Funny how the $MSM never mentions the terrible effects of the sanctions on Venezuela when they bemoan the conditions there.

I assumed immediately that the US government and media would be lying their scrofulous asses off about the election results.

I am not looking forward to reaping what my government has sown without once asking what we citizens want to do.

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What the media isn’t telling you about Venezuela:


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Thanks! That was my assumption. And, as usual, all the $MSM was reading the same script. I do subscribe to that channel, good actual reporting.

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Not too surprising. Hope Venezuela joins BRICS if it hasn't done so already.

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Maduro is invited to the BRICS meeting in October. Sadly, it looks like China is, so far, the only BRICS country to congratulate Maduro.

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I am sure Cuba did.

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I heard (Convo Couch) that multiple countries, many BRICS but definitely Russia/China, had done so....Too many to list...

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Oh, good! I did not do my due diligence, thank you!

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I wouldn't doubt you are right, the deep state and media are pure evil. But I will add as an America First right winger, that even if you weren't right that whoever rules Venezuela is none of our affair, and we need to 100 percent leave them alone to 100% figure it out themselves.

As Americans we need to focus on America which is in rough shape.

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Yesterday I saw a quote from Kissinger that basically said the US - well, the people who run the US - cannot just let South Americans vote for whoever they want to be in charge. And I do wonder who is actually running this shitshow now. Surely not Kamala or Biden.

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Oh absolutely not, it's the transnational finance oligarchs.

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I was 15 in San Antonio at the time, and vaguely heard about it. I learned a LOT more about it in college a few years later, when they still had some anti-imperialist professors left.

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I'm looking forward to when the US has a presidential election with candidates people voted for.

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People can only realistically vote for the candidates the corporations/MIC have selected. Take the money out of the electoral process, and get rid of the self-serving laws that the Dems and GOP have enacted in order to keep their feet on our necks. Stop the constant campaigning. This bullshit with Harris is as far from "democratic" as is possible.

Oh, well, time for some wine and some spaghetti model watching, looking at Debbie!

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After the Revolution, we can do that if we hang together enough long enough. I don't see it happening without a real revolution, though.

When was the last time we had the closest thing resembling an election such as that which you describe? I'd say 1976. That's the last time both major parties had strongly contested primaries and the oligarchy wasn't unified behind any one or two of them. Vietnam and Watergate had briefly weakened their grip.

The only thing similar between the 1976 and 2024 elections is that there was a Kennedy involved in both of them, and the Kennedy didn't get the nomination either time.

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The US should be the last country on the planet to claim authority to certify election 'legitimacy'....Further, as if the US hadn't screwed up enough places on the planet with interference in Ukraine, the Middle East, Taiwan (+/-)....Our race to hell in a hand-basket is now at warp speed....Just thought things couldn't get any worse after Middle East assassinations....and now this.

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Carter center's report was from 2012, this year they went with the narrative how they can't confirm but looks rigged. Details included unequal broadcast time and using govt resources to campaign for incumbent.

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OK, I thought they were there this year as well. I'm sure about the Lawyer's Guild, though.

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Of course, if we cared about international domestic elections, we wouldn't Zelensky who shut down all opposition parties and cancelled elections, and had a Chilean-American, Gonzalo Lira, die in custody.

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Yah. VZ, Champion of Democracy, has banned elections, all political opposition, and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Yet Democults don't believe it. They just say I've been influenced by Russian propaganda, which is the greatest absurdity of them all.

Compared to the best propagandists the world has ever seen, on Madison Avenue and in MIC think tanks, the Russians, and the Chinese and Indians and Arabs and Persians and everyone else, are rank amateurs. If anything, US Empire propaganda works better on foreigners than it does on you and me!

There's something to be said for experience, I guess. We've swam in it all our lives, and they haven't.

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