In an amazing and coincidental stroke of pure luck, LA was looking for land on which to build a Smart City AND structures for the upcoming LA Summer Olympics!
Heh, they sure would not have gotten their money's worth. Or their endorsement' s worth. They will have been Clooney-ed. And wow, did Clooney flame out. No pun intended. That'll teach him to not hang around with Obama.
Love the list, by the way. Thank you!!!!! Hate everything it refers to, though, except the elephants. Eating pine trees does seem like it would be scratchy.
Other things I am pondering - why is no one, seemingly, concerned that Erdogan wants to re-create the Ottoman Empire? Also, I do not like Macron one tiny little bit, but why is Candace Owens, or anyone at all, so fixated on the gender of his wife? Surely that is no one's business, and it seems creepy that it evidently is. Owens is like a TMZ junior reporter on this subject.
Erdogan may want to recreate the Ottoman Empire, but I highly doubt most of his people really do. But that doesn't answer your question.
For some reason, Erdogan's been successfully playing the game of playing off the US Empire against Russia. He's trying to get the most of what he can from both sides, and definitely wants to make Turkiye the leading regional power.
In short, he's a Turkish nationalist with delusions of caliph-hood, but both the Empire and the Russians know that, and neither wants the other to dominate Turkiye, so they play these games with him to see who can use him to their best advantage.
If you want 21st Century Realpolitik, look at Turkish international relations in all directions.
The elephant story is priceless. Leave it to Donald for the theatrics/ or is it a distraction for the US defeat in Ukraine??? Got to promote the exceptionalist empire somehow.... I feel for the victims of natural disasters, health care injustice - but these are the results of two problems of the empire - its Puritanical ethos that individual conditions are his/her own (as opposed to the state's) responsibility....and by extension the inadiquacy for decades of the US education system......Not just in STEM (science technology engineering math) so heavily emphasized now but also in the humanities....Foreign countries know more about the US than we know about ourselves let alone the rest of the world.
As a Canadian I have absolutely loved Trump and friends chatter about annexation and the 51st state. Hilarious!
And even better seeing all the political leaders in Canada get wound up including our glorious Prime Minister, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, Green Leader Elizabeth May and even former
Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
If there is one thing that has defined the establishment in Canada for ages it is their anti-Americanism. As for me, I like Americans (worked with many in South Korea), but I am no fan of the government. Bring on lower taxes and wars to cheer for..ha..ha.
I'm an American and like other Americans just fine but am no fan of our government. I think it's fair to say that I'm not much of a fan of ANY government.
As a Southern Californian Resident, things are not going well. It is a sad state of affairs. Here are tidbits that need to be added.
This is not the first time California has been victimized by a tragic event. The current fire event was anything but unforeseen. Let's put it this way, the M$M gave us a weeks notice that it was a good time to rake them leaves and burn them. As a matter of fact, they gave anybody with arsonistic tenancies a road map where to light the fires beforehand. There were hundreds of fires all started at the same time just as the winds started.
Here is one example (from Wikipedia):
In California, a conviction for arson of property that is not one's own is a felony punishable by up to three years in state prison. Aggravated arson, which carries the most severe punishment for arson, is punishable by 10 years to life in state prison. A well-known example of arson which took place in California is the Esperanza Fire. Raymond Lee Oyler was ultimately convicted of murder and sentenced to death for a 2006 fire in southern California that led to the deaths of five U.S. Forest Service firefighters; he was the first U.S. citizen to receive such a conviction and penalty for wildfire arson.
Some states, such as California, prosecute the lesser offense of "reckless burning" when the fire is set recklessly as opposed to willfully and maliciously. The study of the causes is the subject of fire investigation. A recent example of a reckless burning offense is the El Dorado fire which took place in 2020 in California. This fire was caused by a gender reveal party which utilized a smoke bomb which is categorized as unsafe pyrotechnics. The El Dorado fire burned over a 71-day period, destroyed 20 structures and resulted in one firefighter fatality, for which the couple hosting the party were charged with involuntary manslaughter.[31] The Esperanza Fire ultimately resulted in the death of firefighter Charles "Charlie" Morton, who became trapped while attempting to fight the fire. The DA of California considered arson charges for the family members as they were deemed negligent with regard to fire safety.
This was a one year battle with Enron. The part about California starts a 1hour 2minutes 20seconds. Guess what, there were also actual fires during that event.
As far as California is in an on going drought, Bull Shit. The major reservoirs serving Los Angeles and vicinity were always full. I mean, like 100% full. It was other places that were down, like way down, starting with the Colorado River. That was because of the lack of precipitation in the Rocky Mountains. On reservoir that was low was Shasta Lake. The other was Lake Oroville which was due to the dam itself being broken. Lake Orovile is now filling up slowly after repairs. Because of the state of Lake Orovile, Lake Shasta was used above normal thus lowered to record depths. But now all of the Northern California reservoirs are slowly filling up.
We need to speak about the Devil himself, Trump and his smelt fish story. The smelt is used by environmentalist to force government action due the way the laws are written. The smelt are an environmental concern if they do disappear, but that is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is salt water incursion to inland areas. Another is, you do not want major river beds drying up, or becoming a dead pool. It is all a balancing act to keep rivers flowing. As far as the farmers go, Trump is speaking ADM, Dole, Diamond Almonds and other corporations who have to answer to Wall Street who answer to no one. Just ask the Dulles Brothers.
Here is a story on the matter of to much water in California and poor planning (Please notice the date):
Now back to Pacific Palisades. These were not normal winds, and to further the B.S. these were not the notorious Santa Ana winds. Santa Ana winds come out of the east or the Mojave Desert. These winds came out of the north over the Tehachapi Mountains. They were very cold, part of the Arctic Blast which the whole country felt. As stated before, hundreds of fires all started all started at the same time. I like to say, the hydrants going dry were just piss poor planning, but were they?
Here is the final note: Did you know Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica and Malibu are sitting on millions of barrels of oil. All of which cannot be extracted at this time. This oil field was discovered back in the 1950's. Los Angeles/ Westside Residents voted back in 1990 to leave this oil in the ground.
I was stationed in San Diego, and the Santa Ana winds never came at this time of year, so I was curious about that. They weren't Santa Ana winds at all! We were COMPLETELY misinformed. Thank you! And thank you for the bit about salinization--I had known that once but forgotten.
I think the bigger problem is the longterm one no one wants to talk about. We have global warming; that's a fact. We can't stop it. We've passed so many Doomsday Deadlines I don't trust the climate scientists anymore, but it's clear we as a species must adapt.
It's going to get hotter and dryer in the American Southwest. Colorado will not keep sending California its water because it can't. This is the same question asked for decades--how to get enough water to support large cities at the edge of a desert?
The Colorado River cannot be the source going forward, so if we want to keep those cities we need to do something else. This is where Trump's talk of letting water flow from the north starts making sense to people.
Regardless of what the answer is, if there is one, it will take massive longterm investment, engineering, construction, and maintenance. None of those things generate More Profits Soonest, so I would not be surprised if our kleptocracy just lets southern California and Arizona slowly die.
I wonder... can we "censor" the billionaires and open up the social media platforms to free speech instead?
And can we please fully fund FEMA and help out the homeless folks who have suffered enough in North Carolina and now California instead of sending billions off to fund genocide in Gaza and a proxy war in Ukraine? (Yeah, I better keep quiet or else a billionaire will slap a "community note" on my post. SIGH.)
There's a reason they have been short on water for fighting the fires in LA. Comes down to two people. Two billionaires who got taxpayers to pay them for taking the water for their businesses. Sabby Sabbs gives the rundown.
Article started out quite well, until I got to "global warming;" at this point, I gave up. I would have continued had you mentioned 5-legged one-eyed unicorns, a much more reasonable proposition.
I think you are being triggered by the phrase "global warming" because of how someone else used the term and are, probably foolishly, thinking I mean the same thing as they and therefore share their entire ideology. Let's find out, shall we?
You don't think the global atmosphere hasn't been slowly warming for more than a century, and accelerating some over the last 50 years? You haven't noticed the climate change where you live?
I certainly have. Cleveland winters usually have less snow than they did just 20 years ago. In San Antonio, where I grew up, the flora and fauna are different. Everybody knows the climate has changed.
So I am not a climate change denier because I believe the evidence of my own senses. "Global warming" is a literal description of what has been going on in our atmosphere all of my life.
As to WHY it is changing, I don't believe we humans know all of the reasons it's happening. I certainly don't believe in requiring electric cars and banning natural gas ovens, or anything else connected with the Green Grift, as you would have known if you had bothered to check, but why would you check?
Hardly anyone ever does and I've done the same damned thing myself to others, so there's no point in my getting all pissy about it now and shitting all over you.
That's the problem with this format. If we were sitting at a bar, you probably never would have thought that I meant what you thought I did. Just...ask next time.
Just a joy to read your writing and also your replies. Someone who actually uses their mind and heart to understand beyond the propaganda we’re being fed from left and right, and I’m not sure which is worse, or even if there’s a difference except in style.
The climate always changes, so there is no reason to talk about it as an issue, any more than that the sunrise or sunset should be an issue to discuss as a polemic. As for global warming, temperatures change over time, and our planet has been both hotter and colder, on average, than it is in this decade, or century. What should be discussed is the aluminum oxide that is sprayed on us via the chemtrails, and how DEW microwaves interact with these particles on rooftops, cars, and other manmade objects, causing cascades of incendiary events.
You’re one of the few writers who can tell the truth, which is actually quite horrific, with the perfect sense of humor that actually contributes to what you mean. And gives us all some relief. So many many thanks for this!
You're very welcome. I was taught that sanity means you don't take yourself too seriously, and that has a tendency to spill over to everyone and sometimes everything else. If I couldn't laugh at our mad world I'd go mad.
I'm very grateful for your comment. It means a lot.
Surprised no one has mentioned this,so I guess old Grizzie has to step up .
The mayor of LA slashed the budget down to the bone for a place where the combination of brush and global warming was an accident waiting to happen.
In an amazing and coincidental stroke of pure luck, LA was looking for land on which to build a Smart City AND structures for the upcoming LA Summer Olympics!
Now that would be ironic corruption indeed, considering some of the displaced.
Heh, they sure would not have gotten their money's worth. Or their endorsement' s worth. They will have been Clooney-ed. And wow, did Clooney flame out. No pun intended. That'll teach him to not hang around with Obama.
Whoa.... I never thought of that... Ocean side, and when the event is over, they'll forget it ever existed as they did in the middle of the Amazon.
Also, on Substack, someone lays out why the Greenland thing actually makes sense
Thanks. I have to read that one.
I think you're too easy on Prime Minister Kier Stalin. His determined indifference to the Rape of England smells of complicity.
His record as a Crown Persecutor is an unconvincing counter argument. The lack of prosecution, lack of state concern at all, is half the scandal here.
There are a lot of better things to damn Starmer for, some of which Musk doesn't want you thinking about.
Love the list, by the way. Thank you!!!!! Hate everything it refers to, though, except the elephants. Eating pine trees does seem like it would be scratchy.
Other things I am pondering - why is no one, seemingly, concerned that Erdogan wants to re-create the Ottoman Empire? Also, I do not like Macron one tiny little bit, but why is Candace Owens, or anyone at all, so fixated on the gender of his wife? Surely that is no one's business, and it seems creepy that it evidently is. Owens is like a TMZ junior reporter on this subject.
Erdogan may want to recreate the Ottoman Empire, but I highly doubt most of his people really do. But that doesn't answer your question.
For some reason, Erdogan's been successfully playing the game of playing off the US Empire against Russia. He's trying to get the most of what he can from both sides, and definitely wants to make Turkiye the leading regional power.
In short, he's a Turkish nationalist with delusions of caliph-hood, but both the Empire and the Russians know that, and neither wants the other to dominate Turkiye, so they play these games with him to see who can use him to their best advantage.
If you want 21st Century Realpolitik, look at Turkish international relations in all directions.
The elephant story is priceless. Leave it to Donald for the theatrics/ or is it a distraction for the US defeat in Ukraine??? Got to promote the exceptionalist empire somehow.... I feel for the victims of natural disasters, health care injustice - but these are the results of two problems of the empire - its Puritanical ethos that individual conditions are his/her own (as opposed to the state's) responsibility....and by extension the inadiquacy for decades of the US education system......Not just in STEM (science technology engineering math) so heavily emphasized now but also in the humanities....Foreign countries know more about the US than we know about ourselves let alone the rest of the world.
As a Canadian I have absolutely loved Trump and friends chatter about annexation and the 51st state. Hilarious!
And even better seeing all the political leaders in Canada get wound up including our glorious Prime Minister, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, Green Leader Elizabeth May and even former
Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
If there is one thing that has defined the establishment in Canada for ages it is their anti-Americanism. As for me, I like Americans (worked with many in South Korea), but I am no fan of the government. Bring on lower taxes and wars to cheer for..ha..ha.
I'm an American and like other Americans just fine but am no fan of our government. I think it's fair to say that I'm not much of a fan of ANY government.
Yes to that. Although governments are necessary, apparently no one in power has the slightest idea what they’re for.
Hi All, Happy New Year
As a Southern Californian Resident, things are not going well. It is a sad state of affairs. Here are tidbits that need to be added.
This is not the first time California has been victimized by a tragic event. The current fire event was anything but unforeseen. Let's put it this way, the M$M gave us a weeks notice that it was a good time to rake them leaves and burn them. As a matter of fact, they gave anybody with arsonistic tenancies a road map where to light the fires beforehand. There were hundreds of fires all started at the same time just as the winds started.
Here is one example (from Wikipedia):
In California, a conviction for arson of property that is not one's own is a felony punishable by up to three years in state prison. Aggravated arson, which carries the most severe punishment for arson, is punishable by 10 years to life in state prison. A well-known example of arson which took place in California is the Esperanza Fire. Raymond Lee Oyler was ultimately convicted of murder and sentenced to death for a 2006 fire in southern California that led to the deaths of five U.S. Forest Service firefighters; he was the first U.S. citizen to receive such a conviction and penalty for wildfire arson.
Some states, such as California, prosecute the lesser offense of "reckless burning" when the fire is set recklessly as opposed to willfully and maliciously. The study of the causes is the subject of fire investigation. A recent example of a reckless burning offense is the El Dorado fire which took place in 2020 in California. This fire was caused by a gender reveal party which utilized a smoke bomb which is categorized as unsafe pyrotechnics. The El Dorado fire burned over a 71-day period, destroyed 20 structures and resulted in one firefighter fatality, for which the couple hosting the party were charged with involuntary manslaughter.[31] The Esperanza Fire ultimately resulted in the death of firefighter Charles "Charlie" Morton, who became trapped while attempting to fight the fire. The DA of California considered arson charges for the family members as they were deemed negligent with regard to fire safety.
As far as Corporate greed gone to far and the government unable to do anything here is one of the best examples:
This was a one year battle with Enron. The part about California starts a 1hour 2minutes 20seconds. Guess what, there were also actual fires during that event.
As far as California is in an on going drought, Bull Shit. The major reservoirs serving Los Angeles and vicinity were always full. I mean, like 100% full. It was other places that were down, like way down, starting with the Colorado River. That was because of the lack of precipitation in the Rocky Mountains. On reservoir that was low was Shasta Lake. The other was Lake Oroville which was due to the dam itself being broken. Lake Orovile is now filling up slowly after repairs. Because of the state of Lake Orovile, Lake Shasta was used above normal thus lowered to record depths. But now all of the Northern California reservoirs are slowly filling up.
We need to speak about the Devil himself, Trump and his smelt fish story. The smelt is used by environmentalist to force government action due the way the laws are written. The smelt are an environmental concern if they do disappear, but that is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is salt water incursion to inland areas. Another is, you do not want major river beds drying up, or becoming a dead pool. It is all a balancing act to keep rivers flowing. As far as the farmers go, Trump is speaking ADM, Dole, Diamond Almonds and other corporations who have to answer to Wall Street who answer to no one. Just ask the Dulles Brothers.
Here is a story on the matter of to much water in California and poor planning (Please notice the date):
Now back to Pacific Palisades. These were not normal winds, and to further the B.S. these were not the notorious Santa Ana winds. Santa Ana winds come out of the east or the Mojave Desert. These winds came out of the north over the Tehachapi Mountains. They were very cold, part of the Arctic Blast which the whole country felt. As stated before, hundreds of fires all started all started at the same time. I like to say, the hydrants going dry were just piss poor planning, but were they?
Here is the final note: Did you know Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica and Malibu are sitting on millions of barrels of oil. All of which cannot be extracted at this time. This oil field was discovered back in the 1950's. Los Angeles/ Westside Residents voted back in 1990 to leave this oil in the ground.
At this moment I wish somebody with connections to Jimmy Dore, Due Dissidence, and The Homeless Left will share this posting with them.
I was stationed in San Diego, and the Santa Ana winds never came at this time of year, so I was curious about that. They weren't Santa Ana winds at all! We were COMPLETELY misinformed. Thank you! And thank you for the bit about salinization--I had known that once but forgotten.
I think the bigger problem is the longterm one no one wants to talk about. We have global warming; that's a fact. We can't stop it. We've passed so many Doomsday Deadlines I don't trust the climate scientists anymore, but it's clear we as a species must adapt.
It's going to get hotter and dryer in the American Southwest. Colorado will not keep sending California its water because it can't. This is the same question asked for decades--how to get enough water to support large cities at the edge of a desert?
The Colorado River cannot be the source going forward, so if we want to keep those cities we need to do something else. This is where Trump's talk of letting water flow from the north starts making sense to people.
Regardless of what the answer is, if there is one, it will take massive longterm investment, engineering, construction, and maintenance. None of those things generate More Profits Soonest, so I would not be surprised if our kleptocracy just lets southern California and Arizona slowly die.
I wonder... can we "censor" the billionaires and open up the social media platforms to free speech instead?
And can we please fully fund FEMA and help out the homeless folks who have suffered enough in North Carolina and now California instead of sending billions off to fund genocide in Gaza and a proxy war in Ukraine? (Yeah, I better keep quiet or else a billionaire will slap a "community note" on my post. SIGH.)
Barbarian Community Note: The next time a billionaire visits THIS site will be the first time, so don't worry about it.
Love the stealth comment. How did you do that?
Stealth comment? Have no idea what that is. Thought I was pretty non-stealthy!
There's a reason they have been short on water for fighting the fires in LA. Comes down to two people. Two billionaires who got taxpayers to pay them for taking the water for their businesses. Sabby Sabbs gives the rundown.
Begin at the 6:49 mark:
Article started out quite well, until I got to "global warming;" at this point, I gave up. I would have continued had you mentioned 5-legged one-eyed unicorns, a much more reasonable proposition.
I think you are being triggered by the phrase "global warming" because of how someone else used the term and are, probably foolishly, thinking I mean the same thing as they and therefore share their entire ideology. Let's find out, shall we?
You don't think the global atmosphere hasn't been slowly warming for more than a century, and accelerating some over the last 50 years? You haven't noticed the climate change where you live?
I certainly have. Cleveland winters usually have less snow than they did just 20 years ago. In San Antonio, where I grew up, the flora and fauna are different. Everybody knows the climate has changed.
So I am not a climate change denier because I believe the evidence of my own senses. "Global warming" is a literal description of what has been going on in our atmosphere all of my life.
As to WHY it is changing, I don't believe we humans know all of the reasons it's happening. I certainly don't believe in requiring electric cars and banning natural gas ovens, or anything else connected with the Green Grift, as you would have known if you had bothered to check, but why would you check?
Hardly anyone ever does and I've done the same damned thing myself to others, so there's no point in my getting all pissy about it now and shitting all over you.
That's the problem with this format. If we were sitting at a bar, you probably never would have thought that I meant what you thought I did. Just...ask next time.
Just a joy to read your writing and also your replies. Someone who actually uses their mind and heart to understand beyond the propaganda we’re being fed from left and right, and I’m not sure which is worse, or even if there’s a difference except in style.
The climate always changes, so there is no reason to talk about it as an issue, any more than that the sunrise or sunset should be an issue to discuss as a polemic. As for global warming, temperatures change over time, and our planet has been both hotter and colder, on average, than it is in this decade, or century. What should be discussed is the aluminum oxide that is sprayed on us via the chemtrails, and how DEW microwaves interact with these particles on rooftops, cars, and other manmade objects, causing cascades of incendiary events.
Speaking of checking, I have been checking on the global warming/climate change scam for some decades, and I keep coming across publications that throw a cold towel (excuse the half-pun) over the whole apocryphal agenda, as, e.g. the following article shows:
I will read your article to the end, if only out of respect for the fact that you replied to my comment, without too much ire.
Speaking of pedophile Keir Starmer:
👍 Good reflections once again. Linking as usual @
You’re one of the few writers who can tell the truth, which is actually quite horrific, with the perfect sense of humor that actually contributes to what you mean. And gives us all some relief. So many many thanks for this!
You're very welcome. I was taught that sanity means you don't take yourself too seriously, and that has a tendency to spill over to everyone and sometimes everything else. If I couldn't laugh at our mad world I'd go mad.
I'm very grateful for your comment. It means a lot.
Surprised no one has mentioned this,so I guess old Grizzie has to step up .
The mayor of LA slashed the budget down to the bone for a place where the combination of brush and global warming was an accident waiting to happen.
Such are the consequences of fiscal austerity.