Sep 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Most likely the Liberals and Justin Trudeau limp on until the official election date in October 2025. Only the Conservatives and possibly the Bloc Québécois would benefit from an early election. The Greens, NDP and certainly the Liberals will not. Even my uber woke province, British Columbia aka the California of the north, might vote in a Conservative government in October. The supposedly left wing NDP government is now against the carbon tax, against drug vending machines at hospitals (this is 100% true and insane unless you want free cocaine), and moving to forcibly put mentally ill people into asylums.

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Thanks for the info! I have little understanding of the legal and political requirements to force an early election in Canada. It hasn't happened very often, has it?

I honestly don't know enough about Canadian social issues to comment, or even to know whether or not that last sentence of yours was satire. Oh well, as Socrates should have said, knowing when one doesn't know is the beginning of wisdom, lol.

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Sep 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Last sentence is 100% accurate.

The British Columbia government is almost as woke as California and our housing is some of the most expensive in the world. We are also having more people leave the province than enter cause the cost of living is terrible. Polling is consistently showing that Canadians want our politicians to focus on economic issues not gender ideology and safe supply.

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You're right. It DOES sound like California. I've seen quite a few West Coast state and Colorado license plates in Ohio lately. Lots of Midwesterners are moving back home because they can't afford to live out there.

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Sep 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

And like California the scenery and beaches are great in British Columbia. We even have sharks (14 species), and decent wineries.

It will be interesting going forward as by October 2025 the federal government and most provinces will be run by conservatives. If this ends the woke nuttery I will be satisfied.

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The only sharks Ohio has are the ubiquitous two-legged ones, and I don’t know about the wines, but the local ales are great.

The woke nuttery only has outposts in Democrat-controlled cities, and will eventually be banned by the state legislature, so reading about other places like British Columbia and California makes me feel lucky.

Maybe there’s something to this federalism thing after all.

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Sep 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Early elections happen but they are happening less as political parties and people dislike too many elections.

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Forcibly putting mentally ill people in asylums is good thing for both society and the mentally ill person themselves, otherwise they just wander the street homeless talking to the voices in their head.

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Sep 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Or as keeps happening in cities in British Columbia they attack and kill people. Hence the pressure on the left wing government to stop letting the mentally ill wander the streets harming themselves and innocent citizens.

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Reagan used the outrage caused by films like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest as an excuse to cut off federal funding to state asylums. They all shut down, and now we have mentally ill people wandering round the streets doing everything from begging to shouting at themselves and others.

I see it every day when I have to work in the office in downtown Cleveland. And it's getting worse.

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For sure, you won’t see any defense of neo-cons like Reagan from me.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

If we could only get Trump to agree the genocide of the Palestinians in the surround of the Middle East also needs to be stopped and their right to return to their homeland secured. He'd blow Harris out of the water....also stop the saber rattling with china would be a plus as well. Time to get along and live together on village earth....than he can go golfing and enjoy into the night...bye bye.

The Dems are turning into blood hungy barbarians. They need to be stopped. Maybe the Republicans will turn into the Democrats of yesterday. We need peace people.




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That may be more likely than many think, in spite of everything Trump's saying. Now he's survived not one but TWO assassination attempts. There's at least a chance he will act on his stated belief that he was spared to do something good for the country. He may end the Ukraine War, and like the public reaction so much he goes for an encore in Gaza.

Maybe not much of a chance, but still a chance. With $kamala, there is none whatsoever.

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Sep 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Fantastic as usual.

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Haitian immigrants are eating cats though. There are numerous interviews with people who confirm this and video of it happening in Dayton, which is the next town over. It's their culture dont'cha know, God forbid anyone criticize the culture of low IQ morons. This kind of thing is why I bailed on the left BTW. Actual Marx didn't have this problem he was a "racist" in modern parlance.

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All I can tell you is that I live in Ohio and have seen exactly zero hard evidence that anything like that is happening. What really is is bad enough.

Up to 25 immigrants to a small house sleeping in cots. Thousands of immigrants moved to a small town because they are willing to do brutal warehouse work for just above minimum wage, while Americans can't afford to live on that.

Focusing on immigrants eating cats without some real evidence plays right into the Democrats' playbook, you know. They LOVE it when you guys talk dirty like that.

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It’s reality dude, which is sometimes evil and mean, and that needs to be talked about honestly. Not all cultures or races are “equal” there is genuine evil and depravity out there.

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You can find police reports and 911 transcripts of migrants carrying beheaded geese from parks if you'd look. Regardless if the cat stories from locals are true or not, you can not argue that the horrific stories have cast light to shadows and national attention has now been brought upon the fact that thousands of illegal immigrants were brought into Ohio communities like Springfield & Lima that have been red cities. Dead cats or not, you're now being forced to talk about the bussing in of thousands of illegal immigrants.

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Yes and we do know a Haitian without a drivers license plowed into a granny taking out her garbage and killed her, and that another unlicensed Haitian plowed into a school bus and killed a child. At least one of them was just released with no charges.

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Now, that DID happen.

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Those are not very persuasive. Somebody standing beside their broken-down gate calling Haitians sand rats? Dude can't even keep his ethnic slurs straight.

I'm telling you, most Americans see this kind of stuff and think y'all are a bunch of ignorant yahoos. Where are the pet owners testifying that their cats are missing? I didn't see a single one, and if this were happening Vance's crazy cat ladies would be front and center wearing MAGA hats and calling for immediate deportations.

Naw. $kamala baited Trump on his crowd size so he pivoted to something wild to get attention, and he succeeded. Just not in a good way.

Again. He is objectively the lesser evil, but he ain't the brightest bulb in the ceiling, and podcasters like Tim Poole don't help. IMHO, of course.

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Sep 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I see mentions here and there that the first assassin had visited Kiev. Of course, the CIA may have planted/encouraged everything, and is still manipulating information, so who knows. I do think Zelensky is getting desperate enough to do some outrageous things, like try to assassinate Trump - after all, isn't that what the US does everywhere else in order to solve problems - and/or bomb Moscow and St. Petersburg. After all, once something dreadful is done, there is no going back, and everyone has to adjust. That better to pretend to apologize than to ask permission thingy.

Great stuff as always!

At my old neighborhood, the folks four houses down - I lived in a sort of circular loop street - had a huge pig named Sir Boaris who would occasionally get out of their back yard and stroll up and down the street. HUGE thing, looks almost prehistoric when you are not used to seeing large animals foraging in the landscaping. Easily herded back home, though.

Trump slapping countries who de-dollarize with 100% tariffs seems like it would just hasten de-dollarization, it seems to me. And leave the US in need of stuff it no longer has the capacity to manufacture. Evidently the Saudis are buying huge amounts of gold now, no matter the cost, so something must be coming down the road with BRICS. I hear the US is trying to get rid of BRICS somehow. The thing about Turkey joining BRICS - yes, Erdogan is as usual playing all sides against each other, he told Zelensky that Crimea should be given back to Ukraine - stab in Putin's back? - and then added that those of Turkish descent needed to be treated better. Maybe Erdogan is angling to get Crimea for himself?

The Emmys last night were sort of lame, and there were a lot of Dem campaign ads. Just seeing Harris makes me nauseous now. The actors refrained from political stuff for the most part, except for a few wink wink nods to the Dems.

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Sep 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I never liked her,but after hearing her snotty little “I’m speaking” scolding Iroutine and hearing her sound high as a kite when she talked about lethal fighting forces.,I am actively beginning to loathe her,almost as much as I loathe Hillary.Not to mention her dumb-looking pantsuits and her history of promiscuity.She plays on her looks every bit as much as Sarah Palin.She’s one of those women who absolutely thinks she’s nothing without a man but tries at the same time to act like a man.Ohio high schools are full of the type.

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Yes. Exactly.

I saw a clip wherein she says, to an audience, that 18 to 24 year olds are stupid, their brains are not developed yet, and that's why we put them in dorms. I do wish that clip would be broadcast far and wide. Along with the ones where she cackles about the ability to ruin a life with the stroke of a pen and how fun it was to march the parents of children who cut school out of their homes and into jail. She is a dissolute horrible person.

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I was talking to a dear friend who is a diehard Dem, and the Dems truly believe that any and all clips of Harris being a blithering asshole are deepfakes. Perhaps Elon Musk did us a disservice by actually creating that deepfake clip. It provided cover for all of the actual horrendous stuff that is out there.

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Sep 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I sincerely hope the pig is reunited with its proper owners.

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Sep 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I'm too disgusted to run up and down the streets and yell, "See? I told you this shit's getting to the point of being real, and REAL HURTFUL for Mr. & Mrs. America!!!" So..... Is it bizarre enough for us yet? Don't BET on THAT for a millisecond...

The would-be assassin, who escaped being killed by the Secret Service and cremated afterwards looks like a good version of Sean Penn before he deflowered Madonna.

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Sep 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Him still breathing for now is due to a county sheriff pulling him over rather than the feds I suspect.

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I believe we agree on that!

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That's probably true. Now the question is whether he will go the way of Oswald or Epstein.

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Sep 16Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Your stack is one of the best!

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Sep 17Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Mental health is on the decline

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I'll witness to that. I see it every time I go downtown, or sometimes just to the local grocery store.

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Yeah,but you,like me,live in Ohio,and most Buckeyes I’ve met are nuts.

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Lol. No nuttier than Texas, California or Colorado from my own personal experience. And they did legalize abortion and recreational marijuana when given the chance,

They’re not so bad.

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That pig can return the favor: instead of us eating pigs, this pig can eat US.

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