I heard a report of a little Bedouin girl in the Negev killed by shrapnel or fall out or what have you. Since she wouldn't be considered an Israeli citizen (not being Jewish) I guess there were "no Israeli casualties."
The Iranians claim to have only hit military facilities, What was a little girl doing there during the attack if the Israelis knew 3hrs in advance? Talk about Human shields
Exactly, I'm not questioning his credibility only his sources, if true then why did they leak that info. I don't know, it seems like narrative management to me.
It may be narrative management for all I know. It's not as if I have stratospheric contacts in the Pentagon, but Hersh has for years.
What makes me more inclined to believe it is the quote from the Russian general. If that was a made-up story, it was made up by someone who knew Russians.
I hope it's true that the US military took actions to hold off Bibi's movement toward a bigger war. It looks to me like Israel is "all in" and can not back down now. There is no undoing what they have done. There is no such thing as a permanent ceasefire. Israel's only hope is to win the bigger war.
How can they, though? Iran can pummel them, and they know it. Oh, sure they could hurt Iran badly, but papers like the Times of Israel and Haaretz are publishing articles saying Israel has already lost the war in Gaza since none of the stated objectives look anywhere close to being achieved.
Something's happening in Israel. What it is ain't exactly clear.
The real objective was to murder as many Palestinians as possible and to uproot the rest. They also managed to clear a lot of land for the new proposed ocean view properties.
Some of Israel needs to be preserved to fulfil its role as Centre of the New World Order.
Well, at this point I'm not so sure how long that last sentence is going to hold true in the West. Once all the videos of starved children come out that may change. It definitely CAN change, which I would not have said on October 6.
Jeff Zients, COVID-19 Coordinator, is said to be the most powerful person in the White House.
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, a Cuban Jew, is working directly with the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. This NGO is integral to the border process.
Something like half your 2, 3 and 4 star generals are Jewish.
I'm sure there are Jewish supremacists, but all of them are Zionists, aren't they? In honor of my relative who was a liberator of Dachau, and of anti-Zionist Jews like Norman Finkelstein, the Due Dissidence guys, and the rabbis who have denounced Israel, I will not tar all Jews with the brush of Zionism, or even banking.
Besides, for every bad, greedy hypocritical Jew, there are at least 10 bad, greedy hypocritical Christians or Muslims or atheists. That's just simple demographics.
The central banks are in control...so that sentiment is naive.
They self-identify as "Jews" but they are actually Freemasons and Kabbalists.
The term doesn't appear in The Bible so like many other elements of 'history' it is an invention to serve a purpose. The word Jew did not exist until 1514 A.D.
"According to Jewish-born Historian Benjamin H. Freedman, author of Facts Are Facts: The best known 18th century editions of the New Testament in English are the Rheims (Douai) Edition and the King James Authorized Edition. The Rheims (Douai) translation of the New Testament into English was first printed in 1582 but the word ‘Jew’ did not appear in it.
“The King James Authorized translation of the New Testament into English was begun in 1604 and first published in 1611. The word ‘Jew’ did not appear in it either. The word ‘Jew’ appeared in both these well known editions in their 18th century revised versions for the first times."
Thanks for the summary. I recently unsubscribed to Hersh because his stories seemed to be just "grumpy old out of the loop Intel guy" gossip. Maybe this is more of the same? Dunno. I do think that the Pentagon is a hell of a lot smarter, wiser and realistic than whoever is running the show at the White House. I am ambivalent about this story. If it's true, Hersh probably shouldn't have published it, because if the Israelis think they were played they will just escalate. Even if they do have to go it alone - which is a political decision that's actually beyond the pay grade of even Biden and his handlers.
I, too, am going to let my Hersh subscription expire. He is still riding the sails of his My Lai achievement. While he always has the juiciest information, we have to believe that those at the highest levels take Seymour into their confidence. Someday we might even know who they are.
Strong possibility that Hersh has been duped into writing pieces that make the brass look good.
If true, those officers deserve medals for courage, integrity and intelligence ... and one of them should replace that stooge, Sec. of War Lloyd Austin. If true it also underscores the complete collapse of any kind of leadership, intelligence, humanity, creativity or humanity at the top of our corrupt government.
If true, it shows that elements of the military are no longer so loyal to the White House that they won't take matters into their own hands if they think it necessary.
It's scary that our "elected" leaders and their appointees are that terrible, but then again we already knew that. No revolution can be successful without some cooperation from the military. IF this story is true, then yet another precondition for revolution is now a thing.
Like the stories that Hersh tells, but I can't pay, so it's nice to have some bits to read. Txs!
But this story on Pentagon playing with Russian and Iran, the enemies, I'm not so sure it works for a simple technical reason and for a simple thing I didn't like of your article Ohio.
USA have a huge list of coups everywhere since a 100 yrs and more and unless CIA and Pentagon don't want to work together would have been much easier to make a change or a couple of kills in the Bibi staff or Bibi himself. Quicker, nicer, the World once in a century would have salute: Thank You America! But they didn't. They let those nazi Zionist to massacre thousands of innocent kids.
If Pentagon and Cia wanted, they could have done much before Gaza genocide and surely, 100% surely, much before October 7th.
So to me it's not a reliable story
Then your conclusion Ohio: I'm sorry, I'm a poor ignorant European, but not that stupid to drink that patriotism of Pentagon saving the Constitution and the World from WWIII. If they did something Hersh is saying would be to save their asses and assets, financial one, not the Constitution or the rest of the World!
Remind you that if Nazi were defeated in WWII was txs to Russia sacrifice of tens of millions life (that doesn't not appear in my kid history book of our "going Nazi mode" Eu country) and when Churchill asked for help US cousins got a middle finger.
It could very well be an intervention to protect financial assets, at least in part. Iran can shut down the Straits of if they want to. There's nothing the US Navy can do to prevent that. The last thing the Democrats, not to mention the European governments, want is for the Saudis and the Gulf States, not to mention Iraq, to be unable to export oil.
Higher gasoline prices aren't exactly a good re-election tool. There's vast amounts of the American oligarchy's money to be lost, too.
As for patriotism, well, I do hope that there are people in the American military who won't let their leaders destroy their country because they don't know WTF else to do. I am a veteran, and there are good officers, so that is possible.
Problem is Pentagon not some smart, nice, conscious Army officer. And if you are a veteran you know better than me that you guys never fought to defend US since 1900.
I don't buy it. This is spin within spin imo. An attempt to preserve the notion of American military superiority when the simple fact is drones have changed war and America is not and can never be prepared. It's like how cannons obviated castles. And as a result we no longer even attempt to enclose our cities anymore.
My read is that Iran now knows and has shown the world it can pierce any existing ballistic missile defense. I strongly suspect this will always be true for the simple reason that throwing a rock is always easier than hitting a thrown rock with a rock. It's like division always being harder than multiplication.
This story is about America basically scrambling to hide the fact that all our bases everywhere are useless wastes of money, which everyone sane has known for decades, but now even more so. Iran or anyone else with a real army can simply crater the lot of them at range.
This is our near bloodless Agincourt. The era of the longbow has arrived.
I kinda feel like the Israeli reply was intentionally nonsense (wimpy drones, no real damage) to avoid a real Iranian response. Like Bibi or someone down the line knew risking WW3 just to keep him out of jail was unacceptable. Am I being naive?
No, you're not being naive. The Israelis didn't try a decapitation strike against either the Revolutionary Guard or the Teheran government. In fact, they left Teheran out of it. They also didn't attack any of Iran's nuclear facilities, but that might have been because the Iranians publicly told the Israelis they knew where THEIR'S were and could hit them.
It is at least somewhat likely that you are right. If Iran decides it's not worth hitting back over a few old F-14 Tomcats and F-5s that couldn't fly anyway, this particular crisis will end.
This story does not make any sense. Sounds like total & absolute bull shit. The first red flag is that such a high profile “secret operation” & he easily gets wind of it….& then he decides to publish it on Substack…lol… won’t his sources feel cheated & totally exposed? Why would he alienate his sources like this? 2nd red flag: So Israel murders a few top Iranian generals, & Iran wants revenge. But the US is able to convince Iran that they can send in a few dud missiles, all of which will be shot down & thus Iran can feel deeply satisfied & eclectic that they achieved revenge by being able to send duds?… lol….What did Iran achieve from this? Not only did their top generals die, but now they have to waste missiles & look like pussies?…lol ….3rd red flag: No matter what antics the US plays, Israel can attack again. They didn’t get permission from the US to kill the generals in the Damascus attack. They did what they wanted. They were already “on their own”… So what’s stopping them now? They are more provoked and angry now. So this does not stop Israel in any way. They want to pull the US & the west into the war, which is why they attacked in the first place. So no cheap US antics can stop them now. The story stinks to high hell. 4th red flag…. Secret pentagon officials are not running this show…. Israel is acting like an uncontrolled rabid war monger because it knows it can with the Zionist wealth controlling the US, UK, France & the rest of the west. Israel does what it wants & the entire west has no other choice but to support unconditionally as they have pledged servitude to the Zionists’ wealth…. So suddenly the “secret pentagon officials” change course & play some games & tell Israel that “they’re on their own”? lol …. Also if Bibi will be investigated & prosecuted or imprisoned, he has no other choice but to stay in power & keep the war going….so he will not stop at anything, no matter what antics the US plays……overall this story sounds like total nonsense.
We the species are able to scheme for the common benefit as in this Hersh story. It sounds true, too, because one could not help seeing sanity in the appearance of the Iranian armada, how else except by careful stratagem and planning does a nation on a war footing (Iran) make such a measured timely move? Also, look at how an inside view to high level machinations are the one show the public has not seen? And of course will never see, but in a mystifying way we the species seem to get what we want, the market , they call it. A feeling wrapped inside a feeling, looking at human enigmas, but a Joe Rogan or any other observational style should tell the real time of day twice a day, does that make sense? Meaning that NPR and others are so fused content to style, that they could not tell this story if it is largely true, being bespoke, being special pleaders, if that describes any of the PRX style to you where they seem to cover the news in tea cozies, to me....
Just even more reason to wonder how much “JoeBiden” is left. He’s out on the campaign trail in middle school gyms doing his angry old man bit where he gets worked up and screams and jabs the finger and challenges Trump to a fist fight. Meanwhile, someone has been delegated to avert WWIII, I would surmise?
The survivors, if any, will watch newsreels of our time and be certain that it’s all just a parody.
Well, elements of the military took matters into their own hands to reassure the Chinese during Donny Demento’s administration, and they took it upon themselves to avert a catastrophe by working together with Russian and Iran and… yeah! Right on. If Hersh’s story is true, I like that they told the Israelis to dial it back. Someone needs to leash those rabid animals. Too bad our military gave them so much assistance while they were slaughtering Palestinian civilians. I wish a bit more of their conscience would come to the fore in that ongoing situation.
Hard to say of course but this story is plausible to me and I say that having spent just a little time in uniform. One thing is clear, the Iranian response was masterfully designed in scope and execution. I do not believe any of those drones or subsonic cruise missiles were expected to land on target, but rather to develop a swarm to mask the strikes on the airbases. This is a favorite tactic/technique of the Iranian military (which they have used to great effect against the US Navy in the past). The Iranians have also demonstrated strategic patience at the graduate level in responding to US/Israeli designs in Iraq, the Gulf and Syria in the last 15 years or so; they could have executed this alone I think. Either way, there were adults in the room somewhere for which I am grateful.
Whether Hersh's story is true or not, the Iranians certainly acted in an incredibly precise and calculated manner. Just like the Persians that they still are--patient, measured, a demonstration of strength and accuracy while saying Israel can have peace if it wishes to.
Pity the Israelis chose to bomb an airbase near Isfahan. I anticipate the next Iranian strike will be a lot stronger and inflict more than zero casualties.
Not sure if I totally believe all of Hersh's story. It seems to take away all agency from the Iranian military. But if there's a tiny bit of truth in it that the US military isn't eager to start WWIII and will cooperate to keep the larger peace, that's optimistic. I still wish Iran or somebody would permanently take out the government and military of Apartheid Israel once and for all.
I don't think it takes any agency away from the Iranian military. According to the story, the sheer perfection of the strikes and countermeasures required their full cooperation. This couldn't have happened without a lot of sheer competence on the Iranian side.
That competence was demonstrated whether they worked with the Americans or not.
Not I, that's for sure. Still, there were no Israeli casualties, none! And all the targets were still hit. That's amazing, no matter who did this.
I heard a report of a little Bedouin girl in the Negev killed by shrapnel or fall out or what have you. Since she wouldn't be considered an Israeli citizen (not being Jewish) I guess there were "no Israeli casualties."
The Iranians claim to have only hit military facilities, What was a little girl doing there during the attack if the Israelis knew 3hrs in advance? Talk about Human shields
I heard that report, and another that said the Bedouin girl was Jordanian, hit by falling Jordanian shrapnel.
Either way, she wasn't Israeli. Of course not. Israel's an apartheid state.
Exactly, I'm not questioning his credibility only his sources, if true then why did they leak that info. I don't know, it seems like narrative management to me.
It may be narrative management for all I know. It's not as if I have stratospheric contacts in the Pentagon, but Hersh has for years.
What makes me more inclined to believe it is the quote from the Russian general. If that was a made-up story, it was made up by someone who knew Russians.
Hope your right and there are still some sane people working in the background, for all of us earthlings sake.
I hope it's true that the US military took actions to hold off Bibi's movement toward a bigger war. It looks to me like Israel is "all in" and can not back down now. There is no undoing what they have done. There is no such thing as a permanent ceasefire. Israel's only hope is to win the bigger war.
How can they, though? Iran can pummel them, and they know it. Oh, sure they could hurt Iran badly, but papers like the Times of Israel and Haaretz are publishing articles saying Israel has already lost the war in Gaza since none of the stated objectives look anywhere close to being achieved.
Something's happening in Israel. What it is ain't exactly clear.
The real objective was to murder as many Palestinians as possible and to uproot the rest. They also managed to clear a lot of land for the new proposed ocean view properties.
Some of Israel needs to be preserved to fulfil its role as Centre of the New World Order.
Well, at this point I'm not so sure how long that last sentence is going to hold true in the West. Once all the videos of starved children come out that may change. It definitely CAN change, which I would not have said on October 6.
The US has been infiltrated.
The Fed has only had one non-Jewish president since 1986.
The most powerful politicians and cabinet members are dual citizens. The Jerusalem Post lists them all here: https://www.jpost.com/opinion/joe-bidens-a-team-of-jewish-advisers-cabinet-members-and-staff-658350
Jeff Zients, COVID-19 Coordinator, is said to be the most powerful person in the White House.
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, a Cuban Jew, is working directly with the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. This NGO is integral to the border process.
Something like half your 2, 3 and 4 star generals are Jewish.
I'm sure there are Jewish supremacists, but all of them are Zionists, aren't they? In honor of my relative who was a liberator of Dachau, and of anti-Zionist Jews like Norman Finkelstein, the Due Dissidence guys, and the rabbis who have denounced Israel, I will not tar all Jews with the brush of Zionism, or even banking.
Besides, for every bad, greedy hypocritical Jew, there are at least 10 bad, greedy hypocritical Christians or Muslims or atheists. That's just simple demographics.
The central banks are in control...so that sentiment is naive.
They self-identify as "Jews" but they are actually Freemasons and Kabbalists.
The term doesn't appear in The Bible so like many other elements of 'history' it is an invention to serve a purpose. The word Jew did not exist until 1514 A.D.
"According to Jewish-born Historian Benjamin H. Freedman, author of Facts Are Facts: The best known 18th century editions of the New Testament in English are the Rheims (Douai) Edition and the King James Authorized Edition. The Rheims (Douai) translation of the New Testament into English was first printed in 1582 but the word ‘Jew’ did not appear in it.
“The King James Authorized translation of the New Testament into English was begun in 1604 and first published in 1611. The word ‘Jew’ did not appear in it either. The word ‘Jew’ appeared in both these well known editions in their 18th century revised versions for the first times."
Thanks for the summary. I recently unsubscribed to Hersh because his stories seemed to be just "grumpy old out of the loop Intel guy" gossip. Maybe this is more of the same? Dunno. I do think that the Pentagon is a hell of a lot smarter, wiser and realistic than whoever is running the show at the White House. I am ambivalent about this story. If it's true, Hersh probably shouldn't have published it, because if the Israelis think they were played they will just escalate. Even if they do have to go it alone - which is a political decision that's actually beyond the pay grade of even Biden and his handlers.
My thoughts exactly on Hersh.
I, too, am going to let my Hersh subscription expire. He is still riding the sails of his My Lai achievement. While he always has the juiciest information, we have to believe that those at the highest levels take Seymour into their confidence. Someday we might even know who they are.
Strong possibility that Hersh has been duped into writing pieces that make the brass look good.
I dropped my sub quite a while ago… too much hubris. The Perfect Sap for manipulation.
If true, those officers deserve medals for courage, integrity and intelligence ... and one of them should replace that stooge, Sec. of War Lloyd Austin. If true it also underscores the complete collapse of any kind of leadership, intelligence, humanity, creativity or humanity at the top of our corrupt government.
If true, it shows that elements of the military are no longer so loyal to the White House that they won't take matters into their own hands if they think it necessary.
It's scary that our "elected" leaders and their appointees are that terrible, but then again we already knew that. No revolution can be successful without some cooperation from the military. IF this story is true, then yet another precondition for revolution is now a thing.
That is somehow both reassuring and terrifying.
Thanks very much for the good synopsis!
Like the stories that Hersh tells, but I can't pay, so it's nice to have some bits to read. Txs!
But this story on Pentagon playing with Russian and Iran, the enemies, I'm not so sure it works for a simple technical reason and for a simple thing I didn't like of your article Ohio.
USA have a huge list of coups everywhere since a 100 yrs and more and unless CIA and Pentagon don't want to work together would have been much easier to make a change or a couple of kills in the Bibi staff or Bibi himself. Quicker, nicer, the World once in a century would have salute: Thank You America! But they didn't. They let those nazi Zionist to massacre thousands of innocent kids.
If Pentagon and Cia wanted, they could have done much before Gaza genocide and surely, 100% surely, much before October 7th.
So to me it's not a reliable story
Then your conclusion Ohio: I'm sorry, I'm a poor ignorant European, but not that stupid to drink that patriotism of Pentagon saving the Constitution and the World from WWIII. If they did something Hersh is saying would be to save their asses and assets, financial one, not the Constitution or the rest of the World!
Remind you that if Nazi were defeated in WWII was txs to Russia sacrifice of tens of millions life (that doesn't not appear in my kid history book of our "going Nazi mode" Eu country) and when Churchill asked for help US cousins got a middle finger.
It could very well be an intervention to protect financial assets, at least in part. Iran can shut down the Straits of if they want to. There's nothing the US Navy can do to prevent that. The last thing the Democrats, not to mention the European governments, want is for the Saudis and the Gulf States, not to mention Iraq, to be unable to export oil.
Higher gasoline prices aren't exactly a good re-election tool. There's vast amounts of the American oligarchy's money to be lost, too.
As for patriotism, well, I do hope that there are people in the American military who won't let their leaders destroy their country because they don't know WTF else to do. I am a veteran, and there are good officers, so that is possible.
I don't give a shit about the CIA.
Problem is Pentagon not some smart, nice, conscious Army officer. And if you are a veteran you know better than me that you guys never fought to defend US since 1900.
I don't buy it. This is spin within spin imo. An attempt to preserve the notion of American military superiority when the simple fact is drones have changed war and America is not and can never be prepared. It's like how cannons obviated castles. And as a result we no longer even attempt to enclose our cities anymore.
My read is that Iran now knows and has shown the world it can pierce any existing ballistic missile defense. I strongly suspect this will always be true for the simple reason that throwing a rock is always easier than hitting a thrown rock with a rock. It's like division always being harder than multiplication.
This story is about America basically scrambling to hide the fact that all our bases everywhere are useless wastes of money, which everyone sane has known for decades, but now even more so. Iran or anyone else with a real army can simply crater the lot of them at range.
This is our near bloodless Agincourt. The era of the longbow has arrived.
Agincourt is a good analogy. I see the Israelis bombed an Iranian airfield near Isfahan. Iran will respond, this time without any warning.
Ain't it great living in interesting times?
I kinda feel like the Israeli reply was intentionally nonsense (wimpy drones, no real damage) to avoid a real Iranian response. Like Bibi or someone down the line knew risking WW3 just to keep him out of jail was unacceptable. Am I being naive?
No, you're not being naive. The Israelis didn't try a decapitation strike against either the Revolutionary Guard or the Teheran government. In fact, they left Teheran out of it. They also didn't attack any of Iran's nuclear facilities, but that might have been because the Iranians publicly told the Israelis they knew where THEIR'S were and could hit them.
It is at least somewhat likely that you are right. If Iran decides it's not worth hitting back over a few old F-14 Tomcats and F-5s that couldn't fly anyway, this particular crisis will end.
I didn't even realize the Israeli strike rose to the level of 6 digit property damage. But I'm glad overall that it's looking like this.
"That, I think, was what both the Iranian and American military wanted to drive through the thick skulls in both Washington and Jerusalem," I agree!
This story does not make any sense. Sounds like total & absolute bull shit. The first red flag is that such a high profile “secret operation” & he easily gets wind of it….& then he decides to publish it on Substack…lol… won’t his sources feel cheated & totally exposed? Why would he alienate his sources like this? 2nd red flag: So Israel murders a few top Iranian generals, & Iran wants revenge. But the US is able to convince Iran that they can send in a few dud missiles, all of which will be shot down & thus Iran can feel deeply satisfied & eclectic that they achieved revenge by being able to send duds?… lol….What did Iran achieve from this? Not only did their top generals die, but now they have to waste missiles & look like pussies?…lol ….3rd red flag: No matter what antics the US plays, Israel can attack again. They didn’t get permission from the US to kill the generals in the Damascus attack. They did what they wanted. They were already “on their own”… So what’s stopping them now? They are more provoked and angry now. So this does not stop Israel in any way. They want to pull the US & the west into the war, which is why they attacked in the first place. So no cheap US antics can stop them now. The story stinks to high hell. 4th red flag…. Secret pentagon officials are not running this show…. Israel is acting like an uncontrolled rabid war monger because it knows it can with the Zionist wealth controlling the US, UK, France & the rest of the west. Israel does what it wants & the entire west has no other choice but to support unconditionally as they have pledged servitude to the Zionists’ wealth…. So suddenly the “secret pentagon officials” change course & play some games & tell Israel that “they’re on their own”? lol …. Also if Bibi will be investigated & prosecuted or imprisoned, he has no other choice but to stay in power & keep the war going….so he will not stop at anything, no matter what antics the US plays……overall this story sounds like total nonsense.
We the species are able to scheme for the common benefit as in this Hersh story. It sounds true, too, because one could not help seeing sanity in the appearance of the Iranian armada, how else except by careful stratagem and planning does a nation on a war footing (Iran) make such a measured timely move? Also, look at how an inside view to high level machinations are the one show the public has not seen? And of course will never see, but in a mystifying way we the species seem to get what we want, the market , they call it. A feeling wrapped inside a feeling, looking at human enigmas, but a Joe Rogan or any other observational style should tell the real time of day twice a day, does that make sense? Meaning that NPR and others are so fused content to style, that they could not tell this story if it is largely true, being bespoke, being special pleaders, if that describes any of the PRX style to you where they seem to cover the news in tea cozies, to me....
Please dear GOD let this be true, if it is true it's the most hopeful thing I have read in decades. Reverse Dr. Strangelove FTW.
Just even more reason to wonder how much “JoeBiden” is left. He’s out on the campaign trail in middle school gyms doing his angry old man bit where he gets worked up and screams and jabs the finger and challenges Trump to a fist fight. Meanwhile, someone has been delegated to avert WWIII, I would surmise?
The survivors, if any, will watch newsreels of our time and be certain that it’s all just a parody.
Well, elements of the military took matters into their own hands to reassure the Chinese during Donny Demento’s administration, and they took it upon themselves to avert a catastrophe by working together with Russian and Iran and… yeah! Right on. If Hersh’s story is true, I like that they told the Israelis to dial it back. Someone needs to leash those rabid animals. Too bad our military gave them so much assistance while they were slaughtering Palestinian civilians. I wish a bit more of their conscience would come to the fore in that ongoing situation.
Hard to say of course but this story is plausible to me and I say that having spent just a little time in uniform. One thing is clear, the Iranian response was masterfully designed in scope and execution. I do not believe any of those drones or subsonic cruise missiles were expected to land on target, but rather to develop a swarm to mask the strikes on the airbases. This is a favorite tactic/technique of the Iranian military (which they have used to great effect against the US Navy in the past). The Iranians have also demonstrated strategic patience at the graduate level in responding to US/Israeli designs in Iraq, the Gulf and Syria in the last 15 years or so; they could have executed this alone I think. Either way, there were adults in the room somewhere for which I am grateful.
Whether Hersh's story is true or not, the Iranians certainly acted in an incredibly precise and calculated manner. Just like the Persians that they still are--patient, measured, a demonstration of strength and accuracy while saying Israel can have peace if it wishes to.
Pity the Israelis chose to bomb an airbase near Isfahan. I anticipate the next Iranian strike will be a lot stronger and inflict more than zero casualties.
Not sure if I totally believe all of Hersh's story. It seems to take away all agency from the Iranian military. But if there's a tiny bit of truth in it that the US military isn't eager to start WWIII and will cooperate to keep the larger peace, that's optimistic. I still wish Iran or somebody would permanently take out the government and military of Apartheid Israel once and for all.
Me too.
I don't think it takes any agency away from the Iranian military. According to the story, the sheer perfection of the strikes and countermeasures required their full cooperation. This couldn't have happened without a lot of sheer competence on the Iranian side.
That competence was demonstrated whether they worked with the Americans or not.