Feb 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

The only high speed train I rode was in Russia. Ukraine's rail system is slower and much older, but at least it connects the country.

The Union Pacific station in Portland still operates, but it's in a very unsafe neighborhood with any food nearby, and no bathroom for the public, which is better than the bus.

The bus station has been closed - now intercity busses stop on a street with nothing around - no shelter, no food or stores, no bathroom.

US transportation infrastructure.

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RT had pictures of the newest Russian metro station - just outside the Moscow airport....Like a museum with all kinds of aircraft engineering/history incorporated into the station design and art....Just like a museum....

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I believe that's at the Vnukovo airport southwest of Moscow - a very nice small but modern airport. I always had to take a taxi!

All the Moscow Metro stations are gorgeous with their own theme, of course, and a train every three minutes - I could get off when I was lost and know the right train would be there quickly.

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Yes, that's the one! As one who can't rearrange furniture in a room and who also is not mechanical I was just in awe at how they integrated aviation components (engines, turbines???) into its architecture and also included a large mural of the Russian/Soviet pioneers in the aviation industry....The RT article had something in its title Russia's futuristic metro station - an example of why I go to RT because it offers so many cultural stories along with the political news...And this station was also to me how much damage the West does to itself in canceling Russian culture....not just their contributions to politics, WWII victory, it extends to art, engineering etc., etc. and to the West's loss.

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Feb 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Hes an effing ass hat alright . Just another fail upward POS like Dur supreme lier& Murderer Genocidal Joke

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And those are his good points!

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Feb 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

“I really did need a glass of water. This is not a stunt.” -- Barack Obama to a crowd in Flint, Michigan.

One of his parting lies: ""I will not rest... until every drop of water that flows to your homes is safe to drink and cook with." (2016)

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Feb 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Yes, I agree. I think it’s very telling how news of train disaster in East Palestine faded so quickly even though it was quite a catastrophic event.

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Feb 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Good post, cool idea. If I shared my day to day nail biters some "wellness check" would likely result in my cat being shot.

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Feb 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Shame is i grew up very near tracks in nj messy then but intact. God i loved the sound then & Doppler. Now the effect allows an exhale that the cacophony of grinding old metal passed by in one piece. Im 65, iv lived near many dif Stations on east coast 1 block to within a mile or so, never troubled comforting even the EL in Queens ny. They sound menacing now. Im 1/2 mile away & the nightmare is grotesque the lengthbof these things is also crazy late night. Sounds that once gave joy to me,sparked my imagination. Even when kind of sad shuttered rundown stations dotted the coast it had a romance. I certainly was not afraid for my fucking neighbors & towns from planned decay caused lethal disaster ? These monsters will continue to take many of us out as “collateral damage” to profiteer. This is only 1 little nitch,Fuck them. Theres not much more to take. I know violence will not work it looses sympathy & i dont think its works. but a General Strike of every GD commodity or sale shut the F down collectively & w/ can end these pieces of human excrement.end their reign of profiteering war pig terror. Get the joy of life back for the average American w/o crushing anyones life for profiteering ☮️🙏thanks for the memories this evoked❤️‍🔥SOLIDARITY is only way we fix this theres a hell of alot of us tired of watching these criminals pick our pockets

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Yeah, I know. I used to love the sound of trains.

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I always wonder what country people are living in when they think we live in the greatest country on earth. Have they seen pictures of other countries? Have they seen their infrastructure? Known their cost of living? Their education? Known what our public education USED to teach? What our infrastructure USED to be?

This country is a joke. It's been pillaged by invaders and is ran by those that have conquered us. We just haven't figured it out yet, because we've been hoodwinked by ideology and mesmerized by religious devotion to capitalism over mercantilism. (Not a Marxist like I believe you are, I'm about 80 pages into Das Capital and he's a hell of a lot smarter than the capitalists though. I'd describe myself as a Mercantilist based in middle age economic theory of Aristotle / St Thomas Aquinas).

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Feb 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I still think of myself as a democratic Socialist and as such I am appalled at how we have turned into a shithole country with everything declining/-not just railroads but schools,highways,quality of food,even movies and media.

This,dear people,is what happens when unregulated capitalism runs the show. It needs to be on a short list and a choker chain.

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My sentiments entirely MizzGrizz,

They say the difference between us in "the Anglo West" and China is that here, the Corporations tell the governments what to do, whereas in China, the Government tells the corporations what to do.....seems to work well for China and the Chinese!

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Easy - capitalist are able to make enough money by stealing from workers through the leverage of capital over labor to buy themselves some politicians. Then the politicians brokered a uniparty deal to choke out labor through the deportation of all the production it could and importation of labor for everything it couldn't. Cite Free Markets religiously or make rhetorical/emotional speeches about the poor third world as needed, buy off NGOs, make the melting pot a religious idea in the mind of the American pleb... The list goes on..

Never mind that none of it is based on anything anyone would recognize as politics or economics before the modern era. Or that Aristotle and Middle Age thinkers would consider any leader should care about what the average person makes in daily wages and pays for the price of bread more than what a CEO makes or what his opinion is on things.

Because Slave revolts overthrow governments, not CEOs.

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You might want to check out the Physiocrats, too. They were mainly French aristocrats, but thought all wealth came from the land, from the earth. I've never had the chance to really study them, and probably should.

I wonder how many country people really believe in USA is Da Greatest anymore. Has anyone asked them lately, or is it just another stereotype? I have enough country cousins to know that country don't mean stupid.

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I've heard of them in passing. I'm listening to a podcast on the French revolution and I think they came up there. I could be wrong though.

I don't think many country people think it. I think the only people fooled are city people - the upper 30%. Those that would listen to Peter Zeihan about how we're going to be Russian in Ukraine any day now for the past year, and how China has no chance at ever re-unifying in Taiwan, because our demographics are so superior.

The kind of people that have never seen what our demographics really are on the street, and seen how the new houses are really constructed. Or the houses really flipped. I've seen them. Worked on them and walked away from some because I refuse to take on the liability for my company.

People that don't understand Aristotle, don't understand Marx, and don't understand that the immigrants who don't know how the hell to sit down on a toilet and wipe their ass (leading to exactly the messes in portajohns, corners of apartment buildings, and new commercial construction) are the ones being asked to hold this country together. The ones being asked to keep the lead out of our water, the electricity to flow, the bridges to not collapse, etc.

And this is what I saw BEFORE I started my own company and didn't have to see it day in and day out, where now I get to pick to not work on that BS.

And no one will ever listen. They can't even comprehend the depths of the problems on a material, social, or political level.

We're screwed. So Screwed.

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Feb 5Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I think country folk are more patriotic, NOT more gullible. Especially now. I can love my country but hate its system.

Country people's intelligence is equal if not greater than city folk. They're also much more self-reliant and they don't believe the hype. They're far better prepared to take care of themselves in the midst of society's failures. When city folk saw supermarket egg prices triple, country folk got eggs from their own chickens. There is great wisdom in the country. City dwellers hold country folk in contempt because they've never been around them. Their entire opinion is based on media portrayals.

My concerns lie with liberal city dwellers and their on/off brain switches.

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I'm fond of both rural (NH) and cosmopolitan (DC area) cultures....I like the availability of FRESH produce and how to use it in NH - much more healthy as is the ability and need to work/receate outside....and to be less materialistic and reliant on, for a lack of a better word the 'bells and whistles'...More able to promote community.....Believe they are healthier socially for their self reliance....Having said that, with few exceptions 'patriotism' seems to me the equivalence of insularity and being unaware (willfully or not)....With regret (+/-) anyone who is 'patriotic' now seems not to be paying attention.

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I just don't feel like I can make a fair assessment when the pump has been so primed. I can't articulate this well, so forgive me. But I feel like the definition of patriotism is so messed up as to be almost irrelevant. Can I love my country and work towards a socialist revolution? Or must one agree with the decisions of our rulers in order to be labeled patriotic? It reminds me of the label "right wing". That label is used to manipulate the conversation. And interestingly, popular uprisings are described as right wing when it's not even true!

It's in our interest to take a leap of faith on people. If we don't, our lives are going to get much, much worse. We must figure out a way to unify a large portion of the public, because as long as we're divided we are powerless.

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I agree with your assessment of the ambiguities of 'patriotism'...Do I love my family? Yes! Do I love my neighborhood and community? Absolutely! I also love my fellow man/woman/+++... wherever they are. But to paraphrase an insightful argument made by Patrick Lawrence, about four centuries ago Jonathan Winthrop identified North America as a 'city on a hill' and centuries later Madelaine Albright identified America as the indispensable nation...It seems that for centuries it has been the American 'duty'/'destiny' to subdue other countries and cultures with the belief that they want to be just like us...I love other countries' cultures and believe they have a right to govern themselves in a way that's compatible with their history and culture. I don't believe that there is a 'Joe Sixpack' behind every tree. As Vladimir Putin put it all countries are exceptional.

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Absolutely. I'm not sure how that goes against what I wrote. I think it only contradicts me if you assume that media-depicted-right-wing-style-patriotism is the only method of patriotism. And oddly that "superpatriotism" has been a fabulous manipulation by the ruling elite. Because it makes the people with a "live and let live" mindset recoil from the notion of patriotism. Which makes it so the jackasses have the whole platform.

You and i wouldn't be on substack if we didn't love our country so much we want to make it better. If I didn't care about the US I would be watching videos of cats on skateboards. Not to say we don't all need a few cat videos in our lives.

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Isn't it weird how the liberals became the authoritarians? The whole idea of liberal is "live and let live", and now the liberals are dictating how people should think! It's the opposite of liberal to impose one's beliefs on others. That means, it is ILLIBERAL to shame a conservative for not liking LGBTQ+ culture. That is illiberal! That is intolerant! Forcing anything on anybody else is the definition of authoritarian. It's crazy. Not allowing disagreement is authoritarian, not liberal.

Sorry if this has no relation to what you said, I'm reviewing a month's worth of comments and I'm not the best at staying on track. Lol

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Feb 4Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Good ole Professor Richard Wolf recently explained our failing US empire in one of his economic updates, using an example of the number of buses no longer having the option of a real bus station where people can find a seat as they await their bus, or even a restroom. Nope... Another sign of the times, OB! Trailways and Greyhound have become foreign owned and have downsized, which requires that people wait for the bus outside in long lines, sitting on their suitcases.

It took a month before the EPA even showed up in East Palestine. Pittsburgh is dealing with the cloud that drifted from Norfolk's decision to do that "controlled burn". Imagine the people who still can't live at ground zero with nosebleeds, rashes and dioxin in the soil from East Palestine to here.

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We're in the same predicament. The train that went through East Palestine and derailed had rushed through the tracks going east/west through Toledo just a few hours earlier. Can you imagine what would have happened if they'd attempted to burn those chemicals in a heavily populated area? It would have been harder to cover up, but they would have done so. "Nothing to see here, move along now..."

When you mentioned the military jet roar, I could really imagine it. Several times a week the Ohio Air National Guard comes scraping over the top of our roofs, shaking the ground and making an awful din. Scares our poor tough tomcat something awful. The airport is more than 10 miles away, and yet they're doing all sorts of maneuvers coming off of the lake, I guess to teach new pilots how to handle these instruments of death. One of these days I swear a jet is going to crash in the field next to our subdivision, if we're lucky it doesn't just plow through our houses first.

Welcome to the Buckeye State!!

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Feb 5Liked by Ohio Barbarian

A grim prophecy but it's only a matter of time. Back when I lived near Ohio, the trains and tracks were in bad shape even then. And since then, decades of decline. The government and the rich not give one fuck. They deflect, lie and cover up for each other. They are fat parasites feeding on the living body of their host, too stupid even to worry about keeping it alive.

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Take the train when I commute to DC - Vermont train station at Brattleboro is only 20 miles from Keene and it's far closer and (relatively) easier to get to than an airport....Then when I arrive in DC family have a short drive to pick me up....During my most recent trip (13 -31 Jan) for a family life-death emergency, Brattleboro station was closed and neighbors had to drive me 70 miles to Springfield, Mass to pick up the southbound Vermonter. Only notified of track closure hours before departure and still don't know what caused the cancellation....Said Vermonter train experiences are primitive at best - Brattleboro station is the basement of a library and has no/r. no platform...To board/unboard train one has to climb with luggage up/down a 2' drop to get to the train steps....Conductors may/may not assist. All doors of train cars are not opened so one has to walk between cars, jiggly as it may be, while dragging luggage.....Even train stations with platforms, there is a wide gap between train cars and platform - one has to cover the gap with luggage......Sometimes train staff help navigate between cars, other times they are in the lounge and dangle their feet in the aisles so that one almost trips over them passing through....Due to the short time the trains stop at the station, and as mentioned, the limited number of train doors that open, it's not like one has a lot of flexibility in getting through the above obstacles - to get on or off....extremely stressful... Finally, cafe cars on train do not open predictably...When I got on the train at 8:20 a.m. first thing I wanted was coffee - had to wait at least an hour........(+/-)

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Feb 5Liked by Ohio Barbarian

I hear those same trains, twice- 3 times a night, a few miles west of where you do.

They're louder than the machinery in my plant, bc they're maybe 30 yards off the south wall. And yeah, I think about what another East Palestine or worse, Lac-Megantic (sp?) would be like at 3am down here.

I don't like our chances.

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Feb 5Liked by Ohio Barbarian

Really disappointing, the lack of care and concern for basic infrastructure and the safety as well as health of the citizens.

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