1/6/2021: A Pathetic Excuse of a Riot Which Was Allowed to Happen
Or the Coup and Insurrection that Never Were
For a year now, we’ve been hearing Democrats wail about the events of 1/6/2021 as if what happened in Washington that day was an attempted insurrection or coup that came within a hair’s breadth of “ending our democracy” or “overturning the election results” and installing Donald Trump as Dictator for Life.
It was never an insurrection or a coup at all, and it was a woefully pitiful riot. Here’s a couple of photos of the aftermath of a real insurrection:
The top is a photo taken after Antietam, the second is what’s left of Charleston, South Carolina in 1865.
Here’s a photo of a real, live coup:
That’s in Santiago, Chile, on September 11, 1973. The soldiers are firing on the presidential palace that held democratically elected President Salvador Allende, who would be executed within a few hour of that picture.
Here’s a photo of a real riot from Minneapolis in 2020:
That’s a police substation being burned to the ground, y’all.
Now here’s the faces of the 1/6/21 amateurs who tried to make a riot:
I love that last one. The murderous rioters taking cellphone pictures of each other.
WTF. These mostly upper middle class and wealthier people, who had the time and the money to travel to Washington that day, don’t hold a candle to the Minnesotans who made a statement of exactly how they felt about their police, much less the Confederates of the American Civil War or the murderous Chilean military. Let’s get real here.
Some sort of Trumpian coup attempt was predicted in leftist and liberal media for months, starting way before the November election. Trump himself called for his supporters to descend on the Capitol on 1/6 starting right after he lost the election. Yet, there were no DC riot police surrounding the Capitol, and the Congress, meaning the Democrats, failed to invite them in until the protestors, often egged on or even led by undercover DC cops, were already inside the building.
Come on, now. If there were a few hundred riot police ready and waiting on the Capitol steps, do you really think those people would have still stormed the doors? What happened when the DC police did finally show up? Well, the “rioters” mostly calmly walked away. I can’t blame them. Who really wants to get pepper-sprayed or tear-gassed or beaten or shot? Not those people, that’s for sure.
We know all of this from the Democrats’ own hearings after the fact. This riot, such as it was and what there was of it, was allowed to happen by the very same people who are fearmongering about it to this day. We even know why. One of the first things the Democrats did was to increase the Capitol Police budget by a billion bucks a year, enabling them to open up satellite offices all over the country to look out for congressional security. Without oversight. How democratic. How charming is that?
They also floated the idea for a new domestic terrorism law, but for whatever reason still haven’t gotten around to trying to pass it. I don’t know why they haven’t yet, but Adam Schiff, that paragon of Democrat hypocrisy, had one all ready to go at the time. Or maybe they just want to keep scaring the bejeezus out liberals and progressives to keep them voting for the Blue Fascists because the Red Fascists are somehow worse.
To sum up the events of 1/6/21, it fits right into the Joe Biden record. Nothing fundamentally changed, except the Capitol Police budget. It is such an insignificant event that it will be, at most, a footnote in a history text a century from now, rather less than the American Civil War or the Pinochet Coup or the anti-police murder protests of 2020.
Nancy Pelosi was in charge of DC security that day. What she accomplished by shirking her responsibility for the security of the District was fully in keeping with every other means by which she obstructed the Trump presidency beginning on January 20 2017.
That the demonstration on 1/6/21 has been labeled an "insurrection" does less to alter the course of history than it does a dishonor to the lives of those who died defending the United States against a legitimate insurrection that began on April 12, 1861.
James Buchanan, a Democrat President in 1860, lost the election that year to the candidate of the fledgling Republican Party, first established in 1854. Their first-ever candidate, fielded in 1856, lost to Buchanan who had been selected to run instead of the Democrat incumbent Franklin Pierce.
The Republican's choice for 1860 – one Abraham Lincoln – did better than the one they ran in 1856. Buchanan had predicted that there would be a Civil War if the Republican won.
Merely campaign rhetoric?
Much has changed since then yet to my mind, with the current Democrat administration in DC doing everything it can to disrupt the legitimacy of our electoral process nationwide, it could be said that history is about to repeat itself.
Fedsurrection, like the Michigan Fednapping plot which preceded it. Typical FBI entrapments, and the MAGA muppets fell right into them.