Most commercial real estate leases in the US expire in 2025.
With more people demanding to work from home and more companies figuring out that makes them more profitable, many of those leases will not be renewed.
Banks and much of Wall Street have bet on commercial lease-backed securities.
They’ve done the same with student loans.
Bidenomics is Reaganomics without the pretense of anything except austerity trickling down.
The States of Missouri and Louisiana obtained an Federal Court injunction prohibiting the Biden Administration from pressuring social media companies from censoring American citizens and violating their First Amendment rights.
Democrats howl that state attorneys general have no standing to protect the constitutional rights of their own people, and that the courts can’t tell the executive branch what to do.
Mr. Chief Justice Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it. —President Andrew Jackson, responding to the Supreme Court decision ruling the Indian Removal Act unconstitutional, followed by the Trail of Tears.
Liberals say they hate Andrew Jackson, so…
is better than
All righty then.
Zelensky went to Bulgaria to demand weapons and was turned down flat.
Zelensky can be found anywhere in the world except Ukraine.
Finally, my wife and I are taking a badly needed vacation to beautiful western New York this week, so I may not be around much.
At least no one blew up that nuclear power plant in Ukraine.
Thanks for reading and have a nice night.
Republicans are low-hanging fruit, they’re just obvious —how many times and in how many ways can they be bashed? It gets boring. “Democrats” are supposed to be an alternative to “Republicans”—the ONLY alternative in our rigged system, they’re supposed to be different and better—that is why I hate them with the fire of 10,000 suns and with every fiber of my being—they are squatting in a space that needs to be filled by actual leftists—at least not Republicans in all but official label
Enjoy your vacation, OB. Tell me if there's anything good to see in Western NY, so I can migrate from SW PA next time when I'm not as physically limited. Both MrMickey's dad and I are knee injured, and I must say, physical therapy beats getting surgery, but it puts a damper on life. I want to get out again, but it ain't THIS summer!