4:00pm. Got off work. The commute consisted of 8 steps across the basement floor from my corner desk and 11 up the stairs. It was a work-from-home day.
4:20. Time to get into the spirit of voting on Issue 2. Hint: Issue 1 legalizes abortion.
5:56. Off for the drive to the polling station at the elementary school.
6:00. Arrived at polling place. Many more cars than usual for an odd-numbered year election.
6:01. My eyes are assaulted by a pale blond woman holding a Mayor Gail sign, standing right next to the entrance. I detest Mayor Gail. Mayor Gail’s corrupt. Mayor Gail did a secret deal with Amazon giving Bezos a 100% 15 year property tax abatement, then demanded we increase our property taxes if we wanted any street maintenance. Mayor Gail brags about hiring more cops. I will not vote for Mayor Gail, blond woman so pale.
6:02. “NO. WAY!” I boom to the Mayor Gail supporter from about 4 feet away in my best Lieutenant Worf voice, accompanied by a Viking glare. Damn! That felt good! She was breaking election law standing so close to the door, anyway. Love that First Amendment.
6:02 + a few seconds. Walked into the gym where there are a dozen voting booths, where you fill in the little circles on the ballot. They’re scattered about no closer than 7 or 8 feet from one another, a few in the middle and more on the walls. I notice that 10 of 12 of them are actually occupied. I’ve never seen that here before, not even in a presidential election(I’ve voted in every election here since 2013).
6:05. Got the ballot, made sure I voted for the angry not-very-happy-with-the-cops black guy for mayor, and asked one of the election officials if turnout was good. She said “Yes! Over 700 so far today!”. Huh. This precinct is lucky to hit 300 in an off-year. Polls close at 7:30.
6:10. Home and turned on Channel 8. They report high turnout, especially in the cities. Recent polls show 57% support for legalized pot. Support for abortion rights has been around 55-60% for years. Film of Governor DeWine, who opposes legalizing abortion, looking sad in a basset hound kind of way.
7:00. Channel 8 says there has been a 45% voter turnout in Cuyahoga County. Normally it’s about 25%. The polls are still open. No wonder DeWine had the hangdog look. He knew what was coming.
7:06. Record turnout in Franklin County. That’s Columbus. That’s Ohio State.
7:40. From the Ohio Secretary of State:
Issue 1: Yes 58% No-42% Issue 2: Yes 59% No 31%. 0% reporting.
7:45. From CNN, Issue 1: Yes 65-35 Issue 2: Yes 56-44. 7% reporting.
9:00. From the Secretary of State, Issue 1: Yes 59-41 Issue 2: Yes 56-44. 16% reporting. A closer look at the counties shows 20-25% of the vote has been counted in the urban and suburban counties, 50-60% of the rural counties where then No vote was strongest. Only 25% in Cuyahoga, currently holding 77-23 for abortion rights and 64-36 for legalized weed? That percentage won’t change much.
I think it’s safe to call it. Both will pass. And maybe, just maybe, this is the beginning of the end of the abortion rights question in this country. Most people think it’s none of the government’s business. Same goes for a mild, non-addictive herb.
Now, if they’d only let Ohioans have a referendum on war…
Thank you for reading and have a nice night.
Thanks for the update. I was pretty sure both Issue 1 and 2 would pass, but I'm glad to see they passed so well. I really wish we could vote to not support genocide and war, too.
Here's hoping they use all that tax money garnered from marijuana sales to fix our roads, bridges and schools AND give us #MedicareForAl.
Yeah, weed's gonna be legal now. Next step is to get it off the list of things Workmen's Comp tests for; so us blue-collar mutts can enjoy some too. Then it's time to release all Marijuana-crime prisoners from the Ohio pens. Then I'll be able to celebrate.
Until then, I'll continue to punch the Jesus Mullahs in the face with every vote. They'll get tired before I will.