18 hrs agoLiked by Ohio Barbarian

I'm surprised that the second phase of Israel's electronic attack hasn't had a larger attack. The pagers were likely manufactured with explosives, but there are (incredibly limited) reports that the next day scooters, radios, phones - anything with a lithium battery - were being blown up. Pagers were banned on one set of middle east flights, but if it turns out to be true, virtually no one is safe from this sophisticated attack. And I'd like to know if it's true, but I suspect that answer is being well suppressed.

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It appears there was a detour to Mossad in the supply chain, and my initial impression is that the operation was an intricately coordinated one involving everything from the timing of congressional action to having an alternate shop set up for specifically sanctioned communications products.

That sort of thing can be tough to repeat without somebody noticing.

Furthermore, this particular state terrorist operation had the advantage of never having been done before. IOW, it had the element of surprise, which is now gone.

Manufacturers will be scrambling to make sure this doesn't happen to one of THEIR products now. This is a new Bad Thing lose in the world, but it need not be unmanageable.

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I ordered a set of faraday bags to store my laptop and phone to reduce tracking, tapping etc. Folks should check out the book "Pegasus: How a Spy in Your Pocket Threatens the End of Privacy, Dignity, and Democracy" . "1984" is here. We are in a truly dystopian world. The elctronic crap that we now depend upon is literally an enemy on your lap and in your pocket and encricling your wrist like an electronic handcuff.

More on "Pegasus". But if you want it, order from your local bookstore ... if you are still lucky enough to have one...


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In the other news which will totally be absent from anything found in corporate media, the Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) affiliated group has announced that its 2024 award is going to Aaron Bushnell. In their words, "In presenting its 2024 award, the Sam Adams Associates says it salutes Aaron Bushnell’s courage in performing a vital public service at the greatest cost — martyrdom — for truth-telling." The full tribute has been published on Consortium News and can be read here (I post as I'm almost in tears.) https://consortiumnews.com/2024/09/19/us-soldier-who-burned-himself-to-death-over-gaza-wins-sam-adams-award/

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Thank you! I restacked your comment. VIPS is always worth listening to, and Aaron Bushnell should never be forgotten.

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I wrote a snippet on the information war. I hope everyone enjoy it.

Please pass it on, if you do. Thanks. https://quannguyen128.substack.com/p/battle-of-maling

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