Great read - wish I had had this explanation years if not decades ago...

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Jul 7Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Very enlightening, as they say if you can explain a complex idea in terms a 5 year old can understand, you truly do understand it.

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I think that's partly due to the fact I was raised by proud Texans who valued simple, straightforward speech. And thanks, that is exactly what I was trying to do.

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Jul 7Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Man... This wasn't exactly a version of the Sunday paper, was it? I had to really think and re-read, which is like good ole Martha Stewart says, "a good thing", eh?

"... the ideas those in power teach us so that we consent to them keeping that power..." pretty much sounds like my own description of our 3 demential material world. That would make perception reality, right? And, I better realize after writing that - the practice of ever-successful perceptions are the best games in town.

You don't share my interest in astrology, but if you did, you might know that everything we can choose takes form in what we perceive as the material universe.

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Human psychology is FOR SURE part of the material universe; astrology is one way of trying to understand that.

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Forwarding this to my 14 year old grandson!

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Jul 7Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Martin Luther was the first media personality. His command of language was unparalleled.

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Jul 7Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Why thank you.

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Jul 7Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Thanks OB. This is a great 'primer' to historical materialism and Marxism, and also a good contrast with idealism.

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Cite someone who claims, as a « postmodern ideal, » that white people are inherently white supremacist. You jumped the track in that paragraph and got onto the bullshit train.

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I've heard it every time I criticized a black or female Democratic politician. Or being "privileged" just because of the color of my skin; actual circumstances either irrelevant or my fault due to my own bad choices. I am far from the only one, too.

So I stand by that statement.

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How is it « postmodern »?

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I'm sorry, but I'm not up to a systematic explanation and demolition of postmodernist political theory right now. I majored in that bullshit when it started in the 1970s, when they first started calling it "political science."

It's NOT science. It's a dominant academic ideology, the primary mission of which seems to be to blame anything but capitalism for our problems. Racism and tribalism are two of their favorites.

If you DO, you don't get tenure and don't get a higher degree.

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Jul 10Liked by Ohio Barbarian

The State Media was all in for Joe as they should have been per their masters, but now they changed their tunes. If you think they are looking out for us you've drunk the cool-aide. Their switch reflects what the powers-in-charge wish. Joe will step down. The State Media is just helping the sheeple get it.

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If the kleptocracy really want Biden gone, they'll instruct VP Giggles and the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment if they have to.

Or they really don't care if Trump wins because the Presidency doesn't really matter anyway, in which case they may let Biden and the Dems go down in flames.

We should know soon enough. If Biden botches the NATO summit and his "big boy" press conference, I figure they'll yank him within two weeks, unless they come up with some Really Big Show for their cultist voters.

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Jul 11Liked by Ohio Barbarian

They probably don't want Giggles anymore than Biden. I think they have enough on Biden or at least Hunter, to convince Jill have Joe step down.

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We’ll soon see. Pelosi said, yesterday I think, that they’d wait till Biden’s big boy press conference today and then they’d see. On Axios, I believe.

The question is, do they have the balls to invoke the 25th? They are Democrats, after all, so I think that’s a fair question.

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Or what you said. If they just blackmail the Bidens. Joe will, if nothing else, sign a letter of resignation and then go quietly into conveniently isolated retirement.

He may not even know what he’s signing.

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Ironic that the take away here is that writing is pointless unless it's journalism or science to convey awareness of the underlying reality. But that rings false to me because if facts could persuade why would PR and delusion be so powerful/prevalent? All of this math looks great, like the if then of it. But something somewhere is wrong. I feel like the answer is deeper, because this lack predictive power. Marx didn't see it coming and he was masterful at the number crunching for lack of better word. (Logic crunching?) And NO ONE saw this variant of AI coming, literally no one ever, in art fiction or science predicted that AI would do the humanities before the sciences. It's been a trope forever that mechanical is logical. (Spock/Data/Autistics)

This exposes a HUGE flaw in our collective processing and prediction of reality. I don't know what that means but I know it means something, and my instinctive respond is to go back to first principles (Suffering bad, living comfortably good) and start from scratch with whatever I have at hand.

If I can ever get somewhere safe and comfy and stable I'll write my book about it.

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