The Covid Pandemic Has Always Been an Experiment in Social Control
The science versus the establishment narrative
Covid is a respiratory virus of the coronavirus family. In other words, it is a mutated common cold virus that probably escaped from a Chinese lab. These are well-established facts.
There has never been an effective vaccine against any respiratory virus. Ever. The closest example is that of influenza, where scientists make their best guess as to which strain will be predominant in any given flu season and make a vaccine accordingly. We also know that these vaccines are seldom more than 50% effective at preventing infections, though they often mitigate symptoms, especially in vulnerable populations. There has never been any scientific reason to think Covid would ever be any different, and any scientist who said otherwise, such as Dr. Fauci, was lying through his teeth.
Vaccines do not stop the spread of the Covid virus. Period. If you think they do, then either you have been propagandized or you are an ignorant idiot. They told us this once, but not even Fauci or the CDC make that claim anymore. It was never true. It never could have been true. They were deliberately lying to you all along.
Masks do not stop the spread of the Covid virus. For one thing, like influenza, Covid can infect a human by going through the eyes. One of my not-so-favorite YouTubers, Kyle Kulinski, has pointed this out a few times and he was relying on sources like medical journals.
Recent US government statements now admit that cloth masks are little more effective than no masks at all, and the blue surgical masks a lot of people were wearing only worked maybe half the time. The masks that do work are tight-fitting, uncomfortable, and there’s no way that most people would correctly wear them even if they had access to them(which they didn’t back in 2020), so mask mandates never made any practical sense.
Forcing children to wear masks is child abuse. It hampers their emotional development, which is one reason most European countries never did require children 12 and under to wear masks, even as most of them went along with the social experiment of Covid mandates.
Closing down public schools to prevent the spread of Covid was always child abuse as well. In the United States, this mostly happened in Democratic states, in spite of the fact it was known early on that children did not usually even get symptoms when they were infected and did not spread it much themselves when they did, so the teachers’ argument that keeping schools open was literally killing them was always false.
Forced online learning is also child abuse. These kids didn’t learn a damned thing when they were out of the classrooms, and every parent of young children who tried it knows it. If they say otherwise, they are lying, either deliberately or to make themselves feel better. Making public schools dysfunctional is very profitable for some, like Betsy Devos, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and their ilk. How quickly liberals and leftists forget.
The correct, practical public health response to Covid, as to any other respiratory virus for which there is no effective vaccine, is to protect vulnerable populations, such as people over 70, diabetics, and anyone with a suppressed immune system first. This was not done. In fact, the Democratic Governor of New York did the exact opposite by ordering Covid patients into nursing homes, which killed tens of thousands of elderly people in that state alone.
Since vaccines and masks do not stop the spread of Covid, and since even the CDC is now saying that they don’t, what is the point in mandates? They certainly don’t have any good public health reason.
They do certainly have good experimental reasons for an authoritarian, oligarchical, and corrupt government and the corporations who mostly control it. Scared people are easier to control. Back in the Cold War, they scared Americans to death about Communists, and prevented a lot of progressive social change by labeling it as Communist.
Martin Luther King was called a Communist. Truman’s socialized medicine was defeated by doctors who labeled it Communist. Those who protested war and segregation often had their lives ruined, or taken, by the Commie smear.
When the Soviet Union collapsed, the American government looked for another bugaboo to scare the shit out of us with. They eventually settled on terrorism, and for awhile it worked after 9/11. In the name of security, we lost a lot of our civil rights, first to the Patriot Act, and later to Obama’s Defense Authorization Act of 2012 which permanently suspended the most basic democratic right of all, that of habeas corpus, without even a whimper of protest from liberals and most leftists because any criticism of Obama was deemed to be racist.
Then there were no foreign terrorist attacks on American soil, except for the minor one in Boston that resulted in a lockdown of the entire city for several days; another successful experiment in social control. So they needed another bugaboo, and along came Covid, which started off by decimating a lot of elderly people in Italy.
The fearmongering was intense and successful with many Americans. How Covid deaths were reported was perhaps the most egregious propaganda tool. Anyone who died while testing positive for Covid died only of Covid in the media, even if one had four kinds of cancer or four gunshot wounds. The reports of almost a million American deaths of Covid are all lies. The real death rate is maybe a tenth of that, and most of those could have been avoided if we had a rational health system and things like paid sick days, but we aren’t to bring that up. Oh no. We’re supposed to hate the unvaxxed instead, even though vaccinated people spread the virus anyway, masked or not.
The social experiment of fearmongering Covid is still successful, though with an ever shrinking minority whose hysteria increases in inverse proportion to its membership. The restrictions did not save lives. But look what the restrictions really did in this country.
They destroyed the livelihoods of millions of small business people, not to mention their employees, and grotesquely enhanced the profits of a few large corporations and disgustingly wealthy oligarchs. They crushed the last remnants of the progressive rebellion in the 2020 Democratic primary, and ended all anti-police violence protests. Black Lives Matter is dead.
They also made it difficult for workers to organize and for unions to go on strike. Very convenient, yes?
They also politicized the Covid restrictions, generally as “pro-science” liberals and leftists accused the knuckle-dragging conservatives who opposed the mandates from the beginning as, basically, genocidal maniacs who want to kill us all in the name of individual freedom to determine what goes into their own bodies or what to wear or not wear. Countless videos were shown of people refusing to wear masks in stores being obnoxious assholes and being ejected to liberal cheers.
And, oh yes, the government provided that most essential service to liberals in these years of imperial decline—a virtue-signaling device. Look at me! I care about others! I wear a mask! I got vaccinated! And if you didn’t, you are a selfish, bad person, a monster who wants to see us all dead. Not to mention all of the gravedancing that went on when someone who was opposed to the mandates died while testing positive for Covid. Yeah, that’s really high morals for you right there, liberals.
Now that there has finally been an effective protest against unnecessary mandates by one segment of the working class, the truckers in Canada, and as mandates fall in state after province due to the fact that most people simply don’t believe in them anymore and are defying them in daily life, this experiment in social control will shift to something else.
What will that be? I don’t know, but they do seem to be doing their utmost to making us hate and fear either the Russians or the Chinese, depending on whether “they” are Democrats or Republicans, “liberal” or “conservative.” There’s also a push by some Republicans to hate Democrats because they are “socialist” or “Communist China” puppets, and by most Democrats to fear that a Republican takeover will result in jackbooted Fascism of the Nazi school.
We’ll know soon enough. The experiment must go on.