As soon as Venezuela announced that President Maduro had been re-elected, by a very believable 51-44% over the CIA-sponsored right-wing challenger, US Empire media went nuts with the opposition claiming it had won an unbelievable 73% of the vote, and Certified Vampire of the Empire Antony Blinken made noises about democracy.
This is great reporting on the election, how Venezuelans vote(hint: their system is far more secure than ours), and they provide a lot of background that everybody needs to know before even commenting on the subject.
A few bullet points from the video:
The Carter Center, the National Lawyers Guild, and dozens of other international monitors on the ground in Venezuela reported no signs of fraud.
Edison Research, which published the one exit poll showing Maduro losing, does polling for Voice of America and other well-known CIA fronts, and therefore has zero credibility.
Cabello, who is in Chicago and knows that city far better than I, says that Venezuelan refugees there are now saying they were better off in Venezuela.
Just from my own memory: Venezuela has one of the most advanced air defense systems in the world, manned by Russians who know how to operate them very well indeed, which is why there will be no American military invasion, but an attempted coup a month is not out of the question.
Venezuela has some of the largest oil reserves in the world!
I hope you enjoy the video, and more importantly, learn something useful from it.
Thanks for watching, good day or night, and good luck.
Funny how the $MSM never mentions the terrible effects of the sanctions on Venezuela when they bemoan the conditions there.
I assumed immediately that the US government and media would be lying their scrofulous asses off about the election results.
I am not looking forward to reaping what my government has sown without once asking what we citizens want to do.
The US should be the last country on the planet to claim authority to certify election 'legitimacy'....Further, as if the US hadn't screwed up enough places on the planet with interference in Ukraine, the Middle East, Taiwan (+/-)....Our race to hell in a hand-basket is now at warp speed....Just thought things couldn't get any worse after Middle East assassinations....and now this.