I have never bought an Apple product. Yay me! 🙋‍♀️

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Surprisingly, my Ukrainian wife, who lived through the Maidan and following civil war, had never heard of Victoria Nuland!

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Nuland resigned - but I feel that she will merely be moving to a position/organization where she can still spend her life trying to destroy Russia, this time without having to think about who is POTUS.

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Quite possibly - CIA? NSA?

But I'm hoping this means the State Department has said enough destruction of Ukraine with 500,000 or so killed in action and around 1000 being added every day.

I've been on Maidan Square a few years ago and in 2015 another Ukrainian friend showed me a video of assassinated protesters lying on the street.

Reasons why I want this over - sooner is better. My Ukrainian wife wants Zelensky in jail for life.

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I was thinking NATO, but CIA/NSA sound plausible, too.

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I'll admit - I'm simply impressed that things at the bottom of the lake didn't corrode or deteriorate more.

And yeah, no Apple products, ever. They can keep their extra expensive stuff to themselves.

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When I was in the Navy, in about 1988, I lost my Timex digital watch. When they cleaned out the bilge a year later the thing was still working, and even had the right date and time.

It was the best Timex commercial that was never made.

I figure Apple could easily make a watch just as tough. The article didn't say if they were still working. If Apple can't make a watch that costs that much be as tough as a 1987 Timex, they really are junk.

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Agreed. But, as we know...

Capitalism. Dollars are needed to feed the beast.

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I remember a quite serious article about how a maker of, I think, air fryers had doomed itself because it had made the air fryers all too well. No one would need to buy another one. Planned obsolescence. Yes, I am old - and I remember when appliances were expected to last for decades. So were lawn mowers.

Yah, I never bought an Apple product, it was a money thing, but my sister loved her Mac. I do remember that once I created an iTunes account, I could never fully delete it, which I guess came in handy when my stepdaughter was adding me to her streaming service. I had decided many many years ago I did not need iTunes, but never could get rid of it. Came in handy for when I wanted to watch Ted Lasso.

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My favorite headline today - Babylon Bee -

In Major Blow To Democracy, Supreme Court Rules Voters Can Vote For Favorite Candidate

In other news, I did learn - yes, I should have known this, but actually never thought about it - the difference between concurrence and dissent, for SCOTUS. Because some (Dem) sites are saying the unanimous decision was a lie. But three judges came to the same conclusion, but by different means. I think I have that right.

Anyway, the reaction to the SCOTUS decision, from the Dems, is ridiculous. Especially since if, say, Biden was kept off a primary ballot because of aging problems, this would be hailed as a landmark wondrous decision by the Dems.

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You have it right. Chief Justice Roberts must have done some armtwisting to get a 9-0 decision, but all the liberals agreed that the Colorado Secretary of State was full of shit.

The majority ruled that only Congress can pass legislation to enforce Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. After all, all the amendments after the 10th say that Congress shall have the ability to pass appropriate legislation to enforce them.

Not the states, and certainly not partisan state bureaucrats.

The three libs wanted to leave the door open for something like that in the future, but they lost on that.

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Thank you for your work and especially the tribute to Aaron Bushnell...Very moving article and pictures...I believe that Aaron's example is galvanizing the global movement against Western colonialism/oppression and has had is having and will have significant impact...I'm still moved.

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"the Flour Massacre"

Running man was not supposed to be a documentary. Fuck this timeline.

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I imagine Arnold's characters in both Running Man and both Conans would agree.

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I've been an Apple user since 1990, so I have the right to bitch at every bad decision ever made AND I HAVE. I just didn't get into high gear until the awful Tim Cook took over. I miss Steve Jobs.

Don't wish me ill for my fantasy, OB.... because I hope someone dressed up in a chicken hawk outfit scoops up and then drops Vicky Nuland off from retirement, only to drop her DEEP (so, so SO deep) in the middle of a pile of maggot-infested shit with a close pin tied to her nose.

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That's a curse worthy of Hera. Or Freya if you really go out of your way to piss her off.

I was a sailor. I admire a good cursing, I do.

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Being too poor to even look at a crappy Apple product, I gloat quite a lot these days. ;-)

I really wanted to win Jeff Goldblum for myself and pass the dinosaur poop onto the propagandists.

Today was "Super Tuesday" and I missed it. Aw shucks! On to Weird Wednesday then...

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Very good article. This is such a sad state of affairs. 😢

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Excellent writing, good read.

Love my iPhone 11. The trick is to buy them refurbed.

Because the rentier post-capitalist casino system feeds on consumerism and debt, I avoid debt and always buy used. I mow the yard in a $200 custom-tailored shirt (from a signature shop in Manhattan) that somehow ended up on the rack at my local Goodwill.

My brother had to buy every new thing Apple oozed out; pre-ordered the first watch. If I’d had it, it wouldn’t have needed a slippery band to end up at the bottom of the lake. After freeing us from our idiot wrist straps with the smart phone, what made them think we wanted to strap one back on? I mean, besides the obvious fact that we are aggregately maroons and gulla bulls.

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