First, I’d better make sure my personal position on abortion rights is perfectly clear, as old Tricky Dick used to say. It’s real simple. I’m a man. I can never get pregnant, therefore I don’t think that I, or any other man, has the right to tell a woman what she can do with her own body. Period. I think it’s a very libertarian position.
In spite of my saying that, I will be accused by liberals of hating women or basking in my patriarchal white privilege or some other nonexistent bullshit when I say this issue isn’t nearly enough to make me vote for any gods-forsaken Democrat this November. I’ll go farther and say that anyone who thinks that electing Democrats is going to save abortion rights is naive at best and a sleazy paid propagandist at worst.
Roe v. Wade was a contorted Supreme Court decision reached in 1973 by justices who believed that abortion should be a legal right for all American women, and they kind of created a right to privacy for this situation. It was a popular decision, if not an iron clad legal one, and Democrats who claim to be pro-choice had 49 years to codify it into federal law.
They didn’t do that because it was such a great fundraising tool for a political party that started morphing into a money-laundering operation in the 1980s and was primarily such an operation by the time Bill Clinton was re-elected. Now it totally is.
A whole cottage industry of pundits and think tanks sprang up to urge people to vote Democrat or else the Big Bad Republicans would get a Supreme Court that would do things like take away the federal right to an abortion. If abortion rights were codified into law, one wouldn’t have to worry about the Supreme Court taking away such rights and a sales pitch that’s been around for a couple of generations would be worthless. Think of all of the top 10% careers that would just disappear!
Now, we’re supposed to believe that electing Democrats will somehow protect abortion, when there’s almost half a century of hard evidence to the contrary. We’re also supposed to forget all about Ukraine because that’s going to be very inconvenient for Democrats as soon as Odessa falls, the Ukrainian Army disintegrates, and the Kiev regime finally sues for peace.
Democrat strategists think abortion being made illegal in 26 states will be a great fundraising and electoral tool. Their internet minions will scream that anyone who doesn’t vote Democrat now is a misogynist or Other Bad Person, and probably homophobic and racist as well. Pointing out that the working class economy is getting hammered by inflation while Democrats refuse to do anything about it will be proof positive that one is not only a Trumper or a Putin puppet or a traitor, but that one wants to live in The Handmaid’s Tale.
It won’t work. Nothing concentrates the minds of voters on the economy like inflation, and nothing makes more people angrier at the federal government than one whose leadership does nothing to help them as their disposable incomes plummet. Since the Biden Administration seems determined to let the Fed throw the economy into a full-blown recession in order to slow inflation, that anger will only get worse and more intense, not less.
So if you’re on social media, buckle up. Some liberals have traded in their Ukrainian flags for solid black fields of mourning already. The talking points to the liberal cult are going out now, hard on the heels of the fundraising emails sent within minutes of the announcement of the Supremes’ decision.
The message is this: Forget Ukraine. Forget inflation. Don’t be a selfish treacherous misogynist prick, vote Democrat to show you honor women or else be ostracized!
The Democratic Party knows this messaging won’t hold the House for them, and probably not the Senate, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that liberals will send them more money, will virtue-signal about doing just that, and will do their best to shout down real leftists who know that this whole issue is just a money game as far as both major capitalist parties are concerned.
I’ll close with two bits of advice. For liberals, remember that screaming is futile. For everyone else, follow the money and don’t get distracted by the Vote Blue No Matter Who to save abortion rights drumbeat. It’s not intended to actually accomplish anything to change people’s lives for the better.
Just like the Democratic Party isn’t.
Ditto on the JPR
Hey OB did JPR finally get taken down by the Fascist censors? I'm going through you since your site is the only connection I have. I hope it's just technical issues. Thanks.