“An authoritarian kleptocracy, which is an accurate description of the Russian government now, cannot long survive unless a large majority of the population is distracted from thinking about all the terrible things that same kleptocracy is actively doing to its standard of living. The easiest way to do that is to scare the shit out of people with some outside threat.”

Just to add the also-obvious.

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Well said OB. This all on US/NATO. Anyone who says otherwise has their head up their ass. I read Putin’s last speech & I find it has the ring of truth far more than anything the west is saying. I’m tired of hearing even some Leftish pundits say Russia ‘seized’ or ‘took’ Crimea when my understanding is there was a referendum where 96% of the vote went to rejoin Russia. Some pundits have called it an illegal referendum. Not sure what to think of that. Noted that Saagar says invasion as dumb as US invading Iraq. Have to disagree. I’m thinking Putin will get his security guarantees in relatively short order & there’ll be ceasefire. At least I hope so.

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Man is this an unusually stupid take. Fuck Putin and the real war that is killing real people you dumb fuck. Are you a Russian shill?

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Well said! Sharp, succinct - not a word wasted. Thank you. :)

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You people are all insanely brain-washed and totally sick in the head. People are dying and here you all are with no hearts spreading hate and division; look no further than at YOURSELF to see what is wrong with the world today. This article is nothing but a bunch of hateful, evil, hog washed chit!

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