AP reported recently that the Ukrainian power agency said that the Russians were shelling a nuclear power plant that has been in an area occupied by Russia since the first days of the war and is now administered and operated by the Russian power agency. The AP appeared to be baffled as to why the Russians were bombing their own infrastructure again.
WTF? It’s not remotely possible that the Ukrainians are bullshitting you? Come on! Who bombs their own electrical power generation? No one, that’s who.
Heckler: Will you stop nuclear war? Yes or no? Congresscritter Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez: You’re rude!
AOC needs to take some heckler-handling classes from Teddy Roosevelt. Hmmm..never mind. TR was genuine, AOC doesn’t have a genuine bone in her body.
The Ukrainian government has printed a postage stamp of the explosion on the Kerch Bridge.
Damn. Even the US government never made a postage stamp of a drone strike killing civilians or of bombing someone else’s infrastructure or anything like that. I looked, and even the Nazi Germans never made a stamp like that. What does that say about the Ukrainian government?
In the US Senate debate in Ohio, Democrat Tim Ryan said we had to be prepared with a significant response if Putin used nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Republican JD Vance said no one can ever be prepared for a nuclear war, and that the government should be doing everything it could to prevent one from starting.
Vance just won himself a Senate seat. Ryan’s small lead in the polls was already gone as the Republicans and Trump’s folks poured money in as the Democrats wasted theirs in places like Pennsylvania and North Carolina. He just lost thousands of antiwar votes. In a close race in Ohio, they’re a thing.
A Hamilton County(Cincinnati) Common Pleas Court judge issued a restraining order a week ago to prevent the enforcement of the near-abortion ban recently signed into law by Governor DeWine. Said it violated Article I of the Ohio Constitution, he did.
All men are, by nature, free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and seeking and obtaining happiness and safety.—Article I, Ohio Constitution, as written in 1851. I like that happiness and safety thing.
No one at my work had heard of that court ruling. Of course, none seemed terribly concerned about the fact that we are now closer to nuclear war with Russia than we have been since October 1962, either.
My parents were so worried about getting nuked that they packed my 4 year-old self up with a whole bunch of luggage and drove 500 miles from San Antonio to my grandparents’ farm in the Texas Panhandle. It’s one of my first clear, vivid memories. Now, people are cool with what Biden’s people are doing in Ukraine? Not even worried about it?
Yes. I definitely stepped into the Twilight Zone. I’ll issue similar reports like this in the future. If nothing else, it’s kind of therapeutic for me.
Thank you for reading. Good night, and good luck.
First of all.. so happy that JPR is back although like everyone else I am a little paranoid about it,wondering who restored it and why.
Secondly..like you,OB,I am quite torn.Tim Ryan is out as a vote,because of his war stance,so it’s a choice between Vance or not voting(my first option.).I don’t trust Vance because he will say whatever he has to for election purposes,so his isolationism might not be real,but what the heck,give it a shot.Ryan has been there donkey’s years and never done a thing for the working class of Ohio.
I'm 67 and until the DNC cheated I was always a Democrat and usually voted straight party ticket. After living through the last seven years or so, and learning who the DNC really is, things changed for me. I recently sent in my absentee ballot for Michigan. I voted third party where I could and I didn't vote for either Democrats or Republicans if there was no other choice. I don't think they've left us any other choice but to take our votes elsewhere.
Also, I've been a lurker at jackpineradicals.com for years and was so sad to see it end. I recently just went to their website on a lark and it was working! So glad it's back! :*)