Reflections from the Heart of the Empire: Courts with Sense, a Court with No Sense, a Massacre, Dumpings, Faceplants and a Vigil
Plus another crappy Apple product!
The US Supreme Court ruled, unanimously, that no state can remove Donald Trump, or any other candidate for President, from their ballots. It seems that not a single Justice thinks bringing total chaos to federal elections is a good idea. Democrats accused the Supreme Court of fostering future insurrections, even though the last one ended in 1865.
The International Criminal Court issued warrants for two Russian officers for attacking Ukrainian infrastructure! Hey, ICC, I think Gaza would like a word. As for my opinion of the ICC decision?
Meanwhile, the Most Moral Army in the World polished its credentials by shooting starving people trying to get food for their families in what is being called the Flour Massacre. Apparently it didn’t go over very well in Malaysia and several hundred other countries.
The Most Moral Army in the World said that they felt threatened by desperate, hungry people, but their
Waffen SSIDF unit showed great restraint and only shot a few starving civilians while most were trampled by each other because they’re, well, stupid terrorist supporters. Fun fact: Most of the victims were shot. With bullets.Israel is definitely in the running for the 2024 Giant Dinosaur Turd Award for dumping the largest pile of propaganda guaranteed to provide the greatest insult to the intelligence of the planetary human population by any one government. Here’s the prize(Jeff Goldblum not included);
American National Security Spokesman John Kirby is crushed. His reputation for saying the most ridiculous shit EVER, like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was unprovoked or that they blew up their own pipeline, looked unbeatable before this bunch of proud ethnic cleansers came along.
It didn’t help when the New York Times published a lengthy article describing how the CIA has had bases in Ukraine since 2014, spying on and messing with the Russians since Day One. Kinda takes the un out of unprovoked, doesn’t it? Just ask yourselves what would happen to Canada if the FSB set up bases there. (source: Due Dissidence video on Rumble)
Meanwhile, back in the imperial capital, a 3 judge panel of the US Court of Appeals in DC, all appointed by Clinton or Obama, vacated the sentence enhancement of a 1/6/2021 protester, who had not been convicted of anything violent.
It seems the sentence enhancer came from a statute passed after the Enron debacle, making it a felony to obstruct or interfere with the “administration of justice,” like hiding or destroying records of criminality, but on 1/6/21 Congress wasn’t administering anything, much less doing anything related to justice, so it cannot apply. Glenn Greenwald explains the legal stuff far better than I can in this 20 minute video.
This means that most, if not all, the 1/6 protesters still in prison will be released after the Supremes uphold the decision, but that will take months.
Victoria Nuland, orchestrator of the Maidan Coup in Ukraine in 2014, slavering imperialist, and Certified Vampire of the Kleptocracy, is leaving the State Department in several weeks. Where she goes next, nobody knows, so watch out, world! This vampire carries the Orb of Color Revolutions. Keep the stakes and garlic handy.
Today is Super
Snooze DayTuesday, the bigliest primary election day in America, that my wife and probably 250 million other Americans had completely forgotten about, until they tried to log onto Facebook or any other Meta platform and found their passwords unrecognized. It seems Facebook took a Faceplant and political campaigns that use it are freaking out.The Democrat Cult immediately suspected cyberattacks. It’s only a matter of time before that wonderfully evil mastermind and supervillain, Vladimir Putin, is blamed for election interference. Again. Sorry, Uncle Vlad, you just can’t fool dem cultists(multiple puns intended).
A few days ago, there was a candlelight memorial service for Aaron Bushnell at San Pedro Springs Park in San Antonio. Apparently, the media ignored it, but at least the San Antonio Express-News covered it, and I encourage you to read the article, which also has some great photos. I’ll include two quotes:
Aaron courageously, albeit tragically, lost his life in the line of duty. Aaron Bushnell wasn’t killed by insurgents in a foreign land — he selflessly gave his life for something far more honorable. He gave his life for the truth, and I honestly wish I had his courage.—26 year old Air Force veteran
Aaron himself was a principled, strong-willed man. He was keenly aware of hierarchical relationships due to his experiences growing up and consistently pushed back on any potential hierarchies in our day-to-day organizing.—a friend of Aaron’s known as Moon
In case you’re wondering, that last one means Aaron Bushnell truly was a principled anarchist. Not the bomb-throwing kind of 19th Century assassinations and modern capitalist propaganda, but the a real person with integrity, some of whom I follow on Substack because they seem to be genuinely good and thoughtful people. This, BTW, is San Pedro Springs Park;
Finally, in news which proves people with money can be every bit as gullible and stupid as anyone else, an Illinois diver has discovered more that 200 Apple Watches at the bottom of lakes in Indiana’s Chain O’ Lakes.
Check out the pocket knives and the flip phone, too. Who dives with those? Anyway, the diver said all of the recovered Apple watches had their original bands, so poorly made they get slippery when wet and fall off.
If you have never bought an Apple product, you may now gloat.
Thank you for reading, good evening, and good luck.
Thank you for your work and especially the tribute to Aaron Bushnell...Very moving article and pictures...I believe that Aaron's example is galvanizing the global movement against Western colonialism/oppression and has had is having and will have significant impact...I'm still moved.
I have never bought an Apple product. Yay me! 🙋♀️