Lindsay Graham just ranted that he would sanction any country that dared to arrest Netanyahu - Canada, Germany, whoever. He would crush their economy. "Because we would be next". Now there is some in your face hubris, added to admitting to the crime.

Jab-pusher nominated by Trump. Hotez endorses her. Trump will never admit that his Warp Speed is, well, warped. She does not seem to be a Mandate! person, though. She did advise folks to wash all of their groceries in their garage before taking them into the kitchen. Presumably the poor washer person had a disinfecting shower handy, too.

I did not have high hopes for Trump, just lesser evil expectations. Hope he does not prove me wrong.

Crowing because Maddow got a pay cut from $30 million to $25 million seems sort of lame. WTF and FFS would seem to be more to the point. I did enjoy the Trump Jr./Rogan/Musk trolling of MSNBC on X, though. Rogan said he would wear glasses and the same clothes and lie once a week for that money.

That poor turtle looks exhausted.

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A little footnote to the Russian military enrollment note: Last year the US fell 41,000 short of meeting military recruitment goals. The only service branch that met its goals was the Marines. When Netanyahus gives Trump the command to send troops for a land war with Iran it will be interesting to see the response to a new military draft --- though of course with the obesity epidemic many young people wouldn't pass the physical.

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The horrible American diet. Preventing young people from becoming potential cannon fodder since 1982.

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A way to bloat their profits.

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That, too, but I find it ironic that the profit-generating lifestyle promoted by one faction of the oligarchy works to the detriment of another.

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Maybe a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

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I read somewhere that the US military is going to approve 4 former health-related reasons one couldn't be in the military... I bet obesity is one of them they're willing to forget about.

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They'll have to and hope they can work the fat off the recruits during basic training. They'll have to add a "fat burn" extension of 6 months.

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It looks like it's likely not the end of the booms, unfortunately. From a Moscow source:

I checked all sources, 2 Ukrainian missiles and 27 drones were confirmed. No mention of Atacms in any sources other than Ukrainian TG channels

And, of course, France also just announced they have approved the use of SCALP missiles in Russia.

And we can now add Biden (Blinken, Austin) are considering approving JASSM missiles which can reach Moscow. That's a thought that worries - no, scares - me.

Joey is going out with a bang.

If you saw the Oreshnik missile demonstration video above Dnipro/Dnepropetrovsk, that's the city I've visited often near the town where our flat is.

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Ouch! Talk about too close to home! Even a past home.

We'll see what happens. Let's see if Ukraine uses the ATACMS again of if the corporate media simply drops the subject.

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Are we sure the turtle wasn't trying to escape texas and finally managed it only to be captured and returned? :P

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Ha! He does have that look of hopeless resignation.

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Right? Like “Dude… Do you know how hard that was?” /sigh X)

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Not at all. Besides, hashish is legal in certain spots in the Netherlands. Maybe he just wanted to get high.

Or maybe he just wanted to get away from Cancer Alley in Texas. If you drive through the Galveston Bay area, you can literally smell the chemicals in the air.

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The quest for pot makes a lot more sense when you think about the turtle from finding nemo XD

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I guess the poor turtle decided that while going ashore in the Netherlands was not great, it was the best it could do except by becoming an illegal immigrant!

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ATACMS (I like to pronounce it “attack ‘ems” myself) - Perfect, love it!!!! Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Can't comment on that Machado woman's constipation, but seeing her picture sure brought mine to an abrupt end.

Flimsy Lindsey is still trying to pretend he has testicles, lol, poor thing.

Hey, that Oreshnik missile Russia dropped on Dnipropetrovsk just changed the world we live in. The Russians sent a very specific, we might say pointed, message with that surprise demonstration. Here's why it is a true game-changer.

Like a MIRV, the Oreshnik has multiple plates of submunitions, in this case six plates of six submunitions each, for a total of 36 separate strikes from the one missile. Unlike MIRV, these submunitions are not simply dropped in a pattern, but can be independently aimed, post-separation. I know, I know, but trust me, that's a shout in panic run in circles arm-waver. These were metal bullets; no explosives involved, falling, not at an angle, but straight down from above the atmosphere. Independent calculation of the speed of the missiles from cloud to ground verifies an arrival speed of something like MACH 10, over 7,000 miles per hour. From the color and incandescence, their arrival temperature was off the charts; they were white hot and setting the atmosphere around them on fire. A very special metal bullet, to survive those speeds and temps. The single missile fired by all accounts destroyed a kilometers-long complex of military factories.

Now, as to the message the demonstration of this new weapon was meant to send. Russia means for the west to understand that they can destroy any western asset in Europe any time they want, and there is absolutely nothing short of throwing nukes that the west can do about it. The west cannot defend their bases, their armies, their navies, their factories, or their cities from this weapon: no air defense, no missile defense, no space defense, no defensive system conceived of, much less built, has a chance of stopping this offensive weapon. As of this demonstration, NATO's options are all-out nuclear war, or throw the bear your sandwich and run. Europe has for decades been living very complacently under an American defensive umbrella that just ceased to exist.

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IOW, these are kinetic energy weapons. The old Napoleonic formula--mass + speed = impact. Take some dense metal, apply thrust, and use the Earth's gravity as an additional accelerant. How ingeniously simple. Lol, how Russian.

Thanks for the explanation about the color. I suppose the intensity in the Ukrainian photo I used is the atmosphere burning in that spot. The missile created a firestorm.

I'm impressed. I hope the Pentagon is impressed enough to put a stop to this insane escalation of a war for a cause that never had a chance. You know that the back channels between the US and Russian militaries and intelligence agencies are real active right now. At least, they'd better be.

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This wasn't armed - it was a demonstration. I just saw a satellite photo of the Yazhmash plant which looks like minimal damage, but you can't see inside. The Russians say the missile can have explosive or nuclear armaments - that would be a very different result.

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The sat photos so far are grainy and blurred, which means they are hiding damage. When they want to crow about a strike, the sat photos are crisp.

But you are right, these were for penetration, not fireball displays. Unverified eye-witness reports claim extensive damage to the workshops, but we are unlikely to get the UN inspection report anytime soon.

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“You can censor speech, but you can’t censor a boycott.” Exactly. I quit buying anything from the Axis of Genocide including Bosch, Continental, Schwalbe, GM, GE, etc. with great replacements in East Asia.

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Every time I hear/read Larry Fink's name, I just have to giggle. It's so damn perfect for an oligarch's name. Wonder if his middle name is "Bastard"?

I hope Santa Claus makes an early call in the Carolinas and gets those folks some cabins to live in this winter. It's disgusting how our ruling oligarchs put mass murdering foreign folks above taking care of our own.

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