My dad was obsessed with pendulum antique clocks - we had like 30 in my house growing up. He wound them all on Sunday - all set to a slightly different time so they didn’t all go off together

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Thank you for the history lesson, and Merry Christmas to you and yours! Remember you can do this again on January 7 for any Orthodox friends and relatives :-)

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Happy Holidays everyone.

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"Emperor or King or Queen or Head Motherfucker In Charge(HMFIC)".

Love it.

All those in favor of renaming the office of "President" "HMFIC", raise your torches and pitchforks.

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Historically insightful and informative article.

Thanks for sharing.

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Cancel Genocide. Keep Christmas. https://twitter.com/DrJillStein/status/1739444921717670213

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Catching up on late reading, OB... I have a friend who can't get away from pendulum clocks. I never knew they required so much calibration! As far as the chief MoFo's are concerned, let us give em some credit here... They fuck over FAR more than just Mo's.

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