Very well said, OB. Me thinks it’s well passed time for a complete House cleaning. Hopefully there’ll be enough independent Left people running to make a difference. I have my doubts though as the corrupt capitalist owned duopoly has such control of elections & pretty much everything in general. Haven’t been to JPR in a couple weeks. Don’t know if I’ll ever go back. Plenty of other places to read & write. Keep up the good work. You really do write well. Take care.

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Very nice Ohio as always you nail it

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Thanks OB for another spot on piece. Glad to be one of your subscribers now. Like Zim said, you are a great writer who wastes no words and deserve to be seen and read far and wide, although I'm not sure how many folks can handle you, lol. Anyway, congrats and talk to you soon.

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Oh dear. I must say that I agree with your analysis - on the whole - although I wish I didn't.

My one disagreement would be about never voting for any Democrats again. That's a far too undifferentiaed position to be tenable. There are many meaningful political contests beyond the Presidency and even Congress. My state Democratic Rep, for example, has leveraged through a lot of bills that, I think, will make a truly positive difference in the lives of incarcerated people and foster children in the state. It may not be abolishing capitalism or anything remotely grandiose, but if it were you or a loved one who was positively impacted by such policy changes, it would mean the world to you and yours. That's important.

That said, I would definitely vote for any candidate regardless of party affiliation if I thought they were the best person for the particular job available.

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