Thanks for the interesting parallel! Will there be (or has there already been) a Waterloo and a Peterloo? If version 2.0 of the BRICS+ bloc begins seriously flexing its muscles, we may yet see the end of unipolar geopolitics and a return to a multipolar system. Possibly by 2050 or within the next couple of decades? Inside the northern bubble, many don't realize how the tables are turning as the asymmetrical power balance gradually comes to end. We can see the desperation in Blinken's globe trotting, proxy wars, nuclear brinkmanship, and warship goading. There's nothing he can do. The fires around him are over his head. In the end, the USSR dissolved relatively peacefully, whereas the current hegemon will likely try to take the whole nuclear ship down with it. Batten down the hatches and prepare the up-and-coming generations!

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No Waterloo yet, but we've already had our Peninsular War. Afghanistan and Iraq were wars of choice that did not benefit the home country at all and served mainly to weaken the Empire.

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Great history lesson,OB.Much that I for one did not know.

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