Looks like a fantastic backgrounder, I will put it on the cue.

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Fascinating watch. A couple of illuminating points about Churchill's and by extension Britain's concerns. Churchill was First Lord of Admiralty 1911-14 and oversaw conversion of British Fleet from steam to oil...and related essentially gaining control of newly discovered Persian Gulf oil field...story is here. https://www.twelveyearhistory.com/post/winston-churchill-and-the-oil-powered-british-navy1913-to-1920

What's equally interesting to me is how at the same time allied League of Nations founders were giving lip service to 'self determination' and applying it selectively in the former Ottoman Empire and the Middle East, many of them were invading the former Soviet Union and supporting the Russian Whites.

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Great to see this. When I look at history narrated this way, I find myself rolling it back because there again, a whole lot of "old European nations" are involved with pulling this part of the world apart, and it's overwhelming to see how much of the world was manipulated via the original empires.

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