and where and under what circumstances. Caitlin, and maybe you, need to read up on your Machiavelli. Or FDR, for that matter, one of the most Machiavellian politicians this country has ever produced.

I am interested in results, not moral posturing.

Besides, America is NOT a representative democracy, as you know full well. What our leaders do is therefore not a reflection of what We The People are. Do we blame the Egyptian people for the abysmal failure of their government to do anything about the Gaza genocide? Do we blame the Jordanians?

No, but we do love to blame our fellow American citizens, don't we?

What good does it do? How does attacking them help win them over to your cause? And they ARE winnable, especially those who take Christianity seriously. There's an opening here, an opportunity, but it's being missed by those on the left or on the side of peace because they believe the stereotypes created by their enemies.

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On point.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 17Liked by Ohio Barbarian

It's like the supposed "left" has never read any labor history of how you actually organize working people to win. You don;t win by telling an unemployed auto worker, that he has "white privilege," and that he benefits from "settler colonialism." Even if all that's true it doesn't help to throw it in people's faces.

I guess they are too busy reading Judith Butler and posturing on social media to their other mainly white upper middle class managerial class peers, to even actually understand what leftism is supposed to be. I couldn't hack it and bailed, at least the right is nice to my people (and yours) here in the poverty stricken Midwest, but I do admire you hanging on to the principles of the old left.

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Jimmy Dore has a great schtick on that. The liberal union organizer--All for Trump? Ok, you can't join our union. Anyone right-to-life? You can't join, either. And so on.

Then there's a dozen people out of 200 workers left and you try to unionize with that. Of course it doesn't work. Right now I'm for a broad populist coalition that wants to at least root out corruption, establish democratic control, end the foreign entanglements Washington warned us about, and the MIC Eisenhower did.

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They all fell hook line & sinker for the brainwashing during summer of 2020. Happened same time as Covid. It was no coincidence..

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My cousin who is married to a black man with a beautiful bi-racial child came out as a racist ” during that time. When I tried to explain to her why she’s not a racist & I refuse to say I’m a racist. Sooo she blocked me when I told her she was nuts

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Jul 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

“I am interested in results, not moral posturing.” Bang on, sir!

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Yes 👏

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Jul 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Thanks to JD Vance, I've learned Middletown is an actual place and not just a literary archetype (see «Middletown Studies»; «Middletown» also appears in several sci-fi pieces).

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It's actually a nice town full of nice people.

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Jul 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I have pretty much stopped reading long handwringing stuff. Nothing changes.

I no longer bother with stuff that asserts that someone has been DESTROYED, or whatever. Because no, they were not. Their sun will also come up tomorrow, and they just may have gone out to lunch with whoever DESTROYED them after the cameras are turned off.

I liked Tucker Carlson for a while, but his headlines are all OMG clickbait with no other information, and even if I do click, he has his content larded with so many little clips that it weirdly reminds me of Bevis and Butthead. Too tiresome to take seriously. But then, evidently, I am not his audience.

I unsubscribed to quite a few things based on their opinion of the shooting. Honestly, some opinions really surprised me, and drove home the absolute fact that the Democrat Party is a bloodthirsty bunch of hate-filled folks. Can't work around that, much less with that. Has fuck-all to do with the GOP.

It was kinda funny to hear Biden say we should settle our political difference with Battlebots. Twice. And he almost said "make America great again", I think. Bwahahaha!

I swear I saw a little clip of that Crooks guy saying how much he hates Republicans and then pushing his face right up to the camera and saying "you have the wrong guy". Also last night I THINK I saw something on You tube wherein CNN says according to audio and whatever analysis there were three weapons fired. Maybe I was dreaming. In any case, I feel sure that any and all "facts" that are not acceptable have been disappeared.

I purposely have put off calling and talking to some people because I do not want to hear them say ugly things about the shooting.

Someone in Russia said that Zelensky will likely be kept around until he can take the blame for mobilizing eighteen year olds, and then he will be replaced.

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Jul 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Facts don't matter, and we still don't have a government.

They always wanted overt corporate rule, not fake labor rule. The problem with trump apparently is his ego demands winning, not constant profitable stalemate. Someone inside actually trying to kill him is the only proof I've seen that he's not controlled opposition. I guess my mistake was nuance. I was basically forgetting that he can be both completely worthless and fake as a reformer but also insufficiently shitty for our sadistic banker masters.

I guess we're witnessing some level of genuine bickering between middle managers beyond that one order sent.

I still think we're witnessing fallout from the loss of a cohering blackmail archive, and that the big semi-recent moves were inspired by imminent humanoid labor. (See also The Great Taking.)

Why Vance now? He seems like a good replacement from a banker perspective. Does Trump think he's immortal now?

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Vance is no angel. He did work for a venture capital outfit, after all. Why him?

I think Trump had three reasons. First, he likes and respects the guy. Second, he's from Ohio and knows how to talk to voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, that Trump needs. Third, and most importantly for me, Vance is also opposed to the Ukraine War.

As I said, we could do far worse. Hell! We're doing worse in the VP position right now!

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Seems to be an Iran hawk as well (Like Trump) - https://x.com/infolibnews/status/1813061534009934139#m

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Jul 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

There still is a point to replacing Biden- he is impaired and can't do the job. Unfortunately, the Dems lack any integrity to own up to the lies and admit that.

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Jul 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

LIHOP? Louisiana International House Of Pancakes??

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Jul 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I am grateful to Caitlin for bringing the horror and hypocrisy every single day. I couldn't do it. But I really think she should have taken the week off to recharge. She needs it and we need it. What happens if you mainline hate and horror all day every day without a break is it eventually rubs off on you and you start hating in random directions. Which is what happened. And dare I say, there may have been a little bit of outrage about her issue no longer being the focus of attention.

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For sure, I am guilty of that as well, I am going to back off a bit on the whole Jew thing, and try to see the bigger picture. IMO the assassination attempt was a wake up call for at least some us to get out of our little obsession and focus both inward on America her decline, and outward from our little single issues.

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I think you make two great points. Yes, diving into horror every day cannot be good for the psyche, and there is something to taking attention away from one's favorite issues, especially when the subject of the new issue is something or someone one despises.

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Jul 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Thank you sir. I will say a prayer for her soul and you maybe offer up a prayer to Marx, good buddy.

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Marx was strongly influenced by the Gospels, you know. He especially like that rich man and eye of the needle thing, and throwing the moneychangers out of the temple.

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Amen to that!

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I reckon that CJ (and a few others) keeps on writing similar, daily, patronizing posts that would appeal to newcomers on social media, thus increasing the number of paid subscriptions. While I don't doubt her conviction for a minute, I think monetisation plays a significant role in how she operates her accounts

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Jul 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

At slight risk to OPSEC I came of age around all these places that are in the news for the wrong reasons - Butler County, Bethel Park, the nearby counties. And it has hurt like hell. When I see the people that were injured and killed I think, that could literally be someone I went to school with. In an ideal world we would all feel that way regardless of accidents of geography. So I'm not proud about that but I'm certainly chastened.

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Fantastic analysis, I concur. This sort of thing is why intelligent people on the left and right who share a common enemy in the neo-con global empire and the fusion of state and corporate power should be friends, or at least exchanging ideas, and not enemies.

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At the very least we need to be allies. As Ben Franklin said, if we don't hang together, we will most assuredly be hanged separately.

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I hope Zelensky is out of power long before Biden is. While Biden's second war of choice has an estimated 40,000 deaths, there are around 600,000 Ukrainian dead, mostly soldiers. Putin has said the ratio is 6:1, bringing the total to 700,000 souls - and it's increasing at 15,000 or so a week according to the Russian Ministry of Defense.

This was Biden's first war of choice - funding a civil war, but not a genocide like Gaza. I say civil war - it's how my Ukrainian wife describes it - and we agree that Biden is the epitome of evil.

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I think Zelensky would be behind this more than Iran. But how could either of them suborn both the secret service and local police into the appalling degree of open negligence? I think the shooter was shot so quickly because dead men tell no tales. Zelensky fears a Trump presidency - Iran is angry but not impulsive. IMO. Or this could just be another case of our resident Killer Klownz making a fuckup of everything, as usual. Yes, Biden is evil.

I am still afraid Zelensky is going to desperately do something huge and horrible to Russia, in an attempt to reel in NATO, because peace with Russia means new elections. He is another one who will have to be pushed off the gravy train.

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