Jul 26, 2022Liked by Ohio Barbarian

You know that I know where you are. I have officially registered (as MrMickeysMom) in another discussion forum that I'm not entirely excited about, which is called caucus99percent (c99 for short). I'll get around to posting their towards the weekend. I'm trying to write an essay in tribute to JackpineRadicals. Care to contribute to it (I have as yet started it)?

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You know, that's a great idea. I only came on board during the DU debacle after Hillary lost and saw you guys on their Facebook page, but JPR provided a good internet home for me for over five years, which isn't bad at all in this day and age. I'll check out that forum as well. Maybe I'll right a memoriam for JPR on Substack soon.

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I will say some good words. It's a sad day for progressive politics to lose that place

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I'd like to see a discussion about DU. I joined in 2004 after the R's stole the presidential election. DU was united against Bush. Things started getting tense when Hills ran against Obama. Progressives supported Obama while the Elite sycophants (centrists) supported Hillary. And since the DU owner was closely associated with the Hillary campaign, progressives were subjected to bullying by those that were protected by the admin. One by one the most outspoken progressives were booted. This caused major backlash from the remaining progressives so the admin decided not to "boot" anyone but suspend people with suspensions that turned out indefinite. I played rope-a-dope, not challenging them head on but they figured me out and suspended me anyway. I learned a lot about bullying there.

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I learned a lot about bullying, too. I was never suspended. I was introduced to douche bags like "she/she" during the last few years of DU, who I feel were there to distract and cause a feeling of "Bernie Bros" reputation. Skinner appears to have gotten the right numbers of shit libs to keep posting on DU, but frankly, I knew Skinner to be the same type who would certainly bad what I had to say over the last few years of Covid. I'm unsure if that forum has any future as anything other than what it is... What is it? A shit lib, pro-Israel, zionist, head up the ass, uninteresting forum. I don't even look for what the discussion is any more. I know what the intention is with this kind of discussion board. It falls under manufacturing consent for the "narrative". This is why not having a succession plan for JPR left JPR without any way to defend its demise. Isn't this a damned shame? Other than that, Thom, what can be said about a bunch of shit lib commentary and consensus bullshit but that I no longer see value unless it were to be taken over by someone other than Skinner and his band of captured elites?

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I think living thru the DU and JPR experiences taught some valuable lessons. One is how to deal with bullies. Second is that those that blindly follow the Elitist Establishment are what I call "Baby Bullies". Like in Jr High there was always a bully that was followed and enabled by baby bullies. The baby bullies, or centrists or Establishment sycophants will never engage in honest discussions. They occasionally will mimic talking points from their leaders. I need some help on the third lesson. DU is an authoritarian lead echo chamber while JPR was free and open discussions. It seems to me that the authoritarian groups or entities are stable while progressive groups are not. Some of it has to do with money as money backs authoritarianism. Excuse the rambling.

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Ohio Barbarian

i of course know you as well... is jpr done? it'd be a real shame

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I'm afraid it is. See the comments above. Some of us are on other sites if you want to check them out.

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Ohio Barbarian

What happened to JPR I feel like I lost a fiend?

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The only fiend you lost is probably me. Yeah, I know, you meant friend. I think Beth just couldn't manage it anymore. We never did get any takers for admins, and none of us remaining mods had the ability to run a discussion forum like JPR.

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Ohio Barbarian

What am I? Chopped liver? :-D Hey, if you had a user name at JPR, I could tell you more, but needless to say, staying in touch like this may be the thing we need on the way to the next thing... You know the thing...

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How do I get my handle to show and not my name?

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I think you could go back into your profile here, but I am forgetting. What handle did you go by in days of JPR, which I greatly miss, too.

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I don't see in the profile how to change to show my handle and not my name. My handle is Thom Paine as it was in JR.

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Hiya! I went up under my profile and under settings I could edit my "MrMickeysMom" profile, which is what I'm thinking you mean. Maybe I misunderstood???

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Thanks I changed my name to Thom Paine. I thought the site wanted my real name and would post my handle. I seem to have another problem. I paid for a subscription but it isn't recognized. Is there somewhere here to contact someone?

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After Fearless Leader passed, which was too soon, there wasn't a plan B with anyone who had skill set plus access to the stuff that could have been archived on JPR. Big Brother also probably didn't like us, who which I thumb my nose and fart in BB's general direction. BB's mother was a hamster and father smelled of elderberries!

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I hope JPR is not permanently gone. How could this happen?

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I'm afraid it is. Beth just couldn't handle it anymore, and I'm sure it made her miserable just to look at it since this was her and her husband's dream. What happened is we couldn't find an admin, and I simply don't have the technical skill to run a discussion forum. Neither do any of the other mods.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Hi I’m Jon. Good to see you here. You can find me at my board Left Lane Only.


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I may (after reading left lane only's TOS, not to be confused with the orange satan) regret the sharing of information, but hey - I'm already on Twitter since 2009 and same with Facebook.

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Hi, PassionateProgressive here....Any news we can share/comment on as to what happened and where (if anywhere) we go from here....At the time of the 'crash' of all coincidences my computer was on the fritz for about a week. Luckily I got it back...Made a list of all my current/former JPR contacts just in case.....Hope it isn't a complete loss....any updates good/bad on this thread would be greatly appreciated.

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Passionate,you were one of my favorite commentators on JPR.Good to see you here.

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Another ex-JPR person here. Hi everyone.

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Hi pam2! Nice to see you here - tried to reply on JPR, but, well, it was too far gone :-(

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Found you, jbnw!!! Pam and I have been emailing, nvwino, too. who also registered as I did at c99. I do like some things there, but it's too disconnected for a real conversation.

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Yes - these days a real conversation is harder to find! Too much polarization, and, well, too few minds that are actually looking for the truth rather than acceptable propaganda.

So I will happily read a little here, and maybe express a few limited opinions on William's thoughts :-)

It'd be nice to see his views on a major stage . . .

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You're the best, Pam. Good to see you.

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022Liked by Ohio Barbarian

So sad to hear it's gone.

Caucus99% is a good site but a fraction as active. It started much as JPR did. Instead of fleeing DU, they fled Daily Kos aka TOS (The Orange Satan).

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So, Daily Kos was the orange satan, eh? Now, I know about yet another acronym!

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Ohio Barbarian

HassleCat here. JPR is a demise to be lamented. Stay progressive!

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I'm very sad that JPR met its demise. The crowing over at that shit hole DU is insufferable. I'm so glad I remembered you had a substack! Now I need to find a new place to call home. Keep up the great writing!

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They ARE crowing about it! At least some of them. Mostly with Ukrainian flag avatars, which in Twit World is always a sign you are about to read a really stupid tweet. Did you know we're all Trump-voting racist shit stains?

Neither did I. Oh well.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Glad to have found your sub, Ohio, will miss jpr and all the great folks. Ive lurked at c99for 5 years, never joined, preferred jpr, i guess i will see you guys over at c99 and this cozy spot ohio has built, i guess we must carry on.....

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Hey, buddy! I'm finding more of the tribe here. I'm glad to see you!

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Hey, MrMM, good to hear from you! Im joining c99 soon and will of course pester Ohio here. Glad we can all kinda stay connected! 🥰

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Hey all, it's a pleasure to touch base with you.

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Hi everyone. I’m glad I found you all. Even though I hadn’t been active at JPR I used to check in and see how everything was going, what was being discussed. I’m very sorry it’s gone, it was a great place.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Passionate Progressive gave me a good reminder to find you here :-)


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How are you jbnw - family okay? I've thought about so many so often....We all hopefully can keep in touch...

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Thank you, and I'm happy to say they are and are starting to like Portland. Big culture change, of course, and I'm glad we're not downtown!

Ukraine is still worrying, especially with the coming changes, but so far there is a limited impact in their area.

And I hope so too, and thank you to William for keeping a place for us :-)

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Checkin in again after seeing and now understanding previous JPR names here. I look at the number of choices I have, so while I did register at c99, I prefer to be one of the oddities at OB's substack. Yeah, got the summer company thing going, but will come back and see if I can at least support your streams of righteous consciousness herein.

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Chknltl here.

I am at loss for words....so many good people. Every day I find things from Jimmy Dore or Kim Iversen or Redacted*, that I would love to pass along to my fellow JPR members. Every morning JPR was my news source over breakfast.

I had difficulties signing on to C99 so I just Ghost through there. Other than that I sorta feel alone in a wilderness of propaganda.

*(Redacted: a show put on by Mr. and Mrs Morris. Not to be confused with a different show called Redacted Tonight. Strongly reccomended)

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You can always open your own Substack account and post them there. I'm sure you'd get a couple of dozen free subscribers, plus a few who are willing to throw a few $$ your way.

Yeah, I know. It's not the same and that's sad, but at least there are some viable alternatives. The internet is like the printing press--the authorities can never succeed in controlling all of it.

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Hey OB sir...

I accidentally did create a Substack Account then I tried to remove it.

The next thing I knew, I had a follower!

I explained to the follower that my Substack Account was created accidentally.

Hopefully that is that.

Regarding my making $$ from Substack or anywhere for that matter, I worry it could negatively impact my monthly VA allotment.

Perhaps you may have commentary (thoughts) on a Covid-19 issue I recently discocered:

Can blood used for emergency transfusions carry the vaccine issues?

Considering the large cohort of unvaxxed folks here in the U.S., one would think that this has become a serious concern among the unvaxxed.

IF we, can not count on blood needed for emergency purposes to be clean from those vaccines then we are at risk the same as everyone who got vaccinated and boosted.

I suspect that I am not alone in thinking that this is 100% unacceptable!

I would be interested in your thoughts regarding Covid-19 contaminated vaccines being used on those of us who chose not to be vaxxed.

Given censorship agendas ongoing throughout social media, it's OK by me if you choose to play it safe by not offering up your thoughts to this topic.


Chris "chknltl" Chick

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I hadn't thought about the mRna stuff being in blood supplies before. I don't know if it would make any difference or not. Gotta plead ignorance on that one.

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Yes I had to wade through a ton of sources who basically felt to me to be following the CDC's company line.


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Well, you don't have to accept contributions on Substack if you don't want to. It's optional. My retirement income will be so low that I don't think anything I make on Substack will make any difference, and if it does, I'd LOVE to have that problem!

Substack's an interesting experiment, all based on reader subscriptions. That certainly provides incentive. I went into a funk and hardly posted anything for awhile, and quite deservedly lost some paying followers. Right now, there really is a free market here. Most Americans are so unused to anything resembling one that they don't recognize it when they see it.

Plus, there's no political censorship here. Not even about Covid or war, much less about loyalty to a corrupt political party. That is immensely refreshing. I know you went through all the same shit I and so many other now former JPR members did.

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