Exactly two years ago, on the first anniversary of the 1/6/2021 “insurrection,” I wrote a post describing how the Civil War was an insurrection, but whatever happened on 1/6 clearly was not. At best, it was a fizzled police riot.
Recently, Democrats seem to be making that imaginary insurrection the centerpiece of Genocide Joe’s re-election campaign, screaming at the top of their lungs that if Trump is elected again, then our democracy will be over. Toast. Dead. Gone. Twisted into a white supremacist dictatorship with orange accents.
They scratch their heads in bafflement as Genocide Joe’s poll numbers in groups of traditionally Democratic voters such as young people, Latinos, Black men, and trade union members keep dropping. The economy’s great!, they shout. The rate of inflation is decreasing, which just means that prices are still going up but not as fast as they were, but we’re supposed to be celebrating.
Well, let’s help dispel liberal bafflement. In 2020, the average 2 bedroom apartment in Ohio was $761 per month. Today, it is $860.
In 2021, the average national price of a dozen eggs was $1.67. Today, it’s $2.12.
In 2022, the price of used cars jumped 40% over what they were just a year earlier. And they’re not exactly dropping. Looked for a used car lately? It’s brutal out there.
Yes, wages have gone up some, but they are definitely NOT keeping up with the pace of inflation, which means working class and barely middle class people cannot buy as much of anything as they used to. Only the wealthy and the upper middle class, which is rapidly becoming the Democrats’ new base, can afford to be blase’ about inflation.
Furthermore, this inflation isn’t based on anything real. It’s not like the Arab oil embargo of October 1973, which tripled gasoline prices overnight and caused real shortages for awhile. It’s greedflation—capitalists are raising prices because they can and to make up for shortfalls caused by the idiotic lockdowns that never could stop the spread of a new common cold virus, but were incredibly effective at crushing small and local businesses.
Have Genocide Joe and the Democrats done anything to address this inflation? Have they tried old and tested remedies which have at least somewhat worked, like rationing(as in World War II), or wage-price freezes as Nixon did a couple of times? No, they have not.
Other than watching the Fed raise interest rates and a threatened price-fixing suit or two(which did prevent the price of eggs from going even higher), they haven’t done a damned thing except to tell us how good everything is and lecture us on how we’re too stupid to realize it.
And we’re sick of it. The economy sucks for most Americans, you fools, and hurts us and our families every day, unlike the Trumper protest of 1/6/21 which didn’t harm us at all.
Furthermore, after systematically breaking every single campaign promise Biden made(restore the deal with Iran, $2000 checks flying out the door, a public option, student loan debt relief, support for labor—no President can claim to be labor-friendly after breaking a railroad strike, and I could go on for several pages) in their first year in office, Democrats poured treasure into a doomed proxy war against Russia in their second. RUSSIA! Of all the countries on the planet, they had to pick the one that defeated the Mongols, Napoleon and Hitler to prove once and for all just how exceptional America is.
Russia will break!, they said. Sanctions will crush them. The destruction of the Nordstream pipeline will ruin their economy. Western technology will propel gallant little Ukraine to victory over the big bad Russian bear! Free Dumb!
680,000 dead Ukrainians(latest Russian estimate) and dozens of billions of bucks later, Russia occupies a fifth of the former Ukraine while what’s left of that country teeters on the edge of collapse. Drafting men in their 50s and women is never a sign that a country is winning a war. Meanwhile, the Russian economy is growing and the ruble is stronger than ever.
Then the Only Democracy in the Middle East(TM Harry Truman, 1947), took advantage of some of the concentration camp inmates of Gaza breaking out and launched an all-out genocidal campaign against Palestinian Arabs in Gaza, systematically killing at least 22,000 of them thus far, the majority of whom are women and children.
After decades of telling Americans that white supremacy had to be crushed, that ethnic and gender minorities had to be elevated into positions of power and celebrated in order to alleviate the historical crimes of American settler-colonialism, now the Democrats are telling us to cheer for a bunch of settler-colonial eastern Europeans as they slaughter Arabs on their own land and openly proclaim they want an Arab-free Israel from the river to the sea.
If that’s not genocidal ethnic cleansing, then the Turks are blameless for the Armenian diaspora and Native Americans voluntarily gave up their best land and moved to squalid reservations on some of their worst.
Not only that, but Democrats want us to pay for this foreign war, too! Meanwhile, they let expanded Medicaid and free school lunch programs for really poor kids expire, and shrug their shoulders and say there is nothing they can do. We do not believe them.
To the average working class American, all the Democrats have to offer is a terrible economy, endless war, genocide denial, a steady flow of cheap and exploitable labor coming up through Mexico and over our border, all sorts of ridiculous identity politics excuses to hate and fear our neighbors instead of our corrupt politicians, and a Lovecraftian fear of the unknown things Trump would do if he becomes president again when he already has a track record that, while screwed up six ways from Sunday, at least had no new wars, $1800 for each adult, and an expanded marriage exemption that quadrupled the tax refunds of working class married couples(at least it did for my wife and me, and we’re median income for Ohio).
“But Trump will be worse!” rings false. It especially rang false after the Democrats urged media companies to promote Trump in 2016 so their pre-selected candidate, Hillary Clinton, had a chance of winning but lost because she was truly hated for reasons both excellent and numerous.
Democrats then blamed Russia for her loss, rigged another primary so a milquetoast Social Democrat named Bernie couldn’t win, and now have effectively canceled their own primary this year while they use the government to try to put their most popular political opponent in jail or at least get him kicked off the ballot.
Canceling democracy to save democracy is an oxymoron framed in bright neon lights. Canceling democracy to save oligarchy, now that makes sense, and that is exactly what Democrats are going all out to try and get done.
The economy sucks, we’re paying for the bloody shrinkage of Ukraine, the systematic extermination and extirpation of Palestinians, and we’re supposed to stand aside, give up our constitutional rights, and vote for a Democratic Party that tells us functional democracy is an existential threat to American values and that free speech is hate speech.
Democrats, what’s making you lose is the economy, stupid! It’s a needless, bloody proxy war against a nuclear power that has never attacked us. It’s paying for and supporting an obvious genocide. It’s about substituting blue-tinted authoritarianism for democracy and representative government. It’s about gross corruption, incompetence, and transparently outright lies on your part.
Democrats, it’s about time your party went the way of the Whigs. It no longer has any redeeming social value whatsoever.
Everybody else, thank you for reading, good night, and good luck.
Too many applaudable truths ...you nailed everything....Simply put, when the $2,000 stimulus checks were reduced with no regrets and the Iran deal fell, the trajectory became clear. But this administration wreaks so bad there must have been something you missed.....Keep fighting everybody - I don't intend to even hold my nose and vote.
Yes. And now, we have entered the VFTBNMW stage of the "election" in earnest. Nope. In fact, I can see no reason to vote for any of the candidates. Oh, well, at least there is the diversion of watching for the moment when the vftbs stop their tediously verbose crap and start barking and foaming from their keyboards. Also, I think anyone shilling for Kamala Harris should be paid double. Yeah, they will be spouting cynical (I hope, sincere would be so so sad) bs, but surely there might be a tiny pang of WTF am I doing.