Pretty much my thoughts exactly. Thanks for writing this.

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Same: except my dad us 95. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Jeffrey Sachs has spoken about our failure to have Marshall Plan for Russia. And, yeah buddy: we were true and royally fucked without them in WWII. Leaders from both sides of the aile have been hellbent on investing our tax dollars on the MIC. Our government is run by criminals.

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I don't think "our" government is really interested in we citizens any more. Really, I don't.

Funniest thing I saw today - Putin says he is endorsing Kamala Harris. Tongue in cheek, or not, that's campaign comedy gold. For Trump.

Side thought - why is "our" government so hell-bent on forcing us all to get jabbed, when it is pretty clear that the jab does not work. For Covid. I get the feeling that the important thing, no matter what the disease of the month is, we all get jabbed. I will not, but things seem strange.

I am 78. My dad hated Japan to the point of madness. He was in the Navy. As far as I know, he did not see any action. Never mentioned Russia at all. We kids knew to never ever discuss politics or, really, anything else with him. But then, he was a Democrat, and worked hard to elect JFK. Plus I would literally get physically punished if he caught me reading a book. Seriously. He thought my mother left him because she read books, so books were bad. I did know to never mention Black people, Jewish people, Italian people, or Catholic people to him. And, over the years, after I left home, I bought thousands of books. Book junkie.

I hear Putin thinks Kursk was such a bad idea that perhaps Zelensky is controlled by aliens. Imo aliens would be better than those who actually control him.

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Interesting! My dad was in the Navy before WW II, wounded at Pearl Harbor and never hated Japan. Perhaps it was his later study of economics helped him understand the reasons behind WW II -

As for Zelensky, Ukrainian resistance is slowly building.

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My father refused to buy anything that said Made In Japan for the rest of his life.

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My wife is 100% Soviet, then Ukrainian. She's gone through 10 years of civil war in Ukraine, and it didn't start in 2022. I've been there on multiple trips and seen the impacts. As my wife wishes, and I agree, I'll be voting for Trump with Tulsi and RFK Jr. - the only anti-war major party candidate, and it matters to Ukrainians.

That's, of course, assuming Ukraine doesn't collapse with current war and leadership changes in Ukraine!

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That's an assumption I, and no doubt you, aren't willing to place a wager on. January is just four months away. Can Ukraine hold out that long without collapsing? I honestly don't know.

I can see it going either way.

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I am worried about what lengths Zelensky and Blinken and Sullivan and Biden et al. will go to in order to prolong this . They are determined to win, one way or another.

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Well, all I can say is that we’re going to KNOW soon enough. Even Lloyd Austin said today that the war will end at the negotiating table, and what they’re trying to do now is to get Ukraine into the best negotiating position possible.

I don’t think Putin is going to give them very much. He doesn’t have to.

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It looks to The Duran guys like Zelensky desperately wants to target Moscow and/or Saint Petersburg. Like he still thinks this is a movie and he will ride into the sunset as a great hero. Zelensky seems to be quite delusional about this. Some of NATO/US/EU are feeding this delusion while pretending that they will not supply long range weapons.

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I hear so many guesses. The US is sending yet another quarter billion, Germany another 77 tanks, and Ukraine might lower conscription age to 18. So - WW III, or a Ukraine collapse, or, most probably, just dunno! I can't see it lasting much longer - Ukrainians might only have 4 hours of electricity this winter.

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All the turmoil within the Kiev regime isn’t exactly an indication things are going well. I’m starting to get the feeling that when it collapses, it will collapse in a matter of days or weeks.

WHEN will that happen? I can’t say. Insufficient data.

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Yeah, funny how we aren’t supposed to know about that civil war.

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Americans have very short memories when it comes to our cooperation in WWII with the former Soviet Union--and Russiagate. Really? They're going to blame Putin/Russia once again for how corrupt the duopoly is? You'd think they duopolists could be more original and make up a story about Lichtenstein or Monaco trying to rig US elections. It makes just as much sense!

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Some of us remember - and it doesn't hurt to see multiple Eternal Flames in Russia where 22 million dead are remembered.

The Eternal Flame at the Motherland Monument in Kiev is out, though.

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I wonder if the Democrats are going to that well once too often. All of us have seen this before, and it's starting to come across as a tired rerun. It's certainly neither new nor improved, the twin pillars of American marketing practice.

Besides, it's obvious to anyone who really looks that Israel openly interferes in our elections far more than any other country on the planet does.

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We can’t even remember 400,000 war dead. FFS, this country can’t handle a few thousand any more, what do they think WW3 is going to look like, even if it doesn’t go nuclear??

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'...so is this gaslighting about Russia that the US government and the Democrats are trying to pull.'

I feel that especially in the US, the decades of anti-Russian propaganda from the Cold War era, politicians and mainstream media have deeply instilled a completely negative image of Russia, the Soviets, communism, etc.

Many people in the West have a black-and-white perception of these things without much nuance.

There are valid negative points, to be sure, but there are a lot of important backstories and grey areas that need to be taken into consideration as well.

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The whole story about a shady russian cut out paying 10 million to hire 4 low influence influencers smells like bullshit - like a DNC/Deep State dirty trick to suspend democracy for our own good. The reason I think this is because it was so intensely clumsy and dumb. The ‘influencers’ were low quality, small subscriber channels. Generally, I like to think of ‘who benefits’ in cases like this. Paying 10 million to indie podcasters / you tubers whose minuscule audience already favors Trump benefits only the forces who want to discredit independent media, continue the war with Russia, engage is mass censorship, silence US critics, and suspend democracy because of the ‘unique threat’ Trump allegedly poses.

So yeah, I think the ‘Russian cut-out’ was someone from some 3 letter agency.

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You've noticed that too, eh? When the Russians do try propaganda here they are terrible about it just as you said--low budget, low quality, usually little more than a mediocre troll farm at best.

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Taibbi’s ‘America this Week’ was sobering.

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As was his shorter article today, where he wondered if he would wind up the first domestic drone victim for the crime of misinformation in telling us journalists might get droned.

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The glaring proof of the psyop is that you can not access any Russian news sites online. This I find astonishing, that it goes down without a hiccup with the public. Our own government going full totalitarian.

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You CAN access Russian news sites online if you use the right browser. I know Duck Duck Go and Ecosia both give me access to RT, TASS, Sputnik, you name it.

Our government IS trying to go full totalitarian but, in this case fortunately for us, we are in a declining empire. One universal symptom of declining empires is arrogant, ambitious and incompetent people rising to the highest levels of power in every institution, and remaining there or being replaced by those who are just more vicious, but even less competent than they.

Tell me that's not happening in the United States. Look at what they've tried to do to Trump, who shows just a LITTLE independence. They've called him a Russian agent or Putin's puppet with zero evidence, waged lawfare against him both civil and criminal, tried to keep him off the ballot for ludicrous legal reasons, tried to assassinate him and then acted as if nothing happened on July 13th.

Which happens to be my birthday, so I'll never forget it, but neither will Pennsylvanians no matter how much the M$M memory holes it and Democults say it was a Trump psyop in spite of the fact that a man was fucking killed.

They can't control the technology and they are losing control of the narrative, and you are a part of this historical force.

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The battle lines have been drawn and the war on humans has commenced. It is unfortunate that the greater public has chosen to engage in a war of beliefs , forsaking the illuminating powers of cognitive examination of information. In a way I feel like we have entered the Dark Ages Of Ignorance , ironically occurring at the same time that we have the sum of human experience at our fingertips.

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Brilliant. Thank you.

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….. and AIPAC agrees.

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AIPAC agrees with me about the Ukraine War? Gotta ask you to provide some evidence for that claim, man.

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How did you reach that conclusion??

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Yeah, that's what I thought.

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"...tens of thousands of Russian men have also died, and for what?"

To save the world. (Duh!)

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Once again into the breach...Napoleon, the horrors of World War I and revolution and civil war, the Nazis, now the US Empire's proxies. When will we learn that existentially threatening Mother Russia is a Bad Idea?

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Oohh, I think it should start to sink in about now.

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