Thanks for the update. I was pretty sure both Issue 1 and 2 would pass, but I'm glad to see they passed so well. I really wish we could vote to not support genocide and war, too.

Here's hoping they use all that tax money garnered from marijuana sales to fix our roads, bridges and schools AND give us #MedicareForAl.

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Yeah, weed's gonna be legal now. Next step is to get it off the list of things Workmen's Comp tests for; so us blue-collar mutts can enjoy some too. Then it's time to release all Marijuana-crime prisoners from the Ohio pens. Then I'll be able to celebrate.

Until then, I'll continue to punch the Jesus Mullahs in the face with every vote. They'll get tired before I will.

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Yeah, it's silly hearing employers complaining they can't find enough workers in NE Ohio when they still insist on drug-testing for pot. That eliminates at least half your potential work force right there.

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Laughing my ass off, Lt. Worf!!! About the best thing to find on yesterday's election day here is the talk of PA's general assembly to "think" about legalizing recreational cannabis. Plus, three schmucks from a previously (and cruel) municipal council who did so much against me were found guilty of ethics violations!!! This has been going on for what I've seen in Monroeville (MonHOEville) for decades - council getting their relatives jobs in the municipality and water authority. Believe me... THAT felt good!

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Glad both initiatives passed.A triumph for minding your own business and letting others do as they see fit.

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