The Truckers' Rebellion is Victorious! Covid Mandates Dropped Across North America as the Media Refuses to Mention a Successful Working Class Protest
Just a couple of weeks ago, the establishment media was full of stories lambasting the truckers in Canada and the United States who were organizing convoys of hundreds of trucks to disrupt commerce and making one simple demand to the Canadian and American governments: Drop the Covid mandates.
There’s a ton of photos of the truckers and their supporters, but I particularly like the double message of this one:
Right on, little Susie. Don’t believe everything you see on the TV. Especially the mainstream news.
In spite of all of the bad publicity, the smears that these working class people weren’t really working class and were unworthy of popular support, the positively authoritarian actions taken by the Canadian Liberal/New Democratic Party government to do things like freeze personal banking accounts, the accusations from liberal trolls in social media that the truckers were all racists and Nazis, the truckers persevered and they won.
Just a day before his State of the Union(SOTU) speech, Joe Biden announced that all federal mandates, with a few exceptions like airports, airplanes, and bus stations, were dropped. The Centers for Disease Control recommended that indoor mask mandates be dropped in 70% of American counties. Even in Canada, most of the vaccine and mask mandates were dropped in province after province, and Prime Minister Trudeau dropped his authoritarian State of Emergency.
In my home county of Cuyahoga, Ohio, the County Executive, whose attempt at vaccine and booster shot mandates was blocked by County Council just a few weeks ago, dropped the masking requirement for county offices.
Is it any coincidence that the American truckers had hundreds of trucks ready to clog up the Beltway and other arteries going into Washington DC on the day of Biden’s speech? I suppose some people may claim that, but I don’t believe it for a second. The SOTU has become a social occasion for the wealthy and powerful to gather together in Washington; I suppose that Biden and his advisers didn’t want to risk the prospect of large trucks inconveniencing and irritating these Very Important People. Not to mention their donors and future employers.
Besides, the mandates were generally unpopular, increasingly ignored or defied, and somebody leaked a CDC study showing booster shots made no significant difference in infection rates and symptoms for 18-49 year olds. Clearly, the mandates were politically untenable.
Fortunately for the Biden and Trudeau spinmeisters, the American Empire and European Union successfully goaded Russia into launching an invasion of its smaller Ukrainian neighbor amidst much mainstream media propaganda and fanfare, so much so that they are barely mentioning Covid, and the truckers not at all.
That is quite deliberate. The last thing the capitalist media wants is for the American and Canadian public to be aware that these much-maligned working class people in their big rigs and baseball caps had just staged a direct action protest against the oligarchy that was successful.
The massive anti-Iraq War protests failed. Occupy Wall Street failed. Black Lives Matter failed. The truckers succeeded, and our media refuses to talk about that. No matter, everyone of no matter what political persuasion who is opposed to our increasingly authoritarian, censorious, completely corrupt government and its actions needs to take note of what the truckers accomplished.
They disrupted commerce. They shut down both Ford and General Motors plants for several days. They made a general, loud, and peaceful nuisance of themselves. And their demands either have been or soon will be met by authoritarian government leaders across North America.
The truckers have shown us how to make ourselves heard, and how to exercise We The People’s strength in numbers. We must never forget. Instead, we need to find more ways of effective direct action if we want to avoid more war and more refusal to address the ongoing climate crises.
Furthermore, we should thank the truckers for a lesson well-taught and a job well done.
Thank you for reading, good night, and good luck.