So much change in Ohio western Pennsylvania since I flopped there in the summer of '73. So much so I had to make a living in the deep hot South.

Still deep, Fladuh deep.

I miss the Alleghenies.....

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The Alleghenies are still there, and the Seneca are still there, too. Oddly enough, I'll never know the western PA and NE Ohio you did. I moved here in 2005. People used to be amazed when I'd tell them I liked the climate better than Texas, California, or Colorado.

With all the recent heat waves, though, I don't hear that nearly as often now as I used to.

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"Ulysses S. Grant once said he hated campaigning in Ohio" - military or political campaigning?

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Good question. Political campaigning. There wasn't much military campaigning in Ohio--there was one deep Confederate raid but that's about it, and Grant wasn't involved.

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Yes that music becomes more radical as time goes by.

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I read about vacations and it's like a Sci-Fi story about elites on Europa in the year 3500. Why is it that travel and a little spending is in the same league as growing wings and casting spells? I hate my species. We care about each other as much as sharks care about pokemon. Being able to make use of anything paywalled with anything other than extreme fret and anxiety and guilt is about as distant GN-z11.

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Cincinnati! I lived there for a year, oh, 50 years ago. I still remember the best pizza ever - Adriatico's, right by the University of Cincinnati, though I had look up the name - it's been a while! Lots of good memories :-)

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Thanks for your post. Having lived in Maine all of my life I’ve been a bi-coastal, mostly just flying over the great middle of the country. I appreciate learning about those places viewed from a plane window. It might be time to pack up the dogs and do a road trip.

Also appreciate the AC tip. As a kid no one had AC in their homes or cars, no need for it. I still don’t have AC in my house which can be challenging several months of each summer. I went the old fashioned route - wide wraparound covered front porch facing west which keeps the first floor cool in any weather and skylights on the third floor that provide a chimney like affect to bring in cold night air rolling off the small mountain behind the house and allowing hot air to rise and escape. I did have to add a large awning over west facing French doors on the second floor. It’s amazing how well those things can work. We do have the advantage of nights that are usually cooler, though not the last few days, staying warm until the wee hours.

It’s a big diverse country and easy to forget just how different and similar we all are.

Again, thanks.

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Maine is one of the few states I've never made it to. The closest I got was New Hampshire and that was when Nixon was president.

We were going to go a few years ago, but the hotels just cost too much, not to mention the tolls. So we went to Mackinac Island instead, and if you're serious about that road trip, Mackinac Island and the UP in summer are like no other place on Earth.

Three Great Lakes come together there, each with its own color, and the water is as clear as the whitefish is tasty.

I ought to send the State of Michigan a bill for that tourism commercial I just did. Anyway, you're welcome, and if you don't want to drive that far just drive through upstate New York, and western New York or Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh's a beautiful city, and the area around it is gorgeous IMO.

We always try to go to the Pittsburgh Rennaissance Festival in late summer or early fall. Some real good buskers and skillcraft there.

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I live in Bar Harbor, literally surrounded by National Park land, so I know how expensive this place can be in the summer, and far too crowded. The season goes much longer now, used to end on Labor Day weekend, now goes into October. If you get the chance it really is worth the trip. The coast is beautiful and there are tons of fresh water lakes and ponds. You might be able to get a decent Airbnb (I personally don’t use them because of BDS) at a reasonable price in September or October. The leaves are beautiful. Portland is also a fun, manageable city with a lot to offer and regular ferries to the islands in Casco Bay. If you find yourself heading this way, let me know and I’ll have my lobsterman save you some lobsters, fresh out of the water that day.

I would love to see the UP, it’s on my very long list. Your description of the different lake colors is very appealing. Saratoga Springs is right up there as well, the horses being a big attraction.

This has been a lovely respite from the political stuff that I usually gorge on. Nice to be reminded that there are still things besides war and suffering.

Thank you

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FWIW, Carrier USED to be located in upstate NY, providing good local jobs. But they closed & moved to Thailand. >:-(

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Yeah, I know. I visited Carrier's grave in Buffalo, not all that far from Red Jacket's. Well, the move isn't the inventor's fault.

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Marvellous photography!

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Ohio. As “I like living in America”. I don’t want to live anywhere else.

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Meanwhile, 80s and breezy in Georgia. 🙄

My mom took contract work in Ohio after us kids left home, and absolutely loved both the country and the people.

I get a gracious plenty of the patri-pop here, between the stores and my special needs guy’s favorite youtube videos. I am certainly more sympathetic with it now than I was when it was being used to fan right-wing belligerence in favor of Reagan’s militarism and underhanded CIA operations.

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Born in Cincy, been downriver in Louisville most of my life. C’mon down next time, and I’ll show you around. (I promise I’m not a serial killer or Gov’t agent🫣). Go Reds! 🥴

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