Jul 1Liked by Ohio Barbarian

First, the suspense over whether Dementia Joe will willingly decline your nomination, which he will, after Jill is told that things will get very bad for the Biden Crime Family if he doesn’t.

Jill could open a can of beans with her pointy little nose. I wonder who would win a "Most Grotesque Face" contest between her and Killary?

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Jul 1Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I just have to say once again that it amazes me how people still think policy is made in DC. Truly, it's worse than raptor jesus. https://innomen.substack.com/p/we-dont-have-a-government

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At least now it's getting glaringly obvious.

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Jul 1Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Yeah, Cait and https://x.com/e_galv both now say things much more clearly on this topic. I don't feel like they really get it yet, that we're basically occupied territory, a colony/labor camp. But yeah awareness does seem to be coming ever so slowly.

I fear we don't have time however. I mean, people still take the jab, even promote it. Reminds me of the scene in matrix, some people can't be unplugged.

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NOBODY I know still takes jabs, except for a few of Dem cultists at work. Maybe it's because I'm in Ohio.

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I mean yeah obviously uptake has fallen off a cliff, thankfully. But you live in a comfy little bubble to an extent, I live in a miserable little one. I don't know anyone period. I assume you're not claiming that jab uptake has fully halted, replaced by an online only illusion. https://www.reddit.com/r/unvaccinated/ is full of stories about their tension with believers. (I use that word advisedly, vaccination is disturbingly close to ritual in a psycho social cultural sense.)


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Jul 1Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I'll just leave this here. I couldn't make it through the whole thing. (Biden mash up by ORF)


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Oh, now that was tortuous. I lived in a friend's basement whose mom was in the house and had Alzheimer's. My dad had it as well. These people flat-out lying for megabucks...I'm going to have to watch a documentary on the French Revolution again to cheer up now.

What utter scum these propagandists are, and how utterly stupid Democratic voters have to be to believe them, while all the while they think they're the smart ones! It is an ingenious con, I gotta give 'em that.

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Jul 2Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I don’t think it’s stupidity. It’s Orwellian doublespeak. Terrifying, really.

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The original gaslighting!

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Orwellian doublespeak IS stupid, but it's crafted and applied stupidity and works best on people who are educated in the system.

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In other words, people who have internalized the values of the ruling class, yes?

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None of the 'Reflections...' readers were surprised at Genocide' Joe's performance.....It's only surprising that the media/political aristocracy took so long to admit same....As some have argued, the debate is all theater anyway, a creation to distract the public from the ongoing Palestinian/Ukraine debacles that are the products of the global elites....and demonstrate that whether its foreign, economic, social policy, it's always about the narrative over reality as the West rides its hand-basket through one disastrous encounter after another.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I for one was not a bit surprised at Joe’s condition but appalled that his wife and other handlers let him go out there in that kind of shape to face a semi-rabid dog.

Their consternation now is a joy to me.Those clowns helped make this trouble for themselves when they threw in an obviously senile mossback who could barely talk—and even if you didn’t agree with him,he used to be pretty sharp—as a Hail Mary pass to stop Bernie.

Who by the way is still sharper mentally than either of those golfers manque on that stage.

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These here buttholes can’t scare me with their foreign policy fubars, by god. I watched Mr. Magoo do the same shit behind a steering wheel sixty years ago, and he always came out okay at the end.

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Jul 1Liked by Ohio Barbarian

My question is - why is Biden stepping down even an issue? Congress has avidly embraced all kinds of other reasons to try and depose a president. Gotta give mad props to whoever decided that Harris would be a bulletproof shield for Biden, though. Damn. Mind-boggling - Biden can actually stay in office and run again because Jill and Hunter say so? WTF. Losing their gravy train must be horrifying to them.

Someone somewhere said, of Hillary, that he could hear the flapping of leathery wings. Yup.

I guess this is all just interesting to me. I will not vote for any Democrat. Plain as can be that the government and electoral process is completely separate from we peasants, though.

This is a Dave Barry-worthy "transcription" of the debate, which made me literally LOL


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Exactly....Jill/Hunter fear the wheels coming off the gravy train. Yet, we already knew about Hunter, Jim, et. al. Doesn't it make one wonder what skeletons Jill has hiding in the closet.

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Oh, that was great. Thanks!

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Jul 2·edited Jul 3Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Totally off topic, apologies beforehand. Ohio Barbarian and/or followers of OB. I need help in understanding why a document that is in our National Security Archive is being labeled as misinformation by Facebook. The document is history, not opinion. I may have posted it a long time ago in JPR or used it as a reference. This document discusses what the West promised Priemier Gorbechev prior to his signing the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. This particular NSA document flys in the face of the West's current narrative regarding why NATO is East of the old Iron Curtain. If requested, I will post a link to the document here. Thank you. ETA: Here is the Natiinal Security Archive document link:


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Because the US is pushing another narrative in order to dismantle and loot Russia. Nothing is "sacred". Remember, Ivermectin could have saved lives, but advocating its use was labeled misinformation. There is no shame, only plans for seizing money and/or power.

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You chose well with your example djean111. When I caught Covid the first time, the Delta variant was at it's peak. Knowing that the so called vaccines could neither prevent Covid's spread nor make me feel better, my very wise sister treated me with Ivermecton. The second time I caught Covid, my issues were only an inability to smell or taste properly. I truly had no other symptoms and did not know that I had Covid. To this day, I refuse their clot-shots and boosters. Regarding the government narritive, I think that my link proves beyond any doubt-is the definitive smoking gun that our government is controlling the narritive that they want us to hear on ssocial media. I worry that our government will pull that document if too many of us Chicken Littles point at it for all to see. When I brought it here for you folks' response, I wanted to know if I was missing something. I fully agree with your assesment. I think that I will post this NSA link to the Grey Zone, Professor Mearsheimer, George Galloway, Jimmy Dore and Kim Iversen. One of these folks will....um...find a use for it, I suspect. Thank you for your response.

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I don't remember what I was watching yesterday, but someone said that the US pretty much always ignores or breaks its treaties and agreements.

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Jul 3Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Also - how great that your sister gave you Ivermectin! We never got jabbed at my house, we may have had Covid last year, but we all take C and D and zinc anyway, so perhaps just colds, perhaps Covid. And I doubt that the billionaires and government folks took the jab. The whole Covid thing reeked of skeevyness. I am not a trusting person. Also I will be trademarking "skeeveyness".

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B, C, and D every day for me, especially the D. I swear the Covid jab gave me brain fog, and the D definitely helps. We also always keep a stash of echinacea capsules handy. It's great for stimulating the immune system.

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Of course it's true, and of course Facebook calls it misinformation. Misinformation is anything that goes against what the establishment says is reality, you see, and Zuckerberg is a Lizard person anyway.

Personally, Facebook is useful only for staying in touch with family and for silly cat videos, and some of THEM have been taken down on Facebook! I guess too many cats have subversive humans like us and get bad ideas.

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Jul 5Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Thank you for your response OB. Off of the topic(s) I have squeezed in here, I noticed that you have quite the following! If I wasn't a poor lunatic, I would pay to be here. That said, I may be coming to the end of an important monthly bill sometime this summer. When that happens, I will be quite thrilled to join your merry bunch of chums with a monthly or yearly subscription. You folks are a wealth of trustworthy knowledge... I miss that.

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It's good to see you, and everyone else from JPR who managed to find me.

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Jul 2Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Regarding the replacement of Joe Biden. Help me understand how any other candidate besides Trunp, Biden or VP Harris can still get on ALL 50 states ballots when some of those states are no longer able to add new candidates on their ballots? Furthermore, and from what I understand, even more states will have ended the ability to add new candidates to their ballot system even before the Democratic Convention. I won't be voting for even a single Dem anyway but one would think that this would make for an insurmountable handicap for any Dem at this point to throw his/her hat in the ring as Biden's replacement.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

There wouldn't be another primary. They would just pick someone else at the convention and they would be on the ballot in November. That's my understanding.

Edit- are you saying they have printed the November ballots already? I don't know about that.

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From what I have heard, each state decides the date on which a presidential candidate can no longer be added to the ballot. From what I further hear, that deadline has now come and gone in some states. Furthermore, even more states will have gone past their own deadlines before the Democratic Convention is held. I know that my old chums from JPR are much more savvy about this than I am. That is why I asked this question here.

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Well, they wouldn't really be adding one, they would be substituting one. They must be able to do that if someone drops out or dies.

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https://ballotpedia.org/Deadline_to_run_for_president,_2024 This is not my original source but when I looked up filing deadlines for POTUS, I found this. Worthy of note is that I found a number of states which have now past their deadlines for individuals to be placed on their state ballots. My original source was a Repub YouTuber but FWIW, I know that you folks will set me straight.

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Here is the Most Important Thing To Know - Biden has raised a huge pile of money for his campaign. Legally, this money cannot be awarded to another candidate - it must be returned. The thought of returning money is anathema. So - I would imagine that the same folks trying to figure out how to seize Russia's money are also trying to figure out how to keep Biden's money. IMO, Hillary, who owns the DNC literally, would rather pick a new VP, get Biden elected, and then depose him.

All the campaign ads are nauseating, but today's prize goes to Sharon Stone telling women that Joe may be sleepy, but he is awake for women. So he can sniff their hair? FFS. Celebrities should really just STFU.

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As a member of the group who participated in a Class Action Litigation against the Democratic Party, I had to learn the hard way that my $1000 donation to Bernie Sanders went to the candidate of their choice, not mine. I was furious that my donation went to Hillary. IIRC the Dem Party is a "buisness" and as such, they, (not the voters), reserve the right to choose their leader. (Very 'Democratic' of them huh?). My guess is that President Biden's campaign funding will go wherever the Dem Party chooses.

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Ah! Found a sort of clear explanation, and yes, while technically the DNC would have to refund if both Biden and Harris drop out, the DNC can declare all the money was for the primary, and keep it. Also, the Democrat Party is not democratic in the least, and interesting that more and more folks say Democrat, not Democratic.

Here are a couple of explanations I found, and evidently Kamala was registered with Biden, and so right now she is the sole heir. And - good grief - president Kamala. while I would not vote for any Democrat at all, that goes double for the Brayer.

Of course the DNC will keep that money, you are quite correct. That money likely has already been allocated. And, as Alex C. of the Duran says, maybe 10% is already going to the Big Guy, and that is what the Biden oligarchy is holding out for.



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Good question, but if there's a problem the state legislature can make an exception for this year, just like Republican Ohio did so Biden could be on the ballot. They''d figure something out.

Oh, Biden's replacement will be selected by the real PTB which controls that party. In fact, I think they've already picked him. It just won't be announced until they give their cultist followers angst so they can charge them up with the hope of deliverance with the new candidate.

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Joe Biden in Porky Pig's voice: "TTTHHHHaaaaat's all folks! Now where's my ice cream?"

The US of Israel truly has become the ultimate in Looney Tunes. What would you expect from a bunch of rich white guys who wanted to become "independent" of another group of rich white guys at some point 248 years ago? Not much.

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Looking back, maybe Marvin the Martian had the right idea but destroying the Earth was the wrong solution. Bugs Bunny for POTUS!

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