Reflections from the Heart of the Empire: Trump Derangement Syndrome Runs Wild and Free
But sea turtles still get rescued
A former Secret Service agent said that Trump’s decision to remove SS protection from John Bolton and Mike Pompeo will put them at “significant risk.” Oh no! The poor widdle warmongers. How cruel!
Proving that he doesn’t have it in only for some neocon warmongers, Trump also removed Secret Service protection for Anthony Fauci, a Big Pharma vampire. Couldn’t happen to a nicer vampire. Now that’s equity!
The Danish Government is reportedly “utterly freaked out” after a telephone call between their prime minister and Donald Trump about the future of Greenland.
Indian H1B visa holders in the US complained they are now being treated like boat people. Really? How did they get here? They flew, some of them no doubt first class, as in contrast to the real boat people. Indian HIB visa holders should STFU with that comparison right freaking now. (Below: Vietnamese boat people, 1975)
The German Christian Democratic Union party announced it will support the Alternative for Germany party’s immigration proposals. Does that mean the CDU is Hitlerian now?
The Trump Administration froze all new funding for all foreign aid except for Israel, Egypt, and a few emergency food and medical programs while they are reviewed to determine whether they will be continued or not.
Fun fact: All foreign aid is a whopping 1% of the federal budget, so don’t get all excited about money being spent Over There getting spent Over Here just yet.
I am very pleased to announce that the response of the majority of those who refused to vote for Kamala Harris to the loud cries of panic and terror from the TQ community(the LGB part wasn’t threatened by anyone except perhaps the T’s themselves, and they know it) boils down to
IOW, stop denying chromosomal reality, leave the kids alone, don’t ask us to pay for your cosmetic surgery or to elevate you over everyone else, especially women, and you can do whatever you want to yourselves and we could not care less. Eggs at $5+ a carton is a far more pressing concern.
The Chicago Public Schools did their part to add to the ongoing TDS panic by announcing ICE raided an elementary school. It turns out it was the Secret Service investigating some unnamed threat against some unnamed hifalutin muckety-muck.
Donald Trump visited North Carolina, telling Hurricane Helene survivors still living in tents months after Hurricane Helene,
You are forgotten no longer.
Al Jazeera also covered the story, but didn’t mention that line. Instead, it focused on Trump ruminating about maybe getting rid of FEMA because they suck, and implied stories of the grossly inadequate response were exaggerated. Al-Jazeera, this story is
The State Department announced that American arms manufacturers sold a record $318.7 billion in weapons to foreign countries last year, and Democrats wonder why they lost North Carolina.
Meanwhile, over a million people, many of whom were refugees from the civil war in South Sudan years ago, are now fleeing back to that country to get away from the civil war currently raging in Sudan, but that tragedy isn’t worth mentioning because Trump doesn’t have anything to do with it.
Trump issued an executive order ending all new federal leases for offshore wind farms, saying “If you’re into whales, you don’t want windmills.” The scientists whose income depends on the Green Grift keep bleating that sounds produced by thousands windmills have no effect on whales who use sound to navigate.
The right whales only care about not being driven batty by windmill sounds, perhaps because they have no college degrees.
Ukraine reports evacuating children from frontline towns as Russia reports its forces are advancing on several fronts, while many European and Canadian leaders position themselves as the champions of Anti-Trump Woke.
It’s almost as if Ukrainian morale is deteriorating while US Empire puppets are getting conflicting signals on which way they should jump. Pobre compradors.
It’s hilarious how liberals who called Trump a a threat to the Constitution for 9 years now complain Trump’s executive order prohibiting federal censorship of Americans jeopardizes national security. Hey libs, you’re channeling this guy, you idiots!
That’s Joe McCarthy, BTW, Republican of Wisconsin who was instrumental in pushing the Second Red Scare in the 1950s. You know—censorship, book bannings, locking people up for criticizing the government, things like that. Interesting how today’s Democrats emulate him.
Finally, folks from the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission rescued 30 sea turtles from freezing to death in unusually cold Gulf of Mexico waters.
Thank you for reading, good day or night, and good luck.
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Meanwhile, the world's most bloviating Dem website is considering possible coup situations and also detailing how the 2024 election was stolen. Which, if I remember correctly, are considered treasonous or something by the Dems if done by the GOP. Certainly illegal and eligible for a visit from the FBI.
Speaking of bloviating, Trump may be bloviating himself into a corner with Russia. Trump could do a lot of good, but he cannot be King of the World, and I do not think he understands that. Yes, the US is run pretty much like a corporation, but the rest of the world is not interested in becoming subsidiaries. No matter how much they are threatened.
Accusing Russia of stealing the hypersonic stuff from the US seems ridiculous. Anyway, so why doesn't the US have hypersonic missiles? Forgot to make copies?
I saw a video on Youtube that said the Library of Congress is looking for people who can read cursive. Don't they teach that any more?
American designers refusing to design for Melania, and the harsh criticism of Carrie Underwood - some from Kelly Clarkson, who can now kiss my ass - just show how incredibly petty and spiteful the Dems are now. I hope CNN and The View are sued into non-existence.
Joe McCarthy's influence continues in other ways both Dem and Republican. Growing up in Wisconsin and living about an hour north of where McCarthy lived, his influence lives on. Last year I visited his grave, took a photo ... and cursed him. Roy Cohn was Trump's consigliere and the one most responsible for Trump's corrupt business practices, brutal worldview and fascism. As a young lawyer, Cohn was McCarthy's right-hand man ... or perhaps McCarthy was his. Roy Cohn may well be the most significant single influence in the collapse of the US into failure and world irrelevance.
He is claw-in-claw with Ayn Rand, the mother of Libertarianism, and while not the best American fiction writer of the 20th century, she is certainly the most influential.
Cohn, a not-so-closted gay man and a partner of J. Edgar Hoover in sexual blackmail, was one of the early AIDs victims. As he wasted away in his final months, Cohn wondered to friends why Trump wouldn't visit him. Because you had run to the end of your usefulness, Roy.