I don't think they should be allowed to swap him. That's the risk they took when they canceled the primaries. We need to regulate political parties or abolish them. This worst of all worlds is unacceptable. Of course I speak from a position of knowing it's all a ruse. We're not voting or talking our way out of this. https://innomen.substack.com/p/we-dont-have-a-government

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Oh, I agree, but neither you nor I, nor Biden for that matter, has the power to stop them from doing just that, or to prevent the magical ability of Democratic voters to think this dictatorial move is the only way to save democracy.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Yeah, I saw part of a due dissidence clip where they made a valid point about how dems now are being forced to think for themselves because there's an internal conflict, where the media trusting ones (like stephen king) want him to step down, and the biden trusting ones trust his direct statements or tweets. And all of them are being forced to choose, and normally they don't have to choose anything it's just a party line. https://x.com/GDebatta/status/1810349036739686799


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Yes they’re being forced to choose again… remember what they did to Bernie…

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Jul 10Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Indeed, I do not understand how the DNC even still exists after 2016. I like a fool fully expected a mass replacement of every DNC official within visual range of the DNC fraud lawsuit. https://web.archive.org/web/20201223094540/http://jampac.us/DNCLawsuit/

Russiagate exists because they needed a distraction from the stuff seth rich leaked which form the basis of that lawsuit. I will forever be amazed that how the files were acquired and not their content was successfully made the focus in people's minds.

AND then they just memory hole him when he dies. It's just, people are too stupid to be real.

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Agreed,the Founding fathers didn’t want political


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Jul 9Liked by Ohio Barbarian

A term I have heard used lately that really describes those mindless little Dems and Liberals is "Blue MAGA" ... the Democratic version of Trump's "MAGA" ... the cult-like, automatically defensive, unquestioning juvenile loyalty to the 'DEAR LEADER'..

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Author

'Merica ALREADY Great Again! I love it. Their only trick is to project. Everything they accuse Trump of doing their own high priests have either done, are doing, or are planning to do.

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Jul 9Liked by Ohio Barbarian

As George Carlin said: "It's one big club and you aren't in it."

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Amen, brother.

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Jul 9Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Frontier Airlines from Columbus to Denver is direct and cheap. I’ve done it for years to get to family in Ft Collins. It’s the best as it’s only 2.5 hours max in the air which is all I can do these days.

As for Biden, he’s just a clown puppet keeping us all entertained while it’s business as usual with the deep state, who ever they are. Until we get lobbying money and influence out of congress nothing will change

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My stepdaughter just got back from a trip to Denver to visit family and friends. She arrived there on the 4th, at night, and got to see fireworks from above, something I've never done.

She went on the holiday itself because the air fare was remarkably less.

Completely agreed about Biden and the hopeless corruption of our politics. It's easier to build a whole new system at this point.

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Jul 10Liked by Ohio Barbarian

OB your good humour about this insane world gets me through the week.

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Jul 10Liked by Ohio Barbarian

And now you know why I do not own a car in Canada. Well, that and the fact that I cycle to work.

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