This is the first of a series of relatively short pieces exploring how the criminal class that rules the United States has attempted to expand its power and control in recent years, with a focus on Russia and Covid.
Once upon a time, the US Empire was very happy with Russia. Boris Yeltsin was president, and American corporations were making fortunes off of investments in the wild, unregulated capitalism that possessed Russia in a frenzy of greed after the Soviet Union collapsed.
Then came 1999. A career KGB officer become head of its successor FSB, Vladimir Putin, became President of Russia. The Empire’s problem with Putin wasn’t that he was ex-KGB, but that he was a Russian patriot. He wanted what was best for his country and fellow Russians, which didn’t include being exploited by foreign corporations.
He got a lot done for Russia. The standard of living for the average Russian rose under Putin after disastrously declining under Yeltsin. Putin’s foreign policy was pro-Russian and independent of American imperial wishes. Clearly, if Putin and Russia were allowed to continue on this path, the American Empire would never achieve the neocon dream of controlling the Eurasian heartland and therefore the world, forever and ever, Amen. Something had to be done.
And it was. NATO, and American capitalism, were aggressively pushed ever eastwards. Ukraine was targeted to be gradually absorbed into first the EU, and then NATO. This was working until one corrupt Ukrainian president realized that the EU’s terms for membership, which amounted to allowing the Ukrainian people to be ruthlessly exploited, decided that would ruin his political career, and sought to play Russia off against the West.
It is no coincidence that the Maidan Coup happened shortly afterwards. Money flowed from America. Corruption flourished and Nazi Banderistas were encouraged. Russian culture in Ukraine was attacked. First Crimea and then the Donbass seceded from Ukraine. The Ukrainians couldn’t do much about Crimea, but they started shelling and terrorizing the ethnic Russians in places like Donetsk, and burned others alive in places like Odessa.
The loyal American vassals of Germany and France negotiated the Minsk Accords just to buy Ukraine time to build its army for the coming war with Russia, according to the French and German architects themselves. Senators Lindsay Graham and John McCain journeyed to Ukraine in 2016 and told the Azov Battalion that their day of reckoning with Russia would soon be at hand. There was great rejoicing by people displaying lots of swastikas, skulls, and SS lightning bolts.
Everything was going according to plan. Hillary Clinton would be elected, her bellicosity would help provoke a war between Ukraine and Russia, crippling economic sanctions would bring down Putin, and an American puppet would be installed by some color revolution in Moscow. What a glorious neocon/CIA vision! Almost reality!
Then something went dramatically wrong back in the imperial heartland. The kleptocracy had selected Hillary Clinton as the next President, rigging a primary to keep some old Social Democratic curmudgeon from Vermont out of the White House and supporting a reality TV show clown to be the token, and ridiculous, opposition.
It all went swimmingly until American voters in just enough states devastated by her husband’s NAFTA decided they’d rather take their chances on the unknown quantity of the clown than on the known quantity of a Clinton. A clown, I might add, who did not hurt his political chances when he said “Why can’t we get along with Russia?”
This clown, and the stupid Americans who had voted for anyone other than Hillary Clinton, had to be put back under control. Something had to be done, and quickly, so Russiagate was created, but that is another story.
okay, you forgot a few things, imo.
While a lot of the kleptocracy "resides" in the US, a lot of others are involved. Just think
of the Bank of the City of London, which holds its place before WallStreet. Think of the
Bilderberg Society and the WEF.Who knows their real members?
Ever since 1945 the Soviet Union was presented to the public as a threat. That just
needed a renewal, even though criticism was permitted to a small degree.
The public was never allowed to know that the recessions in the eighties and far worse
in 08 were due to printing useless money. It always served TPTB when the population
blamed the politicians, and wars have always been used as a distraction.
Yea, look at the squirrel over there, we found a new scapegoat too.
Very succinctly put. I found that a benchmark for the demonization of Putin might have begun after his pivotal speech to the Munich Security Conference in 2007. He was elected at the new millennium and was one of the first heads of state to call President Bush/NSC Director Rice post 9-11. He also, against the wishes of his hardliners, made offers of security cooperation between Russia and coalition forces for the subsequent operation in Afghanistan...But his speech in Munich sort of drew the red line. He and even Yeltsin had objected to NATO intervention in the FRY, and at the UNSC, Russia blocked proposal to invade Iraq...I wasn't a Putin watcher at the time but it occurred to me (intuition/whatever) that the 'campaign' to paint him as a villain during the early 2000s was just too analogous to the campaign to manufacture candidate Obama and others...But as a matter of curiosity, I began to research his actual statements (i.e., annual presentations to the Russian Federal Assembly) and other expressions of his government (Foreign Minister Lavrov, i.e.)...Both of these have since impressed me in their contrast to US politicos in their concern for their country's citizens, iow their humanism. Their words are readily available and worth reading because they are nothing like what one hears/has been hearing from the US media/political-academic class.